Cool fact : 15 day of modern day is copy of 15 day of Jurassic marsh!
ОтветитьWow the shadow flowers are my favourite they could do magical stuff😊 and the ice plants are also my favourite too❤😊😊❤😊❤😊❤😊
ОтветитьHold on a second how are we gonna get those other locked plants how are we gonna get them?
Ответить😂😂🫵 my peashooter is level 5
ОтветитьBro lvl 16 was so hard cuz the gargs
ОтветитьI'm at pirate seas
ОтветитьImagine doing all that just to get a waffle with a taco
ОтветитьDay 34 -#1 set in frostbite caves with previously plant from lost city
#2- set in lost city with previously plant from neon mixtape tour
#3 - set in neon mixtape tour with previously plant jurassic marsh
#4 - set in jurassic marsh with modern day plant
My favorite modern day levels is 1 and 17,
ОтветитьMy god you're so bad...
ОтветитьIn my first time i was stuck in day 32 but the second boss
ОтветитьNgl but I was actually trying to collect suns while watching this 💀💀💀💀💀💀
ОтветитьBro, why didnt you make simetry
ОтветитьDave watsed his time for a taco with a waffle💀💀💀
ОтветитьImp just Said imp laugh
ОтветитьPeople’s biggest fears
Modern Day Level 16
I had no idea you could use the diagonal shooting plants get rid of shovel zombies! 🗿
ОтветитьSo could someone explain why this works when he repeats this strategy
ОтветитьThe Final Update!
ОтветитьIt’s crazy how this channel’s play-through of modern day is faster than big wave beach. AND I CAN SEE WHY…
only for a little bit I know
for anyone wondering the graze the roof theme plays during wave 3
ОтветитьBang saya nanya dong ko ga ada lanjutan lagi ya moderen day 34 udh selesai semua tapi ga ada lanjutan lagi mentok di situ aja apa emg udh tamat ya
ОтветитьActual literally just hell
ОтветитьThe world itself should add the 10 levels from the modern day extra hard levels quest
ОтветитьI thought this was gonna be easy
ОтветитьOh boy! What a finale this was. Even though it’s pretty tough but dang. What a finale it was. (And thank god the fisherman zombie and the ankylosaurus does not appear in modern day)
ОтветитьDay 16 best for new pvz2 player trust me
ОтветитьShadow shroom is cute and a good plant
ОтветитьIn PvZ 2 Reflourished, most specifically Modern Day, i consider Inferno as a great plant there. It can stall zombies and let your main attackers shred them. And by shredding, yes, i mean the multi dealing plants like Fume-Shroom, Laser Bean, Zapweed, etc. My ideal plant choice in Modern Day (PvZ 2 Reflourished) are
- Sun Shroom
- Inferno
- Fume Shroom
- Potato Mine
- Chili Bean/Shadow Shroom
- Tall Nut/Cherry Bomb
- Thyme Warp
This setup works quite neat and i pass the Modern Day levels quite easily, just be aware of the portals and problematic zombies.
Btw, my ideal plant placement would be Infernos at the back row, 2 rows of Sun Shrooms, 2 rows of Fume Shroom, a row of tall nut and use the instas when necessary.
And of course, don't just rush at the start. Use Potato Mine or Chili Bean/Shadow Shroom to both save sun, and don't trigger the next wave. One more thing, Chili Bean is better at dealing with Newspaper Zombie since it insta kills him, unlike Shadow Shroom which takes a long time thus, Newspaper Zombie will shred past your defenses especially if you don't have a defense plant.
Everyone waiting for reach modern day in pvz 2
ОтветитьBro at modern day and still has lvl 2 peashooters 💀
ОтветитьGuys did you notice in bossfight whatever world is there the plants are one world after the world it is playing(according to almanac) like in almanac far futere is after wild west and big wave beach is after dark ages
ОтветитьDay 30 is painful
ОтветитьHey guys , what do i do ifter i finish modern day?😢
ОтветитьDay 16 makes no sence.
ОтветитьI can’t beat modern day 😢
ОтветитьI don’t know but I think their is 34 levels I didn’t see the whole video.
ОтветитьI love how you used pvz 1 plants for modern day
ОтветитьThanks bro
ОтветитьModern Day = Modern Pain
ОтветитьJust imagine this world has Survival: Endless from the original game.
Access to All plants.
6 Lanes
Gargantuars from all worlds
Waves 1-10 Basic Zombies and Normal Gargantuar
Waves 11-20: Ancient Egypt
Waves 21-30: Frostbite Caves and Jurassic Marsh
Waves 31-40: Dark Ages
Waves 41-50: Wild West and Lost City
Waves 51-60: Pirate Seas and Big Wave Beach
Waves 61-70: Far Future and Neon Mixtape Tour.
Waves 71+: Screw it all zombies from Ancient Egypt to Modern Day.
So that's why the Modern Day world is Hard