Apple Vision Pro Mixed Reality Headset WWDC

Apple Vision Pro Mixed Reality Headset WWDC

Chris Norlund

1 год назад

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@digitalmarketinghumans - 05.06.2023 23:29

This is definitely really cool.

@schylerlewis8467 - 05.06.2023 23:31

For a creative this would be amazing. Video and photo editing fully unbothered by my surroundings.

@lennysaptho9541 - 05.06.2023 23:35

Guess Apple didn't learn from Meta. Only stupid people will buy this item and waste their money on it like people who buy there $500+ headphones and wear them at the Gym. Apple is trying to convince you to wear $3K Plus Goggles LMAO

@leeme179 - 05.06.2023 23:44

I am not sure why they have announced it 1 year early as its coming out next year, also for the price they have labelled it pro so may be they will release a normal version maybe even SE version at launch, or they will reduce the price at launch as the leaked manufacturing cost of these are around $1600

@kurniawanms2 - 05.06.2023 23:52

What do Apple Newton, Apple LISA and Apple Vision Pro have in common?

@mudit9403 - 06.06.2023 00:56

Good grief! The cost is outrageous. Prof G didn't think it was a good idea. It will probably fail. Let the Apple culties buy them and see what happens. Time will tell.

@luisarroyo9285 - 06.06.2023 00:57

So 4k Resolution per eye and FOV?

@chrispnw2547 - 06.06.2023 00:58

This is starting to smell a little like the Tesla Semi launch. Exciting as a concept and promise of the future, but when you independently examine the details and business case, it overpromises and under-delivers.

@Blazerelf - 06.06.2023 01:01

Reducing from 4000 to 500 will take like 10 years 😂

@Danny-gg9gs - 06.06.2023 01:06

The price is outrageous, but I do like the core idea behind it since it has the potential to replace macs. If the next version is half the price I think this could be the start of something amazing.

@TuxBearlux - 06.06.2023 01:14

$3499...* Head Strap sold separately 🤫 💰 💰

@marlokoppelman8391 - 06.06.2023 01:19

Nothing burger.

@Jeffro998 - 06.06.2023 01:22

Need to research a bit more, but I wonder if someone is gonna try to drive a car with this? 100%, yes READY PLAYER ONE!

@mypeteskimo5307 - 06.06.2023 03:59

Well 1500$ over my credit card limit 😢

@bufordmaddogtannen - 06.06.2023 04:44

The funny thing is that apple stock went down by about 2.4% and unity stock popped by 24%. 🤣

@bufordmaddogtannen - 06.06.2023 04:58

Chris, don't forget there are plenty of imbeciles out there spending $1500 for a flagship phone, on credit and in instalments. This thing has the potential to sell like cake, especially in China.

@xvDd-xi9io - 06.06.2023 05:40

Did the ad pop up for yall too?😅

@okladood-adam2564 - 06.06.2023 06:07

Using this on a plane won’t work. It’s wired, where to plug in for power?

@JonesJones-np2kq - 06.06.2023 07:11

I’m kind of excited, I haven’t had a TV in my home for about five years. Never like the look of a TV this big black box just sitting there waiting to be turned on. I think this will be a great solution. Thought about a short throw LED projector

@merilooadventures - 06.06.2023 08:04

Ugly and bulky as hell. Love new tech gadgets and accessories. Way overpriced. Yes, great features, but not quite there yet. I actually completed a very long paid survey few months ago regarding this product, so I am surprised at the current price advertised. It’s nothing close to what I initially saw through previous rounds of questionnaires. You would think that marketing surveys would have an impact on pricing decisions. Major concern would be potential long term health issues, especially when people get hooked. I used to complain that iPhones were too heavy for the hands and wrist bone. It still is. People’s eye visions will keep changing. Heads will feel pain, eardrums may get affected depending on sound, likely trigger heart palpitations, and potentially causing more headaches over time. The design takes up too much human head space. What I would like to see are much smaller/lighter/digital versions, more investments into swappable digital lenses, easy storage, natural looking eyeglasses that fits each person’s vision prescriptions, with much longer lasting battery life, and virtually buttons. Afterall, we’re not robots wearing huge computer monitors on our heads yet. Still humans. Yes, need key accuracy for typing too. Test selling to super rich generation hobbyists first. Eventually, virtual digital lenses/glasses with virtual buttons would make more sense, especially something that pairs well for driving hands free safely on roads. I believe it’s going to happen someday.

@HEAVENTWA - 06.06.2023 17:29

If people don't attach a world of importance to having their photos they take and the videos they make in 3-D and 3-D movies and video games, that will be mind-boggling.

Around seven or eight years ago, I got a 3-D TV that I love and every TV manufacturer that made 3-D TV's has for a number of years stopped manufacturing them. This is a bummer.

In 1979, for a month or so, in Greenwich Village, there was this little movie theater that played 3-D movies. The lines were around the block for schlocky 3-D movies from the 1950s like with a gorilla on a roller coaster and a kung fu movie from Hong Kong that most people wouldn't have any interest in (Master of the Flying Guillotine?).

They must already be companies that have 3-D video games and the games probably aren't selling like hot cakes because I haven't heard a word about any particular one of them.

I heard that there will be TV's with holograms in the future.

@andrewareva4605 - 06.06.2023 19:02

The ears are uncovered. It will bluetooth sync with airpod max or pros. The battery pack seems to be removable. There's a video where a guy mirrors his mac screen on to the Vison Pro and the guy is using a keyboard with his Vision Pro.

@journeytrader2445 - 06.06.2023 20:16

same things were said about apple watch years ago, now every second person uses them.

@journeytrader2445 - 06.06.2023 20:20

I think the price point is reasonable if it can replace a mac book / ipad and tv. not something I would buy being a family man I try to keep technology out of the home as much as possible but is i was single and young I would defiantly be interested.

@georgeschneider8778 - 06.06.2023 21:15

I see people using this as a status symbol 🤷‍♂️

@coisalinda2424 - 07.06.2023 03:34

I think it’s too expensive. It’s a nice piece of equipment gadget but it’s not worth it that much money. It’s all shame on Apple now it’s time for Mehta to do a better project method should do a better one for less than a quarter of the price in another words, I thousand dollars with rebate
