The Ant Championships - Group A | Empires of the Undergrowth

The Ant Championships - Group A | Empires of the Undergrowth


9 месяцев назад

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@Error_Fghc - 16.06.2024 13:27

nice video

@chompster2806 - 16.06.2024 14:14

Dude, thank you!
I've been trying to find at least one video where someone plays the battle arena in 1.0 update and showcase multiple ants againts other types of ants to see how they preform (and definitely not the ones that use like hundreds ants without giving them a closer look like a 1v1 or a small battle for that matter like this video). I would love to see this become a series if possible.

Keep up the work.

@henrygamer2023 - 16.06.2024 15:41

i really thought 30 stink ants were gonna fight the termite major workers XD

@Cobrax_x - 16.06.2024 17:05

Going to guess bullet ants will win easily

@deathclawproductions6723 - 16.06.2024 18:57

Yeah, the Army Ants for their cost aren’t really that strong stat-wise, they’re more or less support units.

Feel like the Black Ants would’ve had a bit of a better showing at Level 3 due to the increased attack sped they get.

Not surprised about the Stink Ant results, the AoE in their attack is very good in scenarios like this where they face a lot of enemies at once.

@uzipewpewpew7843 - 17.06.2024 10:05

i hope the big headed ants do well 😅

@GooeyZeb - 17.06.2024 16:55

Wait how much do the stink ants even cost 300 ? Well that would be logical as they aparently do aoe attacks on all attacks.

@Woffl_08 - 18.06.2024 00:11

If you do do level 3s in the future, will you give the fire ants a two for one combo or keep it straight? I've done tournaments like this before and I have always done it a different. BTW great video and I eagerly await the next.

@arbenhasa4190 - 18.06.2024 10:16

Actually the black ants should have been higher than the fire ants since if you make them fight the black ants always win ive tested this myself and with level 3 or not they just have the stingers that do extra damage

@TerrariumDiscoveryGamingMore - 19.06.2024 00:31

Fascinating, fascinating!
