Clickworker Review: Earn by Training AI on Clickworker as a Beginner (2025)

Clickworker Review: Earn by Training AI on Clickworker as a Beginner (2025)

Mr. Money

1 год назад

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@MichaelConqueror-qo4xx - 05.12.2023 18:02

Your contents are empowering.

@amazingmvideos8846 - 08.12.2023 10:00

Need Email address

@GiorgiGiorgi_z8s - 09.01.2024 13:22

I tried remotask but training is so weird. I answered the question correctly but they said my accuracy was zero

@owaisahmad2536 - 26.02.2024 15:26

Toloka is worthless

@AnimewithTalha - 21.03.2024 10:14

Does it support payoneer

@JuanDelaCruz-x2y - 09.04.2024 16:21

Its not exactly easy. There is a right answer for every question and if you don't perfect the series of questions, yo dot get paid.

@hiimjasss9443 - 15.04.2024 05:28

remotask support sucks :(

@cashfirst456 - 02.07.2024 00:52

So clickworker is the best??

@LGTV-xe8bp - 16.08.2024 18:14

Please don't use... This aap is wasting time. Job is better from this clockwork app.

@cragzuk - 05.09.2024 14:28

No you cant complete one task and withdraw money. There is a minimium amount you have to earn before you can even add a withdrawal method. The jobs so far I've seen are like Film a 70 second video of your garden from the perspective of a lawnmower with a specific angle and height from ground and all they pay is 1 euro but only if they accept your video/image. Likewise, other jobs ask you to take a photo of your image and a photo of your Passport or Drivers Lisence all for 1 euro !!! that is completely dangerous.

Then there is the 3rd party "app testing" jobs which tell you play Raid Legends or sign up to a gambling website and they don't credit you anything. I've been on there hours and I've made £0.33 and they take 7p from that.

@skaffen - 07.09.2024 21:00

I don't know about 9 months ago, but ChatGPT is not limited to 2021. I tested it to recent events. It actively browses web.

@justinTime077 - 10.09.2024 09:34

What’s that weird ass way you’re talking dude? Just like, use your normal accent? It’ll be much less abraisive; more organic and pleasant.

@RaziyabegumFiroz-vm8uw - 11.09.2024 09:29

One of the clickbait channel in YT.😢

@cynthiamarinkovic - 30.10.2024 05:03

The aplication is a waste of time, mostly of the jobs are only cents of dollar, and some jobs maybe 1 dollar after the client accept, and even they pay to you 60 days after the job. Yeah if you share the app and somebody use your code you can get 5 dollars, so this kind of people is making videos to catch people who can use their codes and thats all...

@TomyCroSound - 03.11.2024 15:02

You talk about something what you not even sign in!?? Bro

@mazzzuta - 08.11.2024 10:42

Outlier and Remotasks - the same.

@ObinnaEmmanuelAnosike - 17.12.2024 05:41

ID 17448537

@carolendongo8976 - 17.12.2024 19:52

I really enjoy doing Clickworker tasks. Thank you, for sharing this video !! ID: 14999809

@handreas1255 - 24.01.2025 01:09

Clockworker is a waste of time

@JoshuaDiscussions - 31.01.2025 06:53

Why not expect??? Expectancy is the 🗝️ to breakthrough my guy
