Pixel 4a or Pixel 4a 5G? Which one should you buy?

Pixel 4a or Pixel 4a 5G? Which one should you buy?


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@noxian1114 - 26.10.2020 21:41

that Russian accent i hear in dubs, love it

@fahimfz1469 - 26.10.2020 23:28

Well said . Going to buy 4a5g

@sandsoftime3248 - 27.10.2020 05:35

How does Pixel 4a5g battery compare with Pixel 5?

@jaimecasarin7478 - 27.10.2020 07:53

Did I get that right?
Better video on the 4a than the 4a 5g
The video does look better on the 4a than the 4a 5g
Isn't the 4a 5g the one with the better processor?
I'm not a tech person or anything like that, so I'm just confused.
Can you elaborate on why the video is better on the less expensive phone?

@chansouvannarath3789 - 28.10.2020 21:10

4a is like a steal.

@jevonsims900 - 29.10.2020 04:55

I don't really like the iPixel 4a since Google gave the best specs to the iPixel 4a Plus.

@nazirkamaludin5610 - 30.10.2020 18:58

Wallpaper please 🙏

@diego5401ok - 01.11.2020 06:55

How many hours battery 4a 5G?

@rilwanhabeeb3552 - 04.11.2020 12:08

Hi, please is the battery significantly different from 4a to 4a5G?

@heavenearth8704 - 05.11.2020 09:07

What's better between Pixel 4a and LG v40?

@mbredits7401 - 08.11.2020 10:23

Bro I'm watching your videos continue
One small doubt I'm shoot short film now which phone best iPhone or pixel phone please tell me bro

@michelequici3956 - 13.11.2020 16:22

terrible accent!!

@jbp48080 - 14.11.2020 16:22

Well done Alex.

@jbp48080 - 14.11.2020 16:23

Are you using the google pixel on google Fi or ? Do

@johncahill1985 - 15.11.2020 07:04

Dude our phones are fast enough why do we even need 5G like literally what's the point

@arash5550 - 16.11.2020 00:27

I actually like your accent

@TheOneBearded - 16.11.2020 14:06

Coming from the Nexus 6, that 5g is speaking to me. I'll wait for it to come out so I can hear what others think about it.

@Satsui_No_Hado - 16.11.2020 16:42

Heavily leaning towards Pixel 4A5G
That being said my friend have you had any chance to play with the OnePlus 8T
And if you had to choose would you feel it is worth the additional monies
Thank you again great review great content

@janmatejka9067 - 19.11.2020 13:28

I have a somewhat specific request and I need advice.
I need a phone with an excellent camera (main) and above all with the fastest possible picture. That is, with minimal post-processing.
I will be using a company application to take pictures, so I need the camera not to depend on the application itself for image quality.
The price does not matter, but ideally it should be an android phone. This is not a technical limitation, but rather a personal preference.
Thank you in advance for any suggestions or recommendations.

@sheelmirji5494 - 20.11.2020 18:57

Is 4a 5g available in India 🇮🇳?

@lifenext4433 - 21.11.2020 11:11

May I know you are from which country? ♥

@arkornkwanthong1994 - 21.11.2020 16:11

After I watched your comparision. I cannot decide yet.
I would like to get 4a 5g. But I'm thinking 4a 5g. Is it worth it for price that more expensive than 4a ?
For me I'm ok for small screen of 4a and signal 4g. But I'm worry about battery, processor and camera.
Can you recommend me? Hahaaaaa

Thank you

@hutzman7664 - 27.11.2020 06:32

The 4a 5g was $50 cheaper than the 4a this week and it’s awesome!

@chrissmith2963 - 27.11.2020 06:49

Google is really serving the neede of ppl who don't want a huge phone. Even the largest of the new pixels isn't too big at 6.2'. That said, let's hope they offer an XL device next year. Good video 👍

@10xyourlife65 - 30.11.2020 16:58

The pixel 4A is literally the perfect size screen for a phone. People that want bigger screens literally just want a small tablet. But for an actual phone the pixel for a is the perfect size.

@stonertelevision - 07.12.2020 04:16

i bought a google pixel 4a then the 4a 5g comes out 1-2 months later. this kinda made feel like damn google wtf, just tryna get my money i wish i would’ve just waited

@quququ29 - 08.12.2020 01:43

thank you

@satyamsingh9586 - 18.12.2020 07:44

Love from india ❤️ my man , keep up the good work , I like ur honest reviews with that accent so much.

@vibecheck4581 - 22.12.2020 22:50

4a5g is better in my opinion lol

@johnisaiahdaniellayug1606 - 30.12.2020 12:50

I subscribed because you have Russian accent

@kmeenatchisundaram7005 - 03.01.2021 08:51

I am coming from iPhone 6s. Like to try android now . I want good camera , faster performance, slower battery degradation. Do not care about size . Which one would you suggest me ? 4a or 4a 5G ?

@theengineerbox - 06.01.2021 19:52

Hey Redskull, thanks for this comparison
You DID make things clearer for me
I'm sold on the 4A 5G and will be switching to it

@UmbroKhan - 10.01.2021 06:31

Should buy none. Call Screening and hold for me doesn't work outside US. Google Pixel is useless. Better to get OnePlus Nord or OnePlus 8T if your living outside US.
This only benefits US customers. Others get the middle finger.

@sike1dj - 12.02.2021 04:55

Love my 5g

@kichiti - 14.02.2021 10:36

of course the 4a 5G

@JRei23AZ - 16.03.2021 11:46

Watching on my Pixel 3XL. 😎

@blueis3000 - 20.03.2021 10:41

I can't stand this guy's accent. He always pronounce ARRRRRRRRRRRR. Pixel 4 (FORRRRR) A. God. Come on. lol

@domenicomargiotta7074 - 30.03.2021 18:07

Hi this pixel 4a 5g or op8t? Thanks

@rabiulislam1968 - 16.04.2021 05:28

Are the dual speaker same sound delivery in pixel 4a 5g?

@Xdc5 - 27.06.2021 14:01

Neither of them! I've got them both (piece of 💩) and moved on to Iphone 12 mini.

@hottube135 - 01.07.2021 08:53

Pixel 4a 5g team👍

@keithkirbyobillo4484 - 22.09.2021 15:43

Loving my 4a 5g 🥰

@Aaodekhloreaction - 30.07.2022 06:39

Please compare realme 8 pro and pixel 4a

@spirittravels. - 04.08.2023 14:44

Great review. How is the Video quality compared to an iphone 11 pro max? Please.

@mrunalkolhatkar8164 - 27.05.2024 09:15

Guys like you are the best❤ ! Skills, humanity and calm. 😊 (brave too)

@festuzsheneni9868 - 24.09.2024 22:25

Legends like me are watching in 2024 😅

Anyway, been using the Pixel 4a for about a month now and I'm looking to switch to the 4a 5G, just for the larger screen estate.
