More like how they bashed themselves to pieces slowing down the breakout
ОтветитьExcellent as always..👍👍
ОтветитьThe German counter attacks ran out of steam in the same way that the allies found progress difficult. They also threw in units that were being readied for a major push to snuff the beachhead out. Using them instead to defend against allied thrusts. In a war of attrition, the odds were on the allied side.
ОтветитьBrilliant. I followed the journey on Google maps.
ОтветитьThis account shows just how easy it was to stop an attack, British or German. The advantage will always lie with a well prepared defence.
ОтветитьHave you ever considered covering the battle of Arnhem or ooosterbeek? A little known battle which was thought to be fought by Germans but who were actually Dutch danish and Belgians in the XX in German uniforms.
ОтветитьThanks for the presentation. It is gratifying watching history that is objectively presented.
Ответитьwell explained
ОтветитьSehr tolles Video hat viel Spaß gemacht es sich anzusehen wie schön wenn es noch weitere solcher Videos gibt
ОтветитьEXCELLENT Chanel. This video pays tribute to the ones who paid the price of fighting for their respective country. Thanks and greetings from Mexico City
ОтветитьNowadays I'm addicted to watch the videos of the 2nd world war & the interview of survivors. This video is the best I found which has no music & explained clearly. Thank you 😊.
ОтветитьMy Regiment, The First Hussars (6 CAR) was almost destroyed at Le Mesnil Patry on 11 June, two weeks before Epsom. When I spoke to the veterans as a young officer in the 80's they described how tough the fighting was. I have walked the ground and it is a defender's dream. You analysis is incredibly good. Thank you so much
ОтветитьI know nothing about Oosterbeek in the Netherlands and any battles there. As mentioned by @nediji4rjoij4ro.
ОтветитьSo much destruction so much loss on both side. Fitting you ended with the British graveyard of those who did not come home. Laid to rest in a land returned to peace.
ОтветитьNormandy is such a brutal battle. The casualty rates for divisions is tremendous. The U.S 29th division took 12,680 battle casualties from June 6th to August 30th.
ОтветитьEs ist nur schrecklich, diesen Bericht zu hören!
Mein Vater musete fünf Jahre in den Krieg. Frankreich, Russland, yugoslawien. Ein Wunder, dass er überlebte, sonst gäbe es mich nicht.
Gut, dass Europa sich heute Europa ziemlich einig ist. ❤❤❤
ОтветитьCaen the Brit/Canadian sectors was where the bitter fighting was, which soaked up all of Germanys best troops in France
ОтветитьDid YT demonitize the video because of the S/S in the title, just noticed the video name has changed?!
ОтветитьMonty doing Monty things. He should have been replaced. Overrated, arrogant and thought he was a gift to the allies. Eisenhower should have fired his ass.
ОтветитьExpertly brought to life. Fantastic presentation. Many thanks.
ОтветитьThe allies didnt lose this. It was stalemate.
Ответить„I was in Normandy in WW2“
„Whoa grandpa, you were there on D Day?!“
„No the other one nobody wanna talk about“
Goes to show that Monty never thought that any bridge was out of Allied reach.
ОтветитьThis the type of content I obsess over. The smaller conflicts of WW2 are endless and largely overlooked. Yes please 🙏🏾👌🏾
ОтветитьI am amazed that so little is made of the II SS Pz Corps attack. This was 'THE' major (and realistically the last) German attempt to split the Allies and reach the coast and not just a local counter-attack to retake lost ground. . During EPSOM Monty collided with a major German attack and he altered his plan to deal with the new threat. He did this so well that although ULTRA had warned him of the attack he was still waiting for the main enemy thrust AFTER the Germans had called it off because of their losses. That is the main German attack was so easily defeated he thought there must be a bigger attack waiting to be delivered. He was wrong. Monty had decisively beaten the long-planned German 'last hope' to drive a wedge into the Allies and roll up the beaches. Why is this German Offensive ignored/downplayed when the much weaker later attacks in the US Sector are made out to be huge decisive victories?
ОтветитьNORMANY ?
ОтветитьI love this canal greetings from germany
ОтветитьBritish 2nd Army Caen faced 675 German AFV's on a 20 mile front, a density of 33.8%.
US 1st Army COBRA faced 155 German AFV's on a 20 mile front, a density of 7.8%
Soviet 1st Ukrainian Front Bagration faced 1,350 German AFV's on a 250 mile front, a density of 5.4%
AFV's = tanks and assault guns.
It's a wonder how they didn't break through sooner according to the likes of Stephen Ambrose and his ilk.
The figures are provided by an actual historian going by the the name of a certain Steven Zaloga. Stephen Ambrose is anything but this.
a great amount of work must go in to this type of video documentary I thank you very much for doing such an excellent job many of us know of the Greater battle but these in depth sections are brilliant and possibly unique and done with such respect.
ОтветитьReally excellent work.
ОтветитьSuperb video, Battle Guide team! The maps are excellent and I learned a lot about Operation Epsom. Great work as always, Battle Guide team! Take care.
ОтветитьSuperbe documentaire hyper précis. je suis pas loin de la cote 112. Et quand on voit de la haut la vue sur la campagne sud ouest de Caen on comprend vite que c'était un bon placement immobilier pendant la WW2.
Superb, hyper-precise documentary. I'm not far from hill 112. And when you see from the top the view over the countryside south west of Caen you quickly understand that it was a good real estate investment during WW2.
la vidéo m'a passionné,les infographies des cartes étaient particulièrement inté connais bien l'histoire de la bataille de Normandie surtout du côté Allemands.votre manière d'avoir traité cette opération m'a apporté une vision que les simples cartes ne peuvent restituer.
ОтветитьPourtant, dans les films d'Hollywood, les GI's descendent des landsern par centaines, avec très peu de pertes. Ces films seraient dons des mensonges?
ОтветитьSpannend und gut recherchiert. Bis auf die übliche Übernahme der angelsächsischen Propaganda.
ОтветитьRuhm und Ehre der Wehrmacht
ОтветитьSans l’aviation
Pas de suprématie sur les routes et autres champs de batailles
Nazis a 5 contre 1 sur tout ´les fronts
Resteront fanatiquement dangereux
Super video🎉🎉
ОтветитьThe abscence of night fighting capabilities by the infantry and the lack of tactical fighter bombers supporting these attacks gives allied strategy a cumbersome appearance.
ОтветитьNo loud music, calm narration thats what i love. good job man
ОтветитьExcellent video.
ОтветитьVery good, but was Operation Epsom such a failure as you claim? I wonder? The picture you convey is of blinkered incompetence on the part of the British.
ОтветитьHard to say Martlet failed when the objectives of Fontenay and Rauray were successfully captured and held.
ОтветитьEpsom was a slog where German use of the ground and predictable counter attacks appear to have played no part in Montgomery's plan which was typically began with a WW1 sledgehammer barrage, was too slow, badly coordinated and easily blunted
ОтветитьJe ne supporte plus se narratif sur nous sommes enfin en Europe, quoi l'Italie n'a fait pas partie ?
Ответитьmiami balloon and the concorde for well everest dead sea
ОтветитьMonty was a fool. It was criminal that because of Monty's use of media, he became a British "hero". From his stumbles, bumbles and press releases in North Africa, he sadly became the UK's "top" field general. His weakass leadership resulted in thousands of British, Commonwealth and American deaths. Basically he was the Trump of WWII.