Everyone can mix now! || iZotope Neutron 4

Everyone can mix now! || iZotope Neutron 4

White Sea Studio

2 года назад

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@pedromaiz88 - 18.06.2022 15:52

I was very hesitant to use izotoope when I first heard about it. One reason is that it sounded too good to be true. Another reason is that mixing was new to me. I was still learning how to use a DAW and how to use standard effects like EQ and compression. I was afraid that izotope would do all the work for me, and it would interfere with my learning.

I don't think it had a negative impact on me. First of all, I have ended up not using it often. The only reason is because I have other preferred plugins. So I definitely didn't become dependent on izoptope presets or the AI. To my surprise, I found izoptope most useful as a sort of utility for speeding up my workflow. And I don't mean that I allowed it to do the mixing for me. I just use it as a starting point. Sometimes, I end up removing the plugin completely once it gives me a few ideas about how to shape my tone.

Using relay and the visual mixer also ended up teaching me a lot about gain staging , panning, and creating space in my mix. Again, I don't just set it and forget it. I still use the faders and pan control in my DAW. Izotope give me a rough idea about what I should try to do to my audio.

Although I rarely have a need for these plugins now, I still always use many of the modules from RX whenever I edit audio. It is top notch and very easy to use. I especially love using de-click. It is so easy to use the plugin and can make a world of difference.

@petermaardananders6803 - 18.06.2022 22:55

I remember. "Band in a Box' from the mid 90's that used instrument placing graphically too. Only played around with BIAB for I was using Cubase for my semi serious musical stuff. Way before the VST & app era , memories of days gone by. Yup. Im. all for back to oldschool, BIAB clones are sadly 'out there' for people whitout a clue for chards, chord progressions, instruments, scales etc. too much canned pre-made 'muzuck' for 'lazy folks' . To much ready to use apps imho kill creativity. A special FO for the dreadfull AUTOTUNE shyte that should be forbidden......

@auchild433 - 18.06.2022 23:09

no snake oil that feature looks awesome visual mixer i like

@daanthijssen1748 - 19.06.2022 14:06

Heeeey Nederlander! Goeie videos!!! Nice videos!

@Male-On-Beatz - 22.06.2022 21:34

I dont like visuell mixer... Is stupid

@djreddy666 - 22.06.2022 22:55

I do love the way you present your videos! Dry humour and all! Good to see how much your channel has grown over the years ;-)

@doknox - 23.06.2022 03:33

I'll take the snake oil not this garbage!

@mwaves4152 - 23.06.2022 13:17

how could unmasking work on a 2 beat like let's say a already rap vocal

@GTSongwriter - 24.06.2022 17:05

That's an expensive plug-in.

@technestudio - 26.06.2022 03:54

Look I'm an engineer and an artist and I love isotope Perkins but I used them in the right position they're mastering plugins trying to work with an outdated busing system basically

@wileycoyote9688 - 26.06.2022 04:21

Is anyone really arguing that working with a mixing/mastering engineer will produce better tracks? If I had the resources to professionally mix and master every track I probably would. But I don’t, so I use tools like Neutron and Ozone.

Those tools allow people with very little mixing experience to make tracks that the AVERAGE PERSON would find acceptable so long as they were a GOOD PRODUCER (sorry for yelling). These tools lower the barriers to releasing music, elevating the art form as a whole.

I would love to see an argument against lowering the barriers for releasing good sounding music.

@timshadgett - 26.06.2022 04:48

For those detractors- just don’t use the assistant, you have one of the most advanced and flexible channel strips available on the market today!

@davidcottrell1308 - 26.06.2022 17:06

everyone can "do" everything now....but how well????

@DavidKfilmmaker - 29.06.2022 03:11

Didn’t see what the difference is between 3 and 4

@jimmakos20 - 29.06.2022 13:22

Thanks for the video. I will give it a try for sure

@Zuschlagwerk - 01.07.2022 14:11

When you could group some instruments in the Visual Mixer and you had the possibility to turn them visibly on and off, the interface would be more clear. Wouldnt that be the solution ?

@FamilyFun3132 - 02.07.2022 09:39

Love Izotope. Neutron 4 is definitely not snake oil. Gives you, at the very least, a starting point to dive into. And it can deliver some really great sounding results without a whole lot of technical understanding. It's pretty genius if you ask me, but who am I. LOL!

@m76353 - 04.07.2022 00:36

QUESTION: how does the sound quality compare to fabfilter eq?

@paulmistygatz7888 - 04.07.2022 11:45

Great video! Just fyi, the Unmask module isn’t just a standard ducking process. The difference is quite dramatic: Tools like Trackspacer or Nectar simply inverts one signal and puts that on the destination (inverted). But neutrons unmask module analyzes the source signal and destination signal for actual colliding frequency energies. It’s working totally different.

@djatixofficialdnb - 14.07.2022 00:43

I love the vr idea. Imagine that, can see it all around you and placing the sounds exactly were you want. Visualy aswell as hearing it. Would be like your inside your track with it. ,
"Hi's to right abit, vox to the left, here i am stuck in the middle with the sub"

@bigfreak58 - 17.07.2022 22:17

I'm glad I foune this video I put alot of my final decision about gear from your reviews. I was thinking on getting this plugin i struggle with my mixes I am getting better but this shoul help alot thanks.

@EckertAndras - 29.07.2022 11:38

For good mixing you must have good ears and a good monitors. Thats it.

@ukukudu7066 - 06.08.2022 12:57

Very good video 🥂

@mcsstudios101 - 08.08.2022 19:53

Makes sense to incorporate visual logistics. If you can see and hear it without frequency knowledge on the dial...it certainly helps alot. I might try it. It sounds like it's pretty responsive.

@m.o.n.d.e.g.r.e.e.n - 09.08.2022 01:02

arent we all just mixing as we are writing and producing now?

@RicoLee27 - 11.08.2022 16:18

Takes away alot of creativity and control. Maybe it's good for beginners and for beat producers who buy everything anyway

@tmussOfficial - 01.09.2022 19:18

you can do the masking if you have neutron for example on both kick and bass, use the masking option through the eq

@GamingPoliz1 - 04.09.2022 21:20

If you want to get serious about music , just get the iZotope suit, like for real , all the plug-ins "talk" to each other, and make the Entire mixing and mastering Super EASY

@jellewierda3828 - 06.09.2022 20:37

Has anyone recreated ott with neutron?

@Geepstar - 26.09.2022 14:00

you sound a little bit dutch, am I correct? 🙂

@peterk3556 - 03.10.2022 04:57

This isnt mixing anymore its more like Sounddesign

@Yahoomediaclub - 04.11.2022 15:56

Yea..Great software…and it also integrates with Native Instruments Maschine ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

@CSSLN - 06.11.2022 06:37

Hey the idea of mixing with VR sounds amazing 😱

@Yuushiboy - 12.11.2022 18:46

Thanks for the video! I bought it for 116 USD after watching it. Black Friday Sale + Loyalty program + coupon code. I hate mastering cause I really suck at it so this will help a lot. Tried it on some old tunes and now I never want to listen to the old version of em. You got yourself a new subscriber :)

@Beatsby10th - 17.11.2022 01:15

Ive paid engineers to mix and master, takes a while to get the project finished. Costs a lot. Ive just downloaded this and Ozone, all i did was gain stage and i immediately did mix assistant and then master assistant on a track, sent it to multiple people and have been told it sounds very good, it actually sounded better than the engineers i use.

@mygic183 - 21.11.2022 19:31

Good stuff

@JordanStLee - 25.11.2022 06:09

Love your videos. I wish I understood the repeated Sandstorm inside joke, though. Fill me in? Thanks!

@studiohubraum9537 - 25.11.2022 23:41

whith micro and holder you use, it looks amazing....

@Fatherjohn76 - 26.11.2022 11:41

It’s all about mindset. These type of tools, whilst dangerous to sonic quality in the wrong hands, are incredible applications in the right hands. They can never replace human skill, the companies themselves would be the first to say that. But they can hugely enhance existing skills if used correctly

@ianmcelroy5772 - 27.11.2022 06:57

For visual mixing check out "The Art of Mixing: A Visual Guide to Recording Engineering and Producing" by David Gibson.

@mygoogle1525 - 05.12.2022 07:41

How is the cpu usage?

I use many instances of alchemy which is already quote heavy.

@samuelsmith4494 - 07.12.2022 08:59

LOL, just don't buy the Elements version... Unlike V3 of Elements, this new one does not allow you to see the tools when you click the detailed view icon. Instead it just displays a full pane infomercial to upgrade. In my book "infomercial" product is the same thing as snake oil.

@MK-pn3lm - 11.12.2022 22:15

Easy way to get a good starting point. Helped me a lot to get bigger and fuller sounds.

@Fraeg - 12.12.2022 11:23

not snake oil :D As you mentioned the fact that you can use Neutron in EZ mode, or deep dive mode with a single click can't be stressed enough. Guitar/drum player here. I need something that will help me quickly get something listenable. Bob Ludwig is never going to be checking my tracks out so yeah, simple and fast, with the option to do a deep dive if/when I want/need to.

@huilustudio - 16.12.2022 22:35


@elvinlewis4233 - 01.01.2023 20:28

I think this is great! Music has a way of ratting out phonies, regardless of how it's derived. In the end, it still has to communicate something compelling enough, to where someone would actually consider paying for it. Hard to do, no matter the tools.

@henrymetzger9951 - 21.04.2023 23:21

So whats the difference between ozone and neutron? they seem to nearly do the same thing? i just relays for every track and put one of them on the master right?

@sean_wave - 04.06.2022 19:29

When I see all this kind of tools, I always think that they are sorta dangerous. I mean the beauty of working in tandem with an audio engineer is that the artist can talk about their art and their vison with an actual human being. I feel like companies are pushing individualism a little too far. Just a thought.
