This is "Ravenholm" - The Cancelled Half-Life Game from Arkane Studios

This is "Ravenholm" - The Cancelled Half-Life Game from Arkane Studios

Noclip - Video Game Documentaries

2 года назад

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@user-nw7ii5yf2n - 02.01.2024 17:38

It seems that machine translators from French to Russian work just terribly) The inscriptions in the textures are ridiculous.

@cizrek - 02.01.2024 15:37

Zombies without head crabs on them.... glad it got canceled. You can't just stray away from the main story like that....

@Phasmomancer - 01.01.2024 21:29

I can see why it was cancelled. It's just too slow and unfun

@2kMario - 01.01.2024 17:45

Gamepad FPP gaming :) great idea for pure morrons

@CaptainHarris-ip2kg - 01.01.2024 02:02

So this never got finished. Too bad.

@Luchicus - 30.12.2023 19:16

The I don't a understand. For a what. The a game authors. Always. To the write. Russian language. A like a meaningless set of words?

@urazoktay7940 - 30.12.2023 18:22

Amazing video, i have watched it throughly and enjoyed it thoroughly. Thank you.

@urazoktay7940 - 30.12.2023 17:24

Why did you play with a controller, it's so painful watching an fps game being played with a controller instead of mouse and keyboard. Playing an fps game with a controller should be banned, it should be illegal. :D No one should be allowed playing an fps with a controller. :D Otherwise great video, thank you!

@mattbehrens2784 - 28.12.2023 15:27

Meh too much talking. I just want to see gameplay

@GRAN_EME - 26.12.2023 19:02

this is the fetus of L4D

@starofeden9277 - 25.12.2023 20:13

I like the electric weapon

@vonshtoyven3060 - 25.12.2023 00:58

This game looks amazing! Its like dead island

@thmasby1646 - 23.12.2023 23:59

They can't just give up look at how far they got and then they just cancelled it what the heck looks epic tho.

@darkninja123able - 22.12.2023 19:42

This gave me a bit of hlf 2 ep 1 vibes since that was closest to the horror theme we ever got from the hl series including hl2. Sad this didn’t make it

@Weissman111 - 21.12.2023 12:54

This would have been better than Redfall.

@2kanchoo - 20.12.2023 21:01

This makes me sad. Always wanted more half-life games and this looked like it could have been awesome completed.

@TheVoltdenatsu - 20.12.2023 20:07

Dude. I would kill for those textures and props. I wondered what happened to the Episode "4". It should have come out.

@poison7512 - 20.12.2023 15:13

Cool. But lets be real.. this looks absolutely AWFUL and I can see why it was cancelled.

@DaDom07 - 20.12.2023 09:06

The zombies looks so stupid! 😂

@TeaShirt211088 - 19.12.2023 21:31

god damn.... where was that game... it feels like my 700h in left 4 dead are belongs in this game. to sad it never come out.

@Mxneydee - 19.12.2023 19:39

Zombies without headcrabs is the biggest shit I've seen in the history of halflife

@mattd6200 - 19.12.2023 03:33

Looks fun! Release it!

@veerkillerx - 18.12.2023 19:08

I bet modders could do awesome things to this unfinished game.

@SvenskFilm2 - 18.12.2023 14:48

Why cant valve just finish the project ? they make other random crap instead.

@SerbianToilet - 18.12.2023 08:40

Dude its almost finished,it already looks better than most triple A games,just someone needs to take these files and finish the game or what needs to be finished and off to moddb with it.

@bryandrobny7690 - 17.12.2023 16:47

Ravenholm looks awesome 😮 to bad it didn't become a seperate game

@Merc399 - 17.12.2023 15:01

bro why are you using a term like "stake holders" when it barely fits contextually and there are way better options. why would that term by in your personal zeitgeist? are you some boot licking collectivist? you do realize the World Economic Forum wants to either end you or turn you into an involuntary servant right? you know in there new "stakeholder capitalism" it's not capitalism at all and you certainly will not be considered a stakeholder or even considered at all... the game is so old and defunct there are arguably no longer any "stakeholders" with any risk on the table for you to need to consider here... it's just weird dude and I don't like it.

@Richardz - 17.12.2023 14:19

I would've played the hell out of this game, a sad loss indeed. Too may of today's games are way to complicated, sometimes you don't want to memorize 50 different controls and functions you just want to play.

@Bluestrikekurt - 17.12.2023 12:31

Guess I can see the cancelation in this, it did not feel like anything I would expect from a game using the title Half-life : Ravenholm.
Haven't seen anything remotely resembling Ravenholm in this footage, it appears to be city 17 and has more of a Left For Death vibe then anything else. (wich was still under Turtle Rock at this time I believe)
While the game may be fun and all, I would have been dissapointed because I don't see the Half-Life in this besides some used assets and I sure don't see the Ravenholm part.

As for as the final battle in this video, I realise its unfinnished but it would have been more fun if the weapon energy loader was near the turrets and reacher so you just had to keep them going and could enjoy the spectacle. I really wanted to see them shooting from up close...

@hakkennr8768 - 17.12.2023 08:49

its always great idea play game after lobotomy ...

@user-iy5vv6vs8u - 17.12.2023 07:57

Amazing, but instead of this game we got freaking starfield and another call of duke, and many many other very very trashy video games. Come on valve save the industry, show them clowns how to make a Game.

@TheAMN83 - 17.12.2023 05:02

Never understood HL2 fans, first game was real charm, warm and analog... HL2 is cold and lifeless

@JAKOB1977 - 17.12.2023 05:00

I dont think Arkane studio made Deathloop.??
No they did not do that, yep I wanna go with a "no" on that one.. Arkane did not made Deathloop
no way an otherwise socalled "talented studio" can make such a g*rbage
Arkane studio from France with Deathloop and Fntastic from Russia with the Days Before..should merge.

@JamesTDG - 17.12.2023 03:19

Man, I wish they'd at least release it as a community build

@123Nuk123 - 16.12.2023 20:33

Dud your Mouse sens is Fast AF, unbelievable that you hit some Enemies :D

@PlanetExpressReloaded - 16.12.2023 18:00

Dark Messiah + Half-Life 2 = this

@lauram5905 - 16.12.2023 02:42

Am I seeing things, or is there a lot of frame stutter in the recorded game footage? It makes it kind of hard to watch even though I see how good Arkane's work was

@mickwolf1077 - 16.12.2023 00:37

Id love for them to finish it. It reminds me of l4d

@nejuspesnejsi - 15.12.2023 18:59

Yeah, its really bad. Like a bad HL2 mod. I understand why would Valve order Ravenholm game. But I also understand why would they cancel this.

@thebasement7330 - 15.12.2023 13:34

The enemies dont make any sense

@Fisz777 - 15.12.2023 04:39

What's the explanation for zombies if they are not controlled by headcrabs?

@jebise1126 - 14.12.2023 22:43

wow looks really nice. what year was this abandoned?

@GearSounds - 14.12.2023 14:43

I hope that this gets released in some form. I don't have much time for video games like I used to but half life 2 was my favorite game of all time. I still play it as well as the awful deathmatch. Yes I'm a 35 year old man born in 1988 so I grew up with this franchise. Now I only have time for music and rarely get to game.

@reanimationxp - 14.12.2023 10:17

this should be preserved and released, even in a broken state. it deserves to be played

@tonyrandall3146 - 14.12.2023 04:15

The first play through Ravenholm is one of the most memorable moments in a videogame ever.
