How i legally get into Bot Lobbies...explained

How i legally get into Bot Lobbies...explained


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Samsubduer - 30.08.2023 20:59

Respawn mfs made this a big deal. Fornite is so easy to get us into bot lobbies.

Poly Geez
Poly Geez - 14.08.2023 11:31

I found a new glitch for bot lobbies just uploaded a step by step vid if youse want to learn

Bob Saget
Bob Saget - 23.07.2023 02:18

I like your video. I have been play Apex Legends since it has started. In the past few years I have started to exploit the SBMM in Apex Legends. I have the ultimate way to get bot lobby’s. My method does require me to spend time setting up. Could you make a video explaining what I am doing?
This will be long but I will explain everything. First I can do this with one account. My main account is max level 2000 and your method will not work anymore. However until level 1900 your method would work and my method would work.
I play Apex Legends on Xbox S. Currently I am using this method I am going to explain to you. On Xbox I can make new Xbox accounts and new Apex Legends accounts for free. Right now I make a Smurf account. Then I use my strike pack mod pass Apex Generator. The generator is a scrip that put me in a game then jumps and turns so it doesn’t get kicked. Then once it dies it will go back into a game. So it is a way of going afk. I will start the new account at night the leave it on overnight and at work. By the time I get on to play in the evening my account has been playing 12-16 hours with 150 or so deaths. I will have a .00 kdr with 150 deaths. This is important because this gives me the cushion to keep the algorithm from throwing me into killer Smurf lobby’s. On to of this I use a Cronus Zen for zero recoil on a modded controller. I can get 200-300 kills and 20-30 win’s before the algorithm catches up. That is usually 4-5 hours of pure bot lobby fun. Any time I take a break I turn the generator back on. At the end of the night I create a new account, delete the last account, and start the generator on the new account. I do this every day.
Down side is that my Xbox is on 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year. But I don’t spend any money on the game. This gives me the money to buy the equipment. I get the equipment from game stop.
Let me know and I show you in person. Have a good one.

Maddox Kidd
Maddox Kidd - 19.07.2023 22:42

thats crazy. me and my friend always die off spawn and still get put into master and pred lobbies. were both lvl 40

Tobi uchiha
Tobi uchiha - 09.07.2023 03:09

Bro i joined a lobby and it was a level 1 pathy and level one raith and we thought it was weird because the werent fighting back just running and then not even a minute later the same kids were back we didnt even move 2feet from the original death boxes we weirded out so we looked it up but nothing was the same thing i have clips of this aslo

Ian - 03.05.2023 21:44

It’s actually based off time survived. Lmao. Do research.

FroggyBoo - 20.03.2023 16:05

I guess it doesn't work for me... I don't deal damage and im still being destroyd

Brian Lovegrove
Brian Lovegrove - 17.03.2023 20:02

i found this out over a year ago also, if you load into duos/trios and fling yourself off the map for 5/6 games running you will start to notice the skill level drop in lobbies. Continuing to do so eventually drops you into what i refered to as 'starter' lobbies where it was full of ppl who seemed brand new to the game. The interesting thing tho i found is in my experimenting i started to become aware that others were doing the same thing. Leaving drop ship either right at the start or at the end of its flight path and diving off the map. I made a reddit post listing the names of the ppl i continually saw doing this and it was quite a large list by the time i stopped and continued playing as intended

PurpurPerfektion - 07.03.2023 00:57

ok but why do i keep getting put in lobbys with plat/diamond players (sometimes even masters but not as much this season at least according to dive trails) when i have never even reached anything close, like i struggled to get into gold 4 in season 14 i have only had a few games where i even got over 4 kills. maybe its because im bad at finding fights or something, i feel like it thinks im way better then i am.

Samsubduer - 02.03.2023 03:02

They need to add bot lobbies permanently. Apex legends is trash in multiplayer. Waste a lot of time collecting and equipping stuffs. And all of a sudden your teammates get into a war without even planning and gets killed and I get killed trying to revive or get banner off their supply kits. Stupid mechanics. No wonder why devs put an end to their mobile game.

Dakota Stonechild
Dakota Stonechild - 23.02.2023 05:34

Idk whose gonna see this, but I found a little loop hole for controller. Put your fov to 70 and u get bot lobbies pretty much everytime. Idk I went on my uncles account cuz he’s pretty bad and put on my settings. And I instantly got my lobbies back and all I did was switch my controls and fov. So a low fov gives bot lobbies for some reason

Hot_u Second channel XD
Hot_u Second channel XD - 12.02.2023 10:08

The reason people think pros are in bot lobbies is because they don’t see the full footage. They often lose as much as ye decent player and only show the best matches because that makes sense. I wouldn’t wanna watch a dying compilation.

K.orvair - 24.01.2023 05:51

coincidence that Sammy Duc and the team reworked SBMM hardcore in the last 3 months ? 🥸
potentially another change directly inspired by Mokey ?
More Likely a stretch of the imagination but fun to think about everytime it happens.

Stiven Lopez
Stiven Lopez - 11.01.2023 17:44

They need to matchmake based on rank not skill, makes more sense to play against same rank players than have automated system that bases your matchmaking on your last game so they put you in a bot lobby or full pressure lobby

chuckmynorris - 14.12.2022 12:12

That's exactly what many streamers do 😂 You can just see in many Pred/Master content creators lobbies the enemy is just standing still or just being a bot in every way.

RazorRoses - 05.12.2022 15:09

or just keep making new accounts and farm trios like faide xD

NV - 05.12.2022 09:40

I’m also always in bot lobbies because I’m a bot.

jumpieva - 03.12.2022 01:33

apex is circling the drain. has absolutely terrible net code, refuses to put the money into infrastructure, peering, and development and has SHOWN in several blogs and tweets that they are adult babies that don't care about their base.

Math X Teacher Zave
Math X Teacher Zave - 17.11.2022 20:39

Wait... Where the "Respawn, please fix" part?

BreakingFuse - 13.11.2022 01:41

I remember playing it on the Xbox for the first time a few months ago. I coulda got my 20 bomb on my first game if I knew the controls

DЯUID - 12.11.2022 11:49

ye when I play normal (I SUCC OK? never even got plat) PUBS end up beein filled with diamonds, masters and preds so 9/10 games end up beein me dealing 20dmg and dying matchmaking in apex succ even more than I do

Sky Firez
Sky Firez - 08.11.2022 03:37

Deep Voice Mok3ysnip3r:

Dhruv Batham
Dhruv Batham - 06.11.2022 06:51

Well it's not a bot lobby then

ethan - 02.11.2022 03:19

ya bruh im finally reuniting with apex again but it doesnt matter if i die at the beggining of every match to 20k badge apex predators and masters, bcoz the next game the same thing happens, and then again, and then again. i will do terrible and jus keep being put in sweat lobbies and i havent played since like s6

semi 3028
semi 3028 - 21.10.2022 21:33

most bot lobbies are bot lobbies everyone does them I have seen master players in them if not diamond

Count_22323 - 21.10.2022 19:09

Never xplained

lewis white
lewis white - 18.10.2022 13:06

leaving games deosnt work you have to kill yourself in order for the matching to be easier

lewis white
lewis white - 18.10.2022 12:51

but wouldnt leaving so many games hurt your kd?

JustAnotherPeakyBlinder - 14.10.2022 18:09

Are u from germany?

BoldRhythm - 12.10.2022 17:27

Yeah, reverse boosting done deliberately has been a huge problem in Call of Duty for a while too, it's a shame.

Joshua Hansen
Joshua Hansen - 04.10.2022 23:19

Quitting out of 3-5 games in a row from drop ship is how I got all my 20 kill badges once in a bot lobby

🫐𝓑𝓵𝓾𝓮𝓫𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂_𝓢𝓽𝓻𝔂𝓴𝓸𝓻𝓮 🫐
🫐𝓑𝓵𝓾𝓮𝓫𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂_𝓢𝓽𝓻𝔂𝓴𝓸𝓻𝓮 🫐 - 02.10.2022 20:57

None of these people are bots, your just better than them. Everyone has in your games are not even bad, your just better than them

Str4fe - 01.10.2022 13:28

die haben mich trotzdem hobbs genommen wow

Jacob Smith
Jacob Smith - 30.09.2022 05:31

i saw a reddit thread once upon a time that it was partially based on weapon accuracy over last X amount of games as well

Sawyiier - 30.09.2022 03:37

i wasn't know that you can go to bot lobbies but i was know that when i get bad games the game puts me with other people that like my skill or below so i can win or gets some kills but after that game i turn back to master and pred sweaty lobbies etc...

WarlordRising - 29.09.2022 09:57

The algorithm is like casino winnings. It's rigged to hook the player in. Take a few days off, and you get into easy lobbies to begin with. One win will increase the difficulty of the next lobby a bit. Two wins and you're with the sweats again.

Soultaker 0
Soultaker 0 - 27.09.2022 18:12

I'm actually really tired of watching apex videos because I'm always seeing someone steam roll 30 players that have basic skins on, don't even seem like they are alive and run around like a chicken with their heads off so I just end up skipping because I know what I'm going to get. I know what's going to happen, I know alot of the creators are good but I want to see you struggle with other cracked players. I don't get bot lobbies I myself am sweaty and an above average to good player. I want to see videos of the same nature. Not 5k 20 bomb vids ( been there done that) I know your good show me something else..... I truly hate seeing people with common skins by the dozens dying by one player... kind of cringe. And lastly if I do win a bot lobby match. I LITERALLY DONT FEEL ANY ENJOYMENT and get off hahah it's boring

KardyGen - 27.09.2022 12:08

And now all Players do this and the Problem ist fixed 😅

- SaTiVa AcTiVa -
- SaTiVa AcTiVa - - 27.09.2022 05:24

Bro bist du deutscher?xD

NeonXXP - 26.09.2022 16:44

They changed something yesterday and now matchmaking does not get easier. 20+ games in a row getting slaughtered by ridiculously unfair MM. Hot drops and early deaths make no difference, I've never seen so many baby blue 20bomb 4k master Wraith champions back to back. We are actually likely to quit the game if this is intended, its just not fun being chum for sharks.

Justin S
Justin S - 26.09.2022 14:16

Yep remember when these people were diving straight off the map? They didn't even land, how boring is your life that you're cool with doing that ten times to play one match

Derek Hapenny
Derek Hapenny - 25.09.2022 17:59

Respawn could fix it if you ever reached Diamond master or preds that's the only lobby you play against. And us normal people play against lower tiers. Now I know people gonna say that's ranked but it will stop the pubs stompers that need there ego inflated by destroying low lobbies

darthvader123 - 24.09.2022 01:10

sehr geiles Video direkt den deutschen Akzent erkannt :D

daniel perez
daniel perez - 23.09.2022 07:39

This happens for sure

VcEarth - 22.09.2022 08:52

If you play in Sydney Servers barely anyone has a dive Trail

GeekMick - 22.09.2022 00:59

Matchmaking is f....ed up in this game. The actual Gun Game for new player is just playing meatball for experienced players. ZERO FUN.

RandomCan - 21.09.2022 15:28

SBMM working as intended

Owen - 20.09.2022 23:15

I’ve just switched to pc and I’m getting level 500s with 10k+ kills and I’m only level 13

Toma - 20.09.2022 22:05

I’m just bad and lose a lot of games, but still get put against triple stacked masters. My k/d is hardly above 1.0 yet I get slapped around by solo wraiths with 10k kills or triple stack masters 🤧
