The THREAT of A.I. on the wedding photography industry

The THREAT of A.I. on the wedding photography industry

Neil Redfern

1 год назад

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@RickElias1 - 14.06.2023 08:18

To be a great creative photographer requires capturing an Expression, while Feeling the moment and Seeing the light. Never use lights or reflectors or a flash. Look at the colors of the sunset, there is a formula there: warm and cool colors with contrast, pretty simple: when you learn to see these colors and compose them and feel the moment, just point and shoot. Master these techniques to be the best... very few photographers get it. Paint with light, not equipment. I just shared my technique that the best photographers in the world use. It's not the film or AI , it's the Artist, the person. If you dare to be the best, be real, that is the path.

@thebee121 - 14.06.2023 08:53

Should it be that Adobe automatically add information to all images edited with AI ? That way people can question the authenticity of an image especially if doing say wedding shoots 🤷🏽‍♂️

@nikilk - 14.06.2023 11:21

This is just the beginning. Wait until someone figures out how to create hyper realistic videos.

@MarkMcNeill22 - 14.06.2023 11:58

Embrace the future 🎉🎉🎉

@williamkuroki7683 - 14.06.2023 15:10

Man.. I'm an illustrator, and this is a threat to me, to animators, to any visual artist.. even to photographic models.. No matter how optimistic one is.. all art industries are threatened.

@sergeytsygankov - 14.06.2023 15:18

You can't invite AI to capture your wedding. Period. So no worries for us photographers, shooting real-world events, capturing unique moments of fleeting reality. AI is like an artist, whose task is to paint a certain picture, but a painting (no matter how good it is) is not a photograph.

@salaara9462 - 14.06.2023 17:27

wooooow it îs so amazing

@Agg1E91 - 14.06.2023 17:50

What will be the final kicker I think will be when you can have these image generation tools, either with some manual prompt, or via a passive setting, build in minor facial flaws. The closer the images appear, the more they look too perfect and too polished. Like the fake lady in this video. Looks a but like a still from a AAA video game cutscene.

@6FigureFoodPhotographer - 14.06.2023 23:50

Commercial Photography are one thing ! But Weddings? Lmao no! People want the real thing. I would never want an AI photo of myself for my wedding.

I don’t think we’ll ever have to worry about Ai as wedding photographers

@animestarlord9021 - 15.06.2023 04:32

99% of people just use an Iphone for all their pics anyway. People with real cameras are not needed much anymore in the first place.

@msealsphotography6473 - 15.06.2023 04:37

Problem is...that image means nothing to anybody. There is no paying market for AI generated images.

@KarlBrau - 15.06.2023 21:27

AI is awesome! It opens a lot of possibilities to a lot of people. Photographers should adapt to this new technology.

@tubehenry - 16.06.2023 22:11

I completely disagree. - In a years time, AI can generate all those things you said an AI can never generate, even pictures of you and your friends. It is really like you said; "If you can type it out, you can have it seconds". - This is only getting better and faster.

@RotterStudios - 17.06.2023 22:08

AI is good for album covers and fantasy art / graphic design. You'd have to be an idiot thinking you can pass these off as a photographer. Well, there are idiots out there. You will have to explain at some point why your work is trash compared to the AI.

@rajkapse1720 - 18.06.2023 12:46

Can you help me to make this type of tool for making marriage. Album using my pics

@endaguerin630 - 21.06.2023 03:53

I think there needs to b regulation of A. I as great and useful it can be. Like all great technology ie. Fb, social media, it can be a benefit and a hindrance to society. Humans can't be trusted to self regulate, A. I will be abused, and if its not halted, the social and economic consequences for everyone will b huge. As you've shown here how quickly the technology has advanced in short time, society is not prepared for the social impact of this amazing technology. In tbe end it will come down to money and capitalism, and if this makes the men in suits richer, at the expense of society as a whole they don't really care. Humans will eventually destroy themselves through their own greed and stupidity. Terminator 2 hellish world could eerily become reality if A. I is left unchecked.
With regard to Photographers, i wouldn't mind too much, as photography in it itself is about an individual's interpretation of tneir environment and also A. I images is not photography, it's digital Art. People and public i suppose just need to be educated about A. I from a photography perspective. Not just photographers will be affected. Even writers i imagine, A. I could probably create a best selling novel in a few minutes if all the authors etc.. and books were put into a data base. And then the AI program could create any number of stories from the that huge computer brain very few humans individually could compete with. Extremely dangerous science A. I. Even people like Elon Musk are apparently calling for a halt to its development until its consequences are researched better. One amazing technology should not b allowed to destroy society so quickly. Its the equivalent nuclear energy in terms of how much danage it could to do if allowed into the wrong hands.

@PatRatRocks - 21.06.2023 21:20

Artists hated photography, film users hated digital, architects hated computer aided drafting (ie:cad), artists hate ai.
Nothing new under the sun...
It amused me to hear Midjourney talked about like it was a "new" thing that nobody had ever heard about... (Or generative fill)

Being able to take a run of the mill photo of a bride and put her standing on a Venice or Paris street or on a deserted beach...etc..
there will be interest for that type of editing.
Granted if you can't take a good photo....that creates other issues but ai can fix that too...

@Andrewtate200 - 22.06.2023 22:48

There must be people like that.. Have you explored whole world?

@WINDOWS94198 - 23.06.2023 04:44

AI should be put to jail.

@boostedmaniac - 28.06.2023 07:07

I think the only give away of AI is all the pictures are perfectly retouched. No moles, wrinkles, or any face imperfections.

@creativevisiongaming - 04.07.2023 11:34

The photos look "realistic" but they don't look real. Most of the images are clearly computer made. This is not a threat to wedding photography because people specifically want the day captured. What they don't want is a computer making a fake photo of something that never happened on that day because most of wedding photography is about special moments. Now could you use A.I. for book covers or an ad campaign, yes.

@flol3266 - 04.07.2023 23:02

Hä? Man are you sure you know what you are talking about? Who should hire someone creating random wedding images instead of photographing their real wedding?
This is the most dumb application of AI image generation I have seen so far. Not crazy and not a threat at all...

@akoredon - 08.07.2023 15:28

they looks fake...

@TheInnerGenius - 09.07.2023 18:29

Never say never

@jonathangonza - 15.07.2023 03:48

This mostly apply to folks in a profession that spit things out of the air like graphic designers and such. For pofessions that require real, not fake, but real interaction, collaboration and physical presence Ai will just be an assistant to help alleviate workload. Now the great designers will benefit 10 fold from the help of ai so they can focus on more important matters in their business.

@mattia.astorino - 18.07.2023 12:01

Well wedding photography requires... a wedding with real people and photos with them. The only useful thing of fake images is to use them as portfolio but then you have to do real photos and match the same quality...

@HarneyPhoto - 21.07.2023 04:19

Like Social media "celebrities", the world has become a pot of lies and deceit, all to gain fame. I still feel, photography has its place, but the younger generation will jump onto this new technologies, AI and Socials, and use it to bypass the hard yards that we had to endure when we all started out. Their downfall will be when clients see these fake portfolios and hire these photogs and suddenly their photos dont look that good.

@danieljamesryanphotography - 21.07.2023 12:28

Fake but you own them?

@davidnoels2586 - 01.08.2023 09:44

sorry, A.I. is of NO threat at all to photographers … only for illustration and illustrative photography it’s a major threat or will even the death of stock photography. But in general… no threat

@codeXenigma - 02.08.2023 01:26

How can AI replace a wedding photographer? People want their wedding photographed, the AI can't do that. You can make all the wedding theme AI images you want but of course, the people in the images won't buy them. At best they are stock images.
If people create fake portfolios advertising using these AI images, that is fraud and breach of Trading Standards.

There are some uses to create some fantasy edits to their images, much like a creative filter. Though that is a gimmick and doubt everyone would want that, or it would be something they can play with themselves.

The best use is the AI Photoshop tool to replace the patch tool, it is much cleaner to use to remove distracting objects.

@6042833 - 05.08.2023 14:52

Don't worry about it, technology moving on., Every photographer edit and fake the images.

@PhotographsFromGraeme - 06.08.2023 12:50

The ai imagines looked to crisp to me

@top25man93 - 07.08.2023 16:58

You certainly got a very interesting viewpoint. AI still needs a lot of work to make it generally available or useful to the potential users, especially hardware compatibility and software interface. The training of the bride and groom image is difficult and extremely cumbersome with mixed results. The image after a while appears AI look with lacking certain emotion. But a threat is a threat. When the threat becomes real and menacing, it will destroy old schools and creates new opportunities. Thanks for your great work.

@gmcubed - 18.08.2023 12:14

I don't see any real threat here, sounds like you're just worried that people will misrepresent their portfolios? People could always just use stock images, most people aren't going to do a deep investigation to figure out if their shots are really theirs on that level, so is this really that new? Wedding photography is about capturing real people and their stories, so no matter how convincing AI gets, its not going to be a real threat. What could be amazing though to me is if they can do better hybrids. We already have fantastic AI denoisers for example, imagine if you could take a shot in a poorly lit church and use AI to completely relight it in a way that looks great? I'd be all for that. And I think adobe is teasing just that with their "upcoming neural filters", its just not public yet.

@colanhanh6923 - 19.08.2023 00:31


@grahamwalker3819 - 20.09.2023 19:33

Surely it means nothing, unless you want photos of someone else's wedding.

@michaeltuffin8147 - 02.10.2023 06:29

Ai I,mages are already fooling contest judges

@christopherwithers1030 - 18.10.2023 00:46

Weddings are safe. People want real memories of the moments they ACTUALLY created. They might tinker with one or two actual photos after the event, but as a whole, they will want the real deal. The story is just as important.

@ReinaJohnsontransformed - 03.11.2023 13:40

I love the idea. As a wedding designer I get to see the ideas in my head come to life without investing a ton in product and photographing the designs. Ai won’t replace weddings or other special events. This is basically art. 😊

@BillyGoatBoy - 05.11.2023 00:45

your over blowing this.

@therealBocaStudios - 11.12.2023 03:37

Donald Trump says he will get rid of AI in the USA

@JoninPrime - 23.12.2023 10:53

I only see this as a threat to photographers who rely on passive income from stock photos. Not photographers who are getting hired to capture events, products, and people.

@czechmate9497 - 24.01.2024 20:20

AI has made me quit photography.

@davidbeppler3032 - 17.05.2024 18:25

If you take pictures of the people in the wedding, you can absolutely recreate pictures from the wedding using the people from the wedding without needing an expensive photographer. You can use your cell phone for the pictures. The photos will be better, higher quality, and far more photogenic than your actual friends, wife, or husband. Also, you can have George Carlin as the priest in the photos. Which is awesome and worth it.

@tumwineeddy4749 - 09.07.2024 12:02

Nice being here. Can MID JOURNEY AI edit pics from other sources say camera and give u may be a color look that u want. Am Eddy Tumwine from Kampala Uganda Africa

@NeilRedfern - 13.06.2023 03:19

Thank you to everyone who has commented on this video - this is certainly a hot topic in the industry right now. I have received a lot of comments and a lot of them make the same two points, which I wanted to respond to here:

1. “Couples don’t want fake photos of themselves” …I agree! At no point in the video do I say that they do, in fact I stress at the end of the video that what will always separate us from AI is the ability to capture authentic, real moments of real people. The threat comes from the fact anyone can “create” an incredible looking portfolio now based purely on AI images - not real photographs - and couples may not realise that. Even just a few AI images on a homepage will make a huge difference. 

This will make it a) harder for the genuine photographers to stand out and b) lead to couples booking photographers without realising the photographers may not be capable of taking images similar to what they are showing. This happens now with fake testimonials - it's the same thing but with images. That is the threat as I see it right now.

2. “The AI photographs look fake” …maybe they do - at the moment. But look at the progress and improvement in Midjourney in the past 13 months alone - it’s HUGE. In 6 months you won’t be able to tell the difference. That is how fast AI is improving. Before we know it, they will not look fake.

 Please do not underestimate the speed at which AI is improving.

Thank you again for all the feedback but please bear in mind the points above :-)
