The Little Shaman DEEP DIVE: Dealing With Narcissists - How to... [COMPILATION]

The Little Shaman DEEP DIVE: Dealing With Narcissists - How to... [COMPILATION]

The Little Shaman: On Narcissists

4 года назад

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@andresalvarez1732 - 14.08.2021 13:32


@rachel_linden4494 - 18.08.2021 06:23

Great video

@unwindingintobeing - 18.08.2021 16:59

I'm confused as to why then, some Narcissists have admitted to me in what felt like extremely vulnerable moments, that they do indeed dislike themselves and feel unworthy. If it is like facing death for them to admit that, then why at times is it possible for them to admit it?

@carriedillmann4455 - 19.08.2021 07:38

I finally looked up the definition of SHAMAN
It means “ a healer
Yes you are! You have healed me! ! ❤️

@nukepizzaa - 01.09.2021 19:23

thank god this has many views, it is very important

@whocares_20204 - 10.09.2021 16:07

I am curious, you mention a little voice in their head multiple times accross all your videos but this is the first im hearing of their negative self talk. If im not mistaken grandiose thinking and behavior is hallmarks of Narcissism.

@carolineroosyoga2017 - 16.09.2021 12:35

They believe that feelings are facts! Absolutely 100% and then you end up trying to explain that it isn’t 😢

@ephemeral1052 - 30.09.2021 00:21

So accurate "one day they do something with you and the next day they see the same activity as evil or offensive". Without a reason, uhh. You can even make a conversation about a TV show and they will turn it around as that you wanted to impose something on them (?).
And they talk to you like they speak to someone else not you.
Sad that they never realize they do this to themselves and noone wants to hurt them actually. People have their own problems as well.

@tashdaug2275 - 16.10.2021 17:57

The fact that she hits every cylinder that describes my husband. After being married almost 4 years to a man I thought was my knight and well u know the rest. Now I'm dodging emotional landmines.. 😥

@cajuncrackerranch7990 - 18.10.2021 22:02

Wow! I wish I would have found you and your information about 10 years ago. Thank you for all the work you do. Much appreciated.

@lachikalatina3637 - 14.11.2021 08:24

Thank you

@okokc11 - 15.11.2021 00:42

I watched so many videos and this one is by far is the best video out there

@seanjuan8769 - 30.11.2021 11:26

I'm a man with a narcissist baby mother. We aren't together but she tries to control all the decision we have to make for our child. Not sure what to do. Anybody with suggestions?

@casandra4904 - 28.12.2021 04:05

Anyone else here not allowed to have a past? For example the narc gets upset if you happen to mention a city/country in conversation that your ex is from.

@kittywebb8986 - 16.02.2022 01:53

I have enough narcissistic tendencies that I've overcome than to believe a narcissist can't heal. I was a narcissist. Cluster B individuals are not incapable of love. By believing that they aren't capable of love or healing we are reinforcing their illness, and we are reinforcing such illness in the world.

@santanapage5044 - 07.03.2022 07:07

I have an " friend" who would always say mean nasty things to me but always with a big smile on her face, and I finally called her out and she told me I was being too sensitive and she was only joking 🤔 now I know why

@sharonburnett1725 - 21.03.2022 00:30

Thank you for sharing! So helpful! God bless you 🙏.

@carriedillmann4455 - 24.04.2022 12:31

Then why would anyone want to stay in a relationship with a narc!?
I didn’t !
I would think everyone would want to get the hell out!
You will always try to make the relationship better!
So just leave him!
There is no reason why you should stay!!”

@carriedillmann4455 - 24.04.2022 12:42

For God’s sake ! ! Get away from them!!!
Any relationship with them is a total waste of time !!

@carriedillmann4455 - 24.04.2022 12:51

Get away from them ASAP!

@carriedillmann4455 - 24.04.2022 13:51

Outstanding wisdom
Thank youn

@carriedillmann4455 - 01.05.2022 09:48

I would say “I’m not your enemy !”

@carriedillmann4455 - 01.05.2022 10:11

They Never say a word
They NEVER answer your question !!!!!”

@carriedillmann4455 - 01.05.2022 10:18


@carriedillmann4455 - 01.05.2022 10:20

And then divorce them. !!!!!!

@jacquelineford5503 - 13.05.2022 21:53

Pray for the narcissist and surrender them then over to Yahweh!!! He's the ONLY one who had change and Save them... Prayer Works!

@HomeFrendsten - 19.05.2022 19:34

Narc r impossible to deal with, v need extra strength ,energy, intelligence and powrr

@astercite - 20.05.2022 19:05

happened just yesterday, I enquired about how the interview went? got "you are faking interest in this u don't really want to know"......because i looked at the phone for 3 sec. exhausted from explaining ridiculous things for the last 15 years. how are they so successful in careers ?

@constructenglish1 - 21.05.2022 15:18

Wow you have the amazing ability to be absolutely spot on in such a concise way, thsnk you so much for these xx

@constructenglish1 - 21.05.2022 15:19

Can vulnerable narcissists be at the same time be victims of narcissists?

@annettepora8091 - 31.05.2022 17:23

As one who was married to a narcissist for decades, my observation is they have a brain disorder; perhaps a form of asperger's/autism. To me the most telling symptom is their lack of cognitive skills. That alone makes them live in a world of their own.

@serwaaaskew108 - 10.06.2022 18:48

Now I know how Jesus felt being nailed to the cross being around my husband's family.

@theyrekrnations8990 - 08.08.2022 03:58

Theyre the most disagreeable on earth. why try? learn to let it go

@Stoviecakes - 14.08.2022 12:16

Your videos are next level. Early on, (1yr ago) I’d skip your videos but now I am finding the conclusions I need and can’t find elsewhere.

Thank you Ms.

Shine on

@tiffanym1108 - 25.09.2022 05:12

I have found a way to instantly shut down my mother. You can blame me. You always do when you want to cover something up. About that...(ask open ended question about the subject they are trying to deflect from. Like why aren't you talking to so and so?

@starlingswallow - 27.09.2022 13:31

They are the most miserable people alive. YES!
My covert Narc ex complained EVERY SINGLE DAY. Throughout the day. It was torture!!!! Like water torture....a constant dripping onto my head, ears and heart. It almost destroyed me. I felt like I was going crazy!!!!

@starlingswallow - 27.09.2022 14:16

Crazy how people protect the narcissist! I did it....ugh 😢
I was always cleaning up his messes, talking to the bank when he spent too much and our account would constantly be going into the negative. I was protecting people from his rage and trying to KEEP him from raging. 🤦🏻‍♀️ It was a fruitless venture and I ended up leaving.

@angieash9560 - 29.09.2022 00:26

It is very sad you are right And what else inside it’s the people that they draw in to their world who believe in them and not you and there’s nothing you can do to help others understand

@dennisdorsey111 - 30.01.2023 15:18

This all came to me fast,I totally get it now

@sb0518 - 14.11.2023 17:56

You have incredible insight. I am often made to take responsibility for the CN feeling worthless (a large part is blamed on me for calling out abusive behaviors). I understand now I am not responsible for CN’s feelings. However - how do I respond when this is turned on me? For example I receive a lot of passive/angry aggressive facial expressions and voice tone. Say I call it out and then am told he’s not responsible for my feelings and gaslit that what I’m sensing is incorrect. How do I respond when CN uses “I’m not responsible for your feelings” back on me?

@letstalkcrypto532 - 15.11.2023 10:07

My narcissist went to prison…..ever since he makes out like he’s a crime lord……as soon as he meets someone he tells them…”I just done 5 years” the truth is, he done 3 months lol…..he lies about being a drug cook, he’s been kidnapped by the under world heaps of times…..etc….he’s a lost little boy , a joke, and a horrible person….

@heidirausch9735 - 22.11.2023 18:53

Carl Jung thought alot about the cross symbol as representing the fourfold human functions: thinking, intuition, sensation, and feeling. So the healthy person with a well-ordered psyche runs on all four of these functions. He then wrote that "feeling" is an inferior or undeveloped aspect of non-Christians. Feeling, sympathy,empathy, compassion: these are all concepts that require heart, concern for the well being of others. This makes sense when narcissists seem to "suffer" from maladsption. In some sense they believe they are the victims,.....of what? One thing l've come to believe in my own feeling heart is that narcissistic maladsption is guilt-based. There's something in their past that has caused this secondary dysfunction. Confession is therefore the prescribed method to obtain cure.

@robinchilds7492 - 13.12.2023 13:53

He made a trip to Florida back in March. I wrote down the directions because he always got lost. I took them to him and I left before he did. On my way home I stopped for gas, now putting him in front of me. He actually pulled over and waited for me. Now he's behind me again. When we got to the point we had to go our separate ways he was waving and smiling. When he came back from Florida he accused me of following him because I thought he took someone with him. He was behind me, how did I follow him? Then he accused me of stealing from him while he was gone. I'm done with this crackpot. Now I know why everyone calls him Craze.

@robinchilds7492 - 13.12.2023 14:01

I'm an empath and surprisingly I never defended myself with the covert narcissist. I would ask him questions about his accusations that left him speechless because he then realized he wasn't making any sense. And I never raised my voice and got emotional. He didn't know how to handle that. He tried for 4 years to break this empath, it didnt work. I enjoyed watching him squirm. I refused to marry him or move in with him so I still had control of my own life.

@user-ej4sk8bc2l - 09.01.2024 12:18

I was married in the time before cellphones.He'd get terrifyingly angry about food.When i asked whats the problem?He'd say he doesn't know.
Now i wonder if he paces and threatens the phone.😂

@jayendepersil6607 - 23.04.2024 01:06

Wow. Little Shaman. You're up there with Paula. Narcon.

@Michael_Arguello - 04.05.2024 21:59


@Michelle.1111. - 13.05.2024 14:43

I've had pathological women in my life both friends and family. Two of them (I believed used witchcraft on me) have stalked me from a young age. In retrospect the God/Universe was warning me not to respond to them. I wish I'd listened....their obsession never ends I'm 53

@sylviaduncan6663 - 24.06.2024 23:14

