Hot Springs, North Carolina Flooding Drone Video (Hurricane Helene)

Hot Springs, North Carolina Flooding Drone Video (Hurricane Helene)

Ben Childers

5 месяцев назад

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@RealTuckered - 30.09.2024 15:21

This is terrible, we have visited this wonderful little community many times. Pray for them, send good vibes, whatever you believe. There are many places that were impacted like this.

@JarredSutherland - 30.09.2024 16:25

I spent a lot of time here as a kid, family is from the area. Still have some family there (not in town). Just very sad to see the destruction.

@RebekahOdle - 30.09.2024 17:20

My partner and I were there just last December for our anniversary. It's a lovely little town. So awful to see the devastation.

@joeanon3888 - 30.09.2024 17:38

Thanks for going down and recording this... I don't feel the mainstream news is doing their job to share the destruction. What you're doing is important so people can know the plight of the people there

@TheGillionaire - 30.09.2024 17:41

I grew up in Mars Hill and my dad just told me how bad it is in Hot Springs. I am heartbroken for the friends and neighbors back in Madison who are suffering in this disaster.

@chrissyeckert5689 - 30.09.2024 18:15

So sad and heartbreaking that so many have to experience this devastation. Praying for all this has effected. 😢

@susanmitcham9442 - 30.09.2024 18:15

Prayers for all...............

@susannahkelpyotter5595 - 30.09.2024 19:04

Prayers for all on this plane of existence who are currently in need of divine assistance. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.

@justaguy2365 - 30.09.2024 19:12

My hometown 😢 it's nearly unrecognizable

@domanefun - 30.09.2024 19:49

Don't let them Commercialize your Communities. Stay Strong ❤

@ProphecySocietyAtlanta - 30.09.2024 19:50

I lived in Hot Springs for ten years, and before that as a thru-hiker passed through and enjoyed the town's hospitality many times. It grieves me to see the heart of the town washed away. Hot Springs is a tourist town and, in addition to the cost of repairing the physical damage to infrastructure, this weather disaster will be a severe economic blow from lost tourism income. To any town residents reading this, know that our hearts and prayers are with you in this time of testing.---Dan Bruce (the thru-hiker formerly known as "Wingfoot")

@TheresaGallagher-u2i - 30.09.2024 20:19

My father grew up on farm near Hot Springs. Many great memories on the farm and visiting Hot Springs. Terrible tragedy!

@bobomaxable - 30.09.2024 21:02

Hot springs is a special place. This breaks my heart.

@katiebowen2194 - 30.09.2024 22:55

We all keep seeing the footage of the town and its horrible damage, were many of the homes damaged? Does anyone know anything about Spring Creek. My parents were both born and raised in Hot Springs and Spring Creek, I spent every summer of my life there and I am so heartbroken. All the memories in those old buildings downtown. Just a couple years ago I brought my husband to Hot Springs for a family reunion and he fell in love with Gentry’s. We were just there two weeks ago. Hot Springs is still the place I want to retire to. Hot Springs Strong

@TumTuned - 30.09.2024 23:01

This crushes me, seeing this... I've been to this area more times than I can count. I've stayed in the campground numerous times, as well as the hot springs resort. At least it appears that the roads took the blunt of the damage, and most of the buildings look to be in fair shape. Hopefully, the town can recovery quickly. ❤

@mobigsly9595 - 30.09.2024 23:53

My good friends live in Hot Springs.. I just talked to them on the phone.. the whole town in completely destroyed.. so sad😢

@emilypotts4886 - 01.10.2024 01:38

Me & my husband stayed here on the way back from our honeymoon & have been wanting to visit again. Absolutely devastating. Prayers for all those affected ❤️

@kmat7163 - 01.10.2024 05:13

Hot Springs is my favorite of all Trail Towns, sending many prayers to this amazing community.

@Whiskeytreekilo - 01.10.2024 15:29

I was born and raised in this area and was wondering how wide spread the destruction reached. Never in my 70 years here has a flood been this catastrophic. Thanks for the video.

@SmokyMtnRed - 01.10.2024 20:48

Unless NCDOT is wrong, it appears 25-70 through Hotsprings is now open as of today. I wasn't sure if you were from the area and would know for sure.

@calicocycles - 02.10.2024 00:44

Does anyone know if the diner was affected?

@ljeames295 - 02.10.2024 01:07

Can you hold each view longer? Those of us from here are trying to identify things. The images flip too rapidly. Thanks. And thank you for doing thus.

@ChapelHillElectric - 02.10.2024 01:12

Looks like it can be repaired though. Some towns are alot worse off right now.

@Aseeyah-vt9kl - 02.10.2024 02:00

I would visit the springs at least once a year. This saddens me. The ride there is so relaxing and the view is awe inspiring. Wishing you all well.

@roncox5512 - 02.10.2024 03:47

I wonder if Stackhouse survived

@magonadams7015 - 02.10.2024 15:37

It’s all so heartbreaking. I’m so sorry. 💔

@chase76s - 02.10.2024 15:46

SO very sad to see this. Our group has had many camping trips over the years to Hot Springs. Such a wonderful little hamlet. The people here are so wonderful and nice. May God be with each of you.

@JosiahMelendez - 02.10.2024 15:48

Anyone know if the hotel and campground were affected?

@guest6423 - 02.10.2024 18:01

best viewed at 1/2 speed with the sound off. Seems edited for entertainment, rather than documentation.

@2AngelsFigs - 02.10.2024 21:08

Camped and soaked there many times. I am so sad to see this happen to such good people. The destruction is unimaginable!

@waynebarczynski3310 - 02.10.2024 21:22

We were there a few months ago this is so sad😢

@tylerdavis8874 - 02.10.2024 21:46

This shit is devastating, there was so much history that just got washed off these hills.

@joshuahogan9879 - 02.10.2024 23:39

I grew up over the mountain in Tennessee, and Hot Springs has been my happy place. I'm heartbroken by this.

@samhill3496 - 03.10.2024 03:01

Thanks Ben Childers for the drone footage. I wondered what the status of Hot Springs was. I knew it would be bad. For many years the BMW Motorcycle Club of Asheville held a rally there. We had most of a 1000 attendees each September. The town has a rich history. Now a much sadder one.

@Blitzcrankmd - 03.10.2024 03:23

This is my favorite little town 😭

@catherinedoerr7036 - 03.10.2024 04:48


@MsClaytown - 04.10.2024 05:41

Heart breaking 💔

@fuzzyvelvetcricket - 05.10.2024 04:53

Does anyone know if Sunnybank Inn was damaged? I love that place.

@BenWill-t5y - 05.10.2024 16:52

It's sad i was ther in may

@lindamon5101 - 06.10.2024 02:51

Ive never been to Hot Springs but a dear friend lives there. All the love& prayers to these beautiful ppl& their homes.

@peytonjarrett2207 - 08.10.2024 16:04

I got engaged here just this summer. Heartbreaking to see the devastation brought on like this. Hot Springs is a special place.

@dapper892 - 09.10.2024 22:57

Drove right through once on my way back to South Carolina. I was blown away at what a charming beautiful town it was. Told my wife we have to come back one day for a weekend. Never got to. Hope they rebuild this place!

@GoFarAway5338 - 10.10.2024 03:33

I spent a few nights in this town many years while visiting a friend who was hiking the AT. It looks a bit more built up than when I was there. I'm very sorry to see what has happened and pray the people of this town and all of western NC are able to rebuild their lives.

@cindy6479 - 19.10.2024 11:42

My Dad/family pastored there in the early 60’s. So many wonderful families. Prayers

@andrearenee7845 - 06.11.2024 22:31

One very sad pictures of such a beautiful place where nature meets the road. It breaks my heart... These storms are too big to fail. The sooner NC wakes up, you will be too late. Too bad you elected the 45th all over again his politics are just as bad. Much devotion on recovery. See if Trump gives you a check...

@kenbarks5065 - 16.11.2024 08:21

Ben, your editing is way too choppy and is boring as heck..First, start with a nonstop overview fly through from one end of town to the other. Then add in clips but at least 15 seconds long. Yours are way too short and boringly repeatative. You need to focus on one area long enough for the viewer to appreciate and understand the subject. Use short clips at end to close, not in the main reel.
Thank you for the work. I love that little town.

@aquariun21456 - 02.12.2024 07:48

I live on the Coast In Beaufort SC. I have seen Damage done by Hurricanes and Tornados! They are Nothing Like this Damage. You have to see it in Person to Understand the Destruction in North Carolina and Tennessee!

@wohali8216 - 25.02.2025 18:39

I've witnessed Hugo in Charleston, SC. , been though Hot Springs many times, always stopping by, was such a lovely, good folk sort of town. God speed to your recovery.
