HOW TO GROW YOUR TWITCH STREAM IN 2020 ▹ What Is Currently Working to Get More Viewers

HOW TO GROW YOUR TWITCH STREAM IN 2020 ▹ What Is Currently Working to Get More Viewers


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Gleaney - 23.06.2020 16:11

Oh this episode did not age well SayNotoRage oh boy...

Sages Gaming
Sages Gaming - 20.05.2020 19:35

These videos have really helped me out! Thank you for all of the advice!

Clpzii - 10.04.2020 01:20

Ok do I put Everday to follow me on twitch and when I'm live I put it on my snapchat and I have received 21 followers in the past 3 days. The first 2 days I streamed I got max 7 viewers but now when I streamed today and yesterday I got 4 for about 2 mins and then it was just my friend and me.

AutumnSensei Studio
AutumnSensei Studio - 06.04.2020 21:03

I think the hardest part about having a team, is I enjoy doing most the work. I love editing and photography. I plan on streaming it when I get a desktop. I am considering getting an assistant editor though to help with some of the work when I start making revenue consistently.

ANONYMOUS PERSON - 01.03.2020 08:37

Twitch NAS305

Sim Rabinger
Sim Rabinger - 29.02.2020 16:16

Nothing is working

David Sanchez
David Sanchez - 16.02.2020 21:01

AMAZING VIDEO!! you really helped change my mindset towards streaming

Patrick Brown
Patrick Brown - 06.02.2020 10:52

Have you tried these strategies yourself with truth ? Did you do off platform content too to get more viewers ?

1n20DnD - 29.01.2020 02:54

Good stuff, Ashnichrist! Thank you!

xDRBROCCOLIx - 20.01.2020 01:29

What I gathered from this, and correct me if I'm wrong! I gathered that a gaming streamer isn't going to really be beneficial at this point, due to how many people are already doing that. So should I find something else to try and do on Twitch and other platforms? Also, do you mean don't upload stream clips and post them on other platforms? Thanks in advance!

Just Kittn
Just Kittn - 09.01.2020 01:25

If you haven't already created a video oabout building a community, I think it would be very helpful and interesting. Specifically, how do I incentivise the people consistently showing up to my streams? And to keep coming and staying and helping along the journey? I won't lie, I'm incredibly daunted by how much goes into becoming successful and I doubt myself so much thinking what I've done isn't ever good enough. It's a struggle.

ManCave TV
ManCave TV - 08.01.2020 23:33

I find it really hard to be active on all platforms and I dont have the money to pay editors or photographers. Its really hard to balance it all.

GseWorldwide - 05.01.2020 03:59

The hardest thing for me right now is that I just dont enjoy any games out right now that inspire me to make content on multiple platforms.

Maggy205 – AOE
Maggy205 – AOE - 04.01.2020 13:18

Great video, thanks! 🙌🏻

Spartan Parker
Spartan Parker - 01.01.2020 19:00

Great video. I feel like streaming less helps while focusing your energy on other platforms to funnel those viewers to Twitch. This platform is very hard to grow from just streaming alone.

SweetTea Killah
SweetTea Killah - 30.12.2019 08:46

I have been streaming for about a month. I got into it because I need a very flexible schedule for family reasons. I have 2 questions.
1. Is this video for still small time streamers? (Ex. 2-10 avg viewers per stream)
2. Do you have any videos about moving on from the affiliate grind to path to partner?

I am in streaming to make a career out of it. I want to do this smart and with as little wasted resources ($) as possible.
Thanks for making your videos. I am consuming them as fast as I can watch them.

Vitaminsmore - 29.12.2019 19:37

I'm guilty of a lot of these bad habits. I would love to hear more about building the content team as I lack the time to build on other platforms myself and when I do have time I'm trying to figure ways to preform and enhance my stream or life takes its toll. I understand I won't ever be the best or even higher on the list of top streamers and I'm perfectly fine with this. My ideal stream is a spot for people to come in, hang out and chat as we enjoy fun times together.

LittleBoyOfHope - 26.12.2019 22:40

Would be interested in the content team, also how to get it started, how to pay people, how to keep people happy, etc....

Crix - 26.12.2019 22:07

I love that you’re making new videos on streaming careers. Everyone else’s is old as hell.
