Watch live: Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin launches a New Glenn rocket for first time at Cape Canaveral

Watch live: Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin launches a New Glenn rocket for first time at Cape Canaveral

Spaceflight Now

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@rajnishkumarjha4266 - 16.01.2025 15:39

Hello hi

@rajnishkumarjha4266 - 16.01.2025 15:40


@carlkenyon4599 - 16.01.2025 15:48

space the final frontier

@nancygriggs9714 - 16.01.2025 16:03

Musk owns the space program. Everything else looks amateur.

@scorpio1155 - 16.01.2025 16:08

Will, Will, Will.... You did it again.... "And here we go!" 🤷‍♂ ChatGPT may be able to help you find some original words for a liftoff. Here we go or not... I do enjoy your content. Thanks for doing such great work! Thumbs are in the fully upright and locked positon!

@TheLunarLumen - 16.01.2025 16:14

SpaceX launches are far more exciting. Video kinda sucked with Blue Origin....

@juney21 - 16.01.2025 16:15

Did i miss where the rocket goes into orbit ? They always seem to shw a ricket go up but never show it in orbit

@CCK_PRODUCTIONS - 16.01.2025 16:38

That thing BARELY got off of the pad. They are 3 engines short !!

@Dragon129Slayer - 16.01.2025 17:22

I must have missed where the booster landed

@CreateM3 - 16.01.2025 17:31

Yes its cool but money could be for the homeless and rebuilding schools without craziness and without all these crisis no one talks about its just sad were justifying space as solving everything. I won't get to mars I will be dead IF it works :)

@cmaxi20 - 16.01.2025 17:54

Where did they land the first stage?

@OfficeofImageArchaeology - 16.01.2025 18:06

So, what did this accomplish that Space X has not achieved too many times to count?

@dougwalsh9282 - 16.01.2025 18:12

A hardy, "Well Done!"

@rh6761 - 16.01.2025 18:19

Blue Origin’s New Glenn took flight with some pride,
A moment of triumph, streamed worldwide.
The engines roared, the mission went fine,
But the live feed felt stuck in 2009.

The visuals were grainy, the angles askew,
Compared to SpaceX, it’s hardly “new.”
While Bezos’s rocket soared through the sky,
Its broadcast left us all asking, “Why?”

Could it be Starlink’s the missing key?
Or Bezos’s grudge against Musk’s marquee?
A solid launch, yes, a step in the race,
But SpaceX still holds the crown in this space.

Keep climbing, Blue Origin, we’ll give you your due,
But to match the leader, there’s more to do.

@E2bing - 16.01.2025 18:22

Congratulations! Awesome work! I had to go to bed last night after watching 2 nights of delays. Wish I could've seen it live with y'all. Great job!

@SyyfeldAli - 16.01.2025 18:28

Did you heard Syyfeld & Ali? (Spotify)❤️🙏

@E2bing - 16.01.2025 18:28

a big thanks to knowledgeable moderators. @CumulusGranitis

@OldGreyBeard45 - 16.01.2025 19:22

They should bring Elons team in next time for the streaming, this was horrible compared to what we see when SpaceX launches.

@RobertFairweatherLuvMachine - 16.01.2025 19:40

Space X dominates with real time camera coverage. We got a stupid 'NASA-esque" cartoon. with New Glenn....bummer. What happened to the first stage? Did it plow into the mothership at 4,000 miles per hour? That would have been worth the price of admission. Another question, are they burning massive holes in our protective ozone layer every time they celebrate doing something that was done in 1957. Stuck in a time warp with no progress. Yuri Gagarin says 'ho hum'.

@DrBlood-cq2cm - 16.01.2025 19:45

Ive not seen the old Glenn rocket, but my guess is its not as long, not as rigid, perhaps has wrinkles, and is definitely not as responsive.

@walterquick8649 - 16.01.2025 19:56

Grade school 😂😂 coverage😅😅😅😅

@dhi6442 - 16.01.2025 20:07

"The bumps were fisted.." TMI, lady. LOL

@raisinsawdust - 16.01.2025 20:34

It took forever for the rocket to clear the tower

@DavidVanDriessen-o5q - 16.01.2025 21:35

Musk has SpaceX. Bezos has SpaceWhy

@artiek1177 - 16.01.2025 21:37

The only thing that I like better about the blue origin launch is that the graphics were in US measurements (MPH & Miles) versus metric.

@mycroft16 - 16.01.2025 22:18

Seriously, huge congratulations to all the teams at Blue Origin. Years of lessons learned, planning, and construction have paid off. A beautiful inaugural flight of New Glenn.

And congrats on your first orbital flight. May it be the first of many. Welcome to orbit from a decades long follower of launches. Now I cant wait to see Rocket Labs' Neutron vehicle get built, tested, and launched as well. Their flights ha e always been amazing as well. The more lift capacity we have as a species the faster and further we will fly. Humanity is on the cusp of an enormous new era of exploration not seen since the 1400s. Akin to circumnavigating the globe. India making huge progress. China getting in.

@VictorOliveira-qz7gn - 16.01.2025 22:19

How much this trip?

@Captainkirk-k5e - 16.01.2025 22:45

RIP starliner

@Charles-l6h4b - 16.01.2025 22:46

Terrible coverage compared to SpaceX

@tonytramonti5828 - 16.01.2025 23:21

Apparently the booster landed in Elon Musk’s back garden.

@boonarga - 17.01.2025 01:35

Holy hell that woman was annoying

@iuriikostiuk6024 - 17.01.2025 02:23

I went please don't fail please don't fail😮😮😮😮😮😮

@jamesbomd3503 - 17.01.2025 03:32

It looks to me that the Jeff Bezos flight team are completely hysterical Unlike the SpacX team Which seemed to be calm and controlled

@newforestroadwarrior - 17.01.2025 04:10

shout out to all the Amazon fulfilment slav - errrr - operatives who made this possible

@markjmaxwell9819 - 17.01.2025 06:20

Congratulations to Blue Origin with New Glenn displaying an impressive glitch free first flight.

@brendag4271 - 17.01.2025 14:16

Oh wow! Worst coverage I've heard and seen. We Canadians can do better, lol 😅

@1.5acrefarmer42 - 17.01.2025 15:51

We did it. Wait where’s the evidence. Well we provided a cartoon trajectory of the rockets and they did exactly what we programmed/are telling you they did.

@VictorOliveira-qz7gn - 17.01.2025 19:14

Is better create like aviator can up foot and support the resistance gravity. Is better than coming direct up heaven, I talk about in graduation up by up and establish.

@victorchun - 18.01.2025 11:25

copy cat🤡

@ILoveYousomuch-vj3ch - 19.01.2025 00:42

good morning

@michaelm3214 - 19.01.2025 01:50

Terrible camera quality for such a historic launch !!!!! A real let down !!! I hate Musk, but at least he's been using high quality 4k cameras on his rockets !!!!!

@BAM47837 - 19.01.2025 06:21

What time is this coming off

@BAM47837 - 19.01.2025 06:21

Greetings from Melbourne Florida

@MarieQuez-fj1tr - 19.01.2025 21:24

Jeff Bezos is truly remarkable! Hopefully, he remains focused on his ventures and continues to avoid engaging in politics or prescribing how others should live or how countries should operate, unlike Elon Musk.

@boratitanius9923 - 21.01.2025 00:30

Does anyone know if there will be any rocketlaunches at Cape Canaveral between 23 feb - 7 mar? Im visiting Orlando from Europe and would looove to see a launch with my own eyes

@DiscordC - 28.01.2025 22:11

space X provides full live feeds, real time animations and full confirmations , full live coverage from tanking to second stage touch down , jeff bezos and nasa, very disappointing
