Oh Allah praise you. Thank you for the first breath I took after sleep. Please bless me I’m in need of help. Amen
ОтветитьPlease pray for me, my family have done something on me and every role I apply for despite having the skillset and experience I get rejected and I see the happiness on rheir faces when the ask me about my job hunt
ОтветитьPlease pray for me brothers and sisters I am to in a very difficult situation
ОтветитьOh allah(swt) please take all my problems away and bless me with health and happiness
ОтветитьPlease Allah remove all of my problems.I am feeling helpless😭
ОтветитьI want to live allah, please make this easy for me..please everyone pray for me, im in a very difficult position. I can't do it anymore
ОтветитьPlease pray for me, I wish to pass my university 🤍
ОтветитьAllah, please give him to me. I really want to marry him and I really love him. I will also try the best on my end🥹 please Allah
ОтветитьYa Allah remove problems from my sons.
ОтветитьYa Allah open the doors of riziki for Muslims
ОтветитьYa allah .give sabar to my son.ameen
ОтветитьAmeen Ameen Ameen Ya Allah please help my dauther and boys.🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
ОтветитьO Allah remove all worries, stressed , sadness sickness all black majic shytwani jinni blocking from me my children and my family
ОтветитьYa Allah I need your help Ya mujeebu Ya Swamadu
ОтветитьHavi faith on Allah ! And listen this dua this dua will help you like magic! May Allah forgive us every one Ameen ❤
ОтветитьPlease Allah help me..I can't stand anymore..I am seeking for your help ..oh Allah please forgive me and please help me
ОтветитьAllah please help to my sister they suffer more, everyday Ya allah please help
ОтветитьI’m going through serious depression please pray that I forget what’s troubling me forever I am struggling restlesss nights everyday I beg Allah every single day to help me pray for me
ОтветитьYaaah Allah help me.pray for me i am in grt pain sorrow .especiallly for my daughter Khadijah .i am crying for her.i am mother😢
ОтветитьPlease Make this dua for me I am so desperate. I am struggling badly with my mental state and abusive people are trying to overstep my boundaries from all angles.
ОтветитьAmeen 🤲 ❤
ОтветитьI want to buy home and want to marry a religious girl plz pray for me.
ОтветитьYa Allah alhamdulillah allah please help me allah please help me allah please Allah ameen 🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻😭😭😭♥️
ОтветитьI'm using my mothers account please protect my family and keep them safe from the sins I have committed. I used my place of darkness to self medicate in the wrong ways please I ask again protect my family and forgive me for those who I have sinned against
ОтветитьYa Allah please help my father ya Allah please
ОтветитьIm bocked for 1 year now in my live Inshallah this will help me 🤲
Ответитьalhumdulillah for everything ,,,,everyone must listen this dua
ОтветитьYa allah let basharat contact me today ameen. Plz everyone make dua for me
ОтветитьYa Allah remove my difficulties make it easy for me answer my prayers ya rabbi,ya Allah see me through 😢😢
ОтветитьAllah please help me.
I have 3 children and my husband is an abusive alcoholic.
Please show him the correct path and take all our problems away 😢
Subhaan Allaah I was feeling helpless and crying when i started listening to this Dua Alhamdulilaah my heart felt relieved after like 5 minutes . Allahu Akbar I feel whatever was making my heart heavy Allah is going to work on it.
ОтветитьPlease pray for my kids
ОтветитьPlease make dua for me…I am trying to do the right thing but it has been a two-year long struggle. I don’t know what to do. I desperately need help. Please someone pray this dua for me. 😭
ОтветитьPlzzz pray for me I am in real pain I don’t who to get out of it Allah plzzz help meh u can change everything anytime plzzz except my Dua plzzz
ОтветитьHelp me oh lord form all plane of the enimies
ОтветитьSee me true oh lord
Ответить😂 ya 😂 allah 💞 mere ❤️ sare 😂 pareshani 💞 dur ❤️ karo 😂 daulat 💞 atha ❤️ paramo 😂 inshallah 💞 ameen ❤️ ameen 😂 ameen 💞 ameen ❤️ ameen 💞❤️
ОтветитьAllah i just need you.
Jazaku allahu khair❤🤲
ОтветитьAlhamdulilah my problems were solved every time with this dua. It works 100%. AllahAkber
ОтветитьPlease pray for me someone wantes to tell my carer everything that I have done help me I need help
ОтветитьI beg you please pray for me, help me win custody of my two son's, i was very sick. And please pray for me to win accident benefits so i can support my kids. Ameen
ОтветитьMake dua to remove my all prblm & fmly prblm too insha allah
Pls give happiness & peace to my fmly ameen ameen yeah allah pls help me