How to Discover Your Zone of Genius

How to Discover Your Zone of Genius

Lorna Li

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How do you find your zone of genius? There may be obstacles on your path that get in the way. Find out:

• What the 3 primary obstacles are that get in the way of your zone of genius
• How to identify your zone of genius
• Why it's valuable to hire a coach or consultant

0:15 Hello brilliant change makers. My name is Lorna Li and I'm the host of Entrepreneurs for a Change, a web show about evolutionary entrepreneurs who are changing the world by launching passion-filled, purpose driven businesses that support the lifestyles of their dreams.

0:34 Now the question of the day is how to discover your zone of genius. Your zone of genius is your secret weapon to success. However, it's often pretty difficult to determine what our zone of genius actually is. And that's because there are three primary obstacles that get in the way.

1:01 The first involves our blind zone. It's really hard for us to be objective about ourselves. So it's hard for us to really take stock of what we're truly good at.

1:13 Number two involves social conditioning. Often our legitimate career choices are defined by our families, community and society. We may not know that our dream career actually exists or might not exist and we actually have to create it ourselves. The third involves the pursuit of external validation. Often our career choices are based on what looks good to us. So, for example, the salary, compensation, or the title or what people in your industry consider to be the hot job. So your choices may not actually be in alignment with what is the best fit for you and your unique talents.

2:01 So how do you go about identifying your zone of genius? Well first of all you're going to have to make it a longterm commitment. Because your skills and expertise will grow and evolve over time. So it's paying attention to what things you're really good at doing. Especially what people are willing to pay you to do that you're good at doing and would do regardless if people would pay you or not, and to see which of those things actually stick over the long haul.

2:35 You're going to also need to take an inventory of your passions. What do you love to do? I also recommend taking an inventory of the skills that you've been paid to do in the past. I would also poll your friends and family on what they think you're good at doing, although I try to keep in mind that they might not be objective or they may have hidden agendas. Keep your opinion in mind but I wouldn't give it too much weight.

3:13 Finally, you can hire somebody like a consultant or coach who can help you identify your greatest gifts. It's really valuable to do something like this because you have a person who can be objective, who you are paying to be your ally and to be essentially in your camp. They have your best interests in mind and their job is to help you uncover your hidden genius. So if you've found this video helpful, please subscribe to my channel and also give it a thumbs up, so more people can find this information online. If you'd like to receive more resources about how to launch and grow a world changing business, please visit us at and get your free Business Changemaker's Toolkit to kickstart your passion filled purpose driven business today. Thanks a lot for joining us and I'll see you next time.




Lorna Li
Internet Marketing for Changemakers

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Passionate life
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Challenge yourself
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Comfort zone
Zone of Genius


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