Arduino Flow Rate Sensor Working

Arduino Flow Rate Sensor Working

Maker Pro

10 лет назад

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@emman1587 - 14.05.2015 14:45

hello, is the flow rate sensor capable of other types of liquid other than water? like gasoline perhaps

@Mauricioantoniofranc - 29.05.2015 01:15

you say the liquid flow rate is gonna be measured in what? I couldn't tell what you said

@pedrohdgs - 11.07.2015 06:14

Hi, I doing a similar project.

Could you send me this program ??

I'm new in programmation, but i make a program unfortunately it's not work correctly.


@topazio96 - 29.09.2015 01:46

Hi! I made a mechatronics project with arduino and this sensor. I used part of your code, so i want to thank you dude!
Here is the video of my project.


Thanks a lot! Greetings from Mexico.

@weisswurster - 01.12.2015 12:54

Does pin 2 have to be used? What if you want to add say, four flow sensors? What other pins are suitable? Any digital pin?

@jobergrepollosa - 01.01.2016 05:15

how to store the data of water flow or the total consumption of water in arduino?

@gufronasrori3291 - 07.03.2016 18:51

+DIY Hacking : whether the tool can turn the switch on a certain volume ? if it can give you an example with LED / relay.thanks

@BFMarketingLTD - 11.03.2016 18:44

Just an observation, but if you're using this for flow RATE, then the rate can vary and has no relation to the total volume that's inside the beaker. The Flow TOTAL is what you want to match. You need to incorporate a method for totalizing this flow rather than looking at the variable of how fast it is moving through the pipe. I saw someone mention using pulses, which you can integrate easily by applying a k-factor to the pulse value. i.e. 1 Pulse - 10 ml where 300 ml = 30 Pulses. I'm sure you'll figure it out, but it seems your initial method of determining accuracy was incorrect.

@demogep - 27.05.2016 05:27

Perhaps the instructions did not specify it but to measure a flow meter's accuracy it has to be properly installed.
flow is best measured on a vertical line with flow going upwards, there is a minimum distances before and after the flowmeter in which the line must be straight and away from the pump, could be 20-30 times the diameter of the line, the further the pump the better, the line diameter must be one size over said distance, accuracy reaches its peak over a minimum specified flow speed.
once you cover all those requirements you can finally set yourself to measure it's accuracy.

@NookDeSus - 26.06.2016 06:45

Do you think it works on different liquid as well, like engine oil (apart from minor tweaks to adapt the engine oil properties)?

@migueldelahoz4740 - 02.09.2016 14:10

Hi @DIY Hacking, nice video buddy
I have a one question, With the flow sensor, I can calculate the amount of water that has passed through it ?.

would need this value, to turn off a water pump automatically, when all the water has passed through the sensor.
That could be done?

Thx and post more videos, please.

@hassannawaz2321 - 14.10.2016 17:40

can this flow meter can also detect a gas pressure ?

@rauljr.montesclaros2230 - 07.03.2017 08:29

will it work if i install it through a water pump?

@AnhVlogg - 15.07.2017 19:59

is it possible if the system can process every 2ms instead of once every second? thanks !.

@jonswiftucf - 21.07.2017 00:09

I can't seem to get this to work on the NodeMCU. Any suggestions? I followed the tutorial. Tried a few different pin configurations but no luck.

@engineersindia5169 - 28.07.2017 15:06

will this work for measuring gas flow rate

@v-techukno.2656 - 01.10.2017 14:06


@hurveybaldorado7980 - 26.11.2017 12:52

Hello sir,
Can you give me the code of the program ? :D
thanks for response :D

@muj6889 - 30.01.2018 13:50

great, i can finish my homework now... :D

@nikhil98211 - 05.02.2018 20:05

Can i get the data on my phone?
is it necessary to have a constant water flow through the sensor?
Can i store/record the data for how much water has been passed in a given period of time?

@arunkumar726 - 18.02.2018 17:53

Whether this can be used for fuel flow measurement???

@sairamgitte8898 - 28.02.2018 16:54

Hey, when I pour 500ml of water, the reading shown on the serial monitor is 200ml. How to calibrate it?

@enzogilles1156 - 14.03.2018 13:26

hey how can I calibrate the serial monitor for I don't have the same flow rate sensor which is in the video

@saipoornima4586 - 15.03.2018 13:59

hi, the video is very nice and so useful but i wish to generate the same using nodemcu. can u please provide me the code for the same project using nodemcu

@Indian_youtuber_18 - 15.04.2018 18:46

nice video brother...

@Indian_youtuber_18 - 15.04.2018 18:47

very useful video... thanks lot

@awoo1622 - 08.06.2018 15:22

I have a project im working on
i have to program a PIC to make a periodic opening of some water valves that follows a specified pattern
Pls anyone who could help?

@arduinotalk8544 - 26.07.2018 08:28

What about the accuracy of the sensor?

@ashfreak005 - 15.12.2018 17:05

Can you please give the link to buy this flow rate sensor?

@muhammadzar3002 - 26.02.2019 07:17

Hi, im doing the similar project. My problem is the sensor doesn't show any reading at all the water flow slow/small. i've been looking on the internet, all the suggestions lead to change sensor model. If i need to change the model which spec should i look into? Is the impeller size in the sensor effect the reading? my current water flow sensor model is SEN-HZ321WA.

@mdalyghz6998 - 29.04.2019 16:23

i need the code plz

@anilrock100 - 30.04.2019 01:37

I would like to connect and discuss some aspect on this sensor. Kindly let me know the possibility.

@mdalyghz6998 - 30.04.2019 15:57

Hi bruh i receive false number. i have YF S201 plz ineed it for my university project plz plz

@connordickson6332 - 10.09.2019 13:34

Could I use a similar setup as this to measure air flow rate in litres per minute? Would this type of sensor work for gas or is it specifically for liquid? Thanks!

@rushin3090 - 09.10.2019 19:31

Can i use this sensor with petrol

@vineetkaushal8570 - 18.10.2019 20:10

Hi Bro, I live in Delhi. I have been facing some issue with water motor and water tank and I want to fix it. We have water timing, 2 hrs in morning and 2 hrs in evening. Now, every time when water comes I have to turn on the pump and wait till tank get filled turn off the motor. I do it manually. I want, it do it automatically by using arduino, water flow sensor and relay. I would like to request you that can share me the diagram + code how I can connect the relay with motor plug so as water comes into water flow sensor I turn on the motor switch using relay?

@fuhbigbiufb - 03.12.2019 19:08

does anyone has the code?

@favornehemie4423 - 13.05.2020 17:30

hello, please sir ,
Is it possible to use this sensor , the same in that video to measure the flow of gas in a biodigester?

@favornehemie4423 - 04.06.2020 23:54

hello sir, please could I have your code?

@engkusyifahayaniengkusaifu1482 - 15.06.2020 08:52

hello , im doing something similar to this , but not water , powder. i am creating a powder dispensing machine by using a control flow valve. can this be used for powder too ? THANK YOU !

@ennaiarindhal3141 - 13.12.2020 21:38

Share Circuit diagram

@rhuuu199x - 18.12.2020 10:14

can we use this for calculating air flow?

@nayerzia6119 - 08.01.2021 19:13

Salam G.

@mekdesgashaw4118 - 26.06.2021 15:19

Can you send me Arduino library for water flow sensor for Proteus simulation

@andrewtitcombe8378 - 22.09.2021 20:23

Perhaps mounting it vertically is spinning the vain longer at the end as the water runs out. Giving inaccurate readings
. Perhaps better mounted horizontal

@junardranin8874 - 23.06.2022 08:37

can i ask what is that yellow thing attached to the power supply (battery)

@alexanderklepach7728 - 26.09.2022 23:08

Is there a possibility to create a class sensorControl out of the code?

@daPoter - 03.04.2024 17:12

You need larger quantity to get more accurate reading. The inside keeps on spinning after you finish poring which is why you get a higher reading than 300ml. My guess is that if you poor 1000ml, the reading will say around 1030...
