A Quick Look At The New Elementary OS 8

A Quick Look At The New Elementary OS 8


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@RHTORAS - 01.12.2024 13:07

You think if i just press buttons without knowing what i am doing this is user friendly ? Well i have news for you... this way is how microsoft works... WE DO NOT NEED USERS IGNORING BASIC STUFF... and this is why you are destroying linux...
can you use tribblix man ? i challenge you... show us something else... because elementary is essentialy linux mint with another theme

@bobpeters61 - 01.12.2024 13:55

I occasionally do a little exploratory distro hopping just to see what I may want to recommend to Linux newbies. On my last round of that, Elementary OS put a "Microsoft Data" partition on the SSD of the test computer I used. As did Pop! OS. Therefore, I couldn't in good conscience recommend either of those distros.

@Groovy-Train - 01.12.2024 14:27

Donald Trump endorses Elementary OS.

@plasmatube7328 - 01.12.2024 14:55

For me it still looks like a kids computer from a toy store. This is not a mature desktop.

@avalagum7957 - 01.12.2024 15:10

IMO, a top panel + a dock at the bottom is the most screen-wasting thing ever.
KDE Plasma, Hyprland with waybar, Windows ... are the best.

@anieziisandezzlas - 01.12.2024 17:19

Discord is not free and it shouldn't be called like that

@kingstat1 - 01.12.2024 18:23

bla bla

@nexu9568 - 01.12.2024 18:44

This looks amazing. I thought that the only thing elementary OS has to offer is that it looks like MasOS. But I'm honestly surprised by how newbie friendly it is. I might start recommending it to newbies instead of linux mint.

@anieziisandezzlas - 01.12.2024 19:09

Hello, DT, can you review BigLinux? It's an old, still maintained distro based on Manjaro that influenced Ubuntu a lot.

@deusexaethera - 01.12.2024 19:13

Every time ive tried eOS, I end up asking myself "why not just use Kubuntu?" New desktop environments don't add any meaningful value. Cinnamon, Pantheon, Cosmic, etc. So much wasted effort that could've been productively spent contributing to existing projects and fixing compatibility problems. That's what really helps Linux.

@johanahlberg9452 - 01.12.2024 19:50

I think the reason for them to set the "close window" hotkey to alt+f4 is because Windows have had that shortcut for over 30 years. same with ctrl+c. Maybe not the best hotkey combo but many people know it :)

@Amaqse - 01.12.2024 21:11

Lets see.
1st. After installation and user creation, system goes to login screen saying my user is for some reason disabled. Does not offer any solution or cause. Cant log in to the system until reset.
2nd. Cant install vmware guest additions. Installation totaly craps the bed trying to detect what sort of things are running on the system. Can't get any prerequisites.
3. There's no native steam clients. After downloading official steam client deb the systems complains it has no idea what to do with deb files.
3a) Official DEB file installer app which is like 10 lines of code in a window frame, costs 5$.
4. Massive surprise ! not only nala apt tool is available, it installs steam.deb without hissy fit. That is a massive upgrade compared to previous OS version which literally missed 80% of required, very basic dependencies.
5. When an app loads, even basic build in one, the system literally freezes like if it was loading from 1,4Mb floppy drive. Same on bare metal.
6. There is no gui process viewing app it seems
7. Installing firefox. . . somehow attempts to install snap and snap version of it. No clue why since the store doesnt support snaps and firefox deb packages are available officialy from mozilla repo.
8. Even tho system uses system tray and tray icons, theres 0 support for extra apps. Once you minimize something to tray, f u . Kill app run it again.
9. Nice choice of wallpapers. . . . then again anyone can get better ones from 500px.
10. Performance 3/10.
11. Begging for money, everywhere.

@dybefapi8694 - 01.12.2024 21:56

It's unfortunate.

I was interested about this Linux distribution because it seems to have an interesting design philosophy and I was ready to explore it, however I wouldn't feel comfortable using a product whose creators explicitly say that they don't want certain people using their project simply because they disagree with certain political ideas.

Whether or not I agree with those ideas isn't the point, but I don't want to use a project that openly discriminates against people simply because they think differently, this would go against the values that made me use Linux in the first place.

@holyhelga - 01.12.2024 21:56

Well elementary is sort of a synonym for simple

@Biohacker99 - 01.12.2024 22:19

Looks so basic

@MindoverMaster1 - 02.12.2024 00:10

Do a review on WayFire!!

@jdecicco91 - 02.12.2024 00:40

Holy hell these comments are toxic.

@chaussettes99 - 02.12.2024 03:06

Lot of neckbeards in these comments complaining about the creator pretty much saying "dont make a video about my OS if you openly spout hatred about minorities" - then complaining it's a DEI distro cause the creator is trans. Sad to see so many people got whipped up into that pipeline but I guess I should have expected as much with the kind of crowd linux naturally attracts.

@MLGPRO-dx8fg - 02.12.2024 03:22


@florida8294 - 03.12.2024 03:59

This dude is such a shilling hack. A ton of people couldn't even get this release to install let alone work properly yet you recommend it. Not surprisingly to have a bad take from DT when he has a history of it

@octopusonfire100 - 03.12.2024 18:29

I feel like this OS hates me, somehow.

@RakibHasan-hs1me - 03.12.2024 22:07

Yes Elementary OS still lives only to fanboys. Wouldn't recommend a daily driver or beginner use

@roborob347 - 05.12.2024 04:58

This distro won't last much longer.

@kk-linux-rocks7269 - 05.12.2024 06:34

I literally attempted to install Elementary OS 8 directly on my Lenovo Thinkpad T480 and the installer displays an error message stating that the install process failed due to a hardware error. Now keep in mind that I have successfully installed and used no less than 6 different distros on this laptop over the years without ANY issues. In fact, I'm currently using the latest version of Solus installed on it.

Elementary has never been a good choice for me and v8 is no different.

@AndreaBorman - 05.12.2024 11:33

I don't think that Elementary OS is the one to use. At least not for new users. I did try it but the Pantheon desktop is not very user friendly. Many of the basic features that should be there are not there. Such as no icons on the desktop and no minimize or maximize buttons on windows. The Pantheon desktop which Elementary OS is based doesn't support it. The software center is not very good either. There was very few software in it and many features of the desktop are locked down. So you cannot customize or do many of the things you can on other desktops. So I would give this desktop a miss.

@churblefurbles - 05.12.2024 12:09

Pure poz.

@stefandhervlogs - 05.12.2024 13:42

I am using Elementary OS8 as my daily driver. Took me under an hour to get up and running for my work flow and everything works really well. No bugs, no lagging and just a well built operating system. All the little changes such as update on restart for system updates and the need tk not have to restart for applications updates is another nice little feature. Themes are simple but nice, this system keeps out the way allowing you to just work without interruptions.

I think what would be nice is if they focused future versions on Debian alone as Ubuntu based I feel is no needed especially with the move to flatpaks and snaps not being used.

@SS-gu2tx - 05.12.2024 21:21

Still better than Manjaro.

@P.Farroupim - 05.12.2024 22:53

What about installing video card drivers easy?

@batuhancaine - 06.12.2024 16:29

I just want to share my opinion with this OS.

Have you ever encountered an operating system that seems antagonistic toward both itself and its users? Meet Elementary OS.

The installation process is highly cumbersome—I’ve tested it on four different computers, and each attempt was fraught with issues. The system’s native applications frequently freeze and crash, while the Pantheon desktop environment offers minimal customization. It feels like a half-hearted attempt at replicating macOS, as if built with the mantra, “We have macOS at home.”

Furthermore, the team behind Elementary OS appears to have internal political disputes and other disagreements. For these reasons, I cannot recommend using it.

@renzo532 - 08.12.2024 20:37

Elementary is great. Its clean, there's no bunch of pre-installed crap here, elementary feels clean and empty and I like it

@deepanshuplaygames - 10.12.2024 14:57

please show me how to create a folder in desktop

@LumpyMoose - 20.12.2024 03:03

The thing that was a deal breaker for me, was an inability to upgrade in-place to the next OS release. This is simply not an option for beginners.

@wjckc79 - 22.12.2024 02:24

As long as they keep getting more and more political and extreme it will be the death of the distro. I was big on eOS many years ago. Not much has changed. Perhaps for some that's good. There are some truly unique aspects to the way the interface operates. I have come to hate them. Elementary OS was a good idea a decade ago. Now it's just kinda lame.

@wjckc79 - 22.12.2024 02:35

Daniel Foré is a tool.

@bGrickD - 22.12.2024 12:05

what's the deal when there are `apt` packages as well as `flatpak` packages? Do you then have to update each individually? i.e. `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade` AND `flatpak update`? Are there other packages that need to be updated in other ways as well?

@tinyrandomthings - 27.12.2024 00:02

i don't buy it as they removed the app indicator since eOS 5. i can't understand the idea of restricting customization on Linux. Even MacOS does not stop people put they app icon in the system indicator panel. what they need to do is removing the clock in the center of the panel, no more symetrical space on the panel, so other important app can get their way in

@pixsarys - 27.12.2024 23:13

I always loved elementary, it's one of the only distros which doesn't look hideous
The unjustified toxicity elementary distro started receiving after Foré came out clearly reflects why Linux is not and will never make it in the desktop scene

@u0_a647 - 28.12.2024 22:46

Regardless of my political view, I AM entitled to use WHATEVER I want to use.

It's like not letting yourself breathe air because the people who have different perspectives also breathe the same air as you do.

The developers have NOTHING to do with their user's opinions.

@alfinosaurus - 04.01.2025 15:13

idk but the window/UI padding on eOS 8 looks awful :(

@aanrofik - 10.01.2025 10:44

Elementary OS was the first Linux distribution that made me fall in love with Linux. But I use Linux Mint now. Probably I will try back EOS again. Nice review, thanks!

@ArthurTupper-f6j - 10.01.2025 19:52

Why is it with Linux elementaryos-8.0 when i install it and do updates it disconnects from the internet please help

@DimensionDevices - 18.01.2025 15:47

What a shitty distro. DEI my ass. Putting politics over functionality is DEFINITELY the way forward 🤦

@pedrohqb - 19.01.2025 21:06

I read some comments on this distro's subrredit and they are barely readable. Their "pronoun" nonsense makes it utterly irritating.

@Artafp6003 - 27.01.2025 20:28

Note: on the app center, to get a paid app for free, just like downloading eos itself, its just some donation and to skip that press the 🔽 button and decrease the donation size to free

@pretbadha - 30.01.2025 04:58

Elementary Vs Zorin 17.2 ?

@toad1771ify - 01.02.2025 01:35

Elementary is as it's name suggests assuming you can even install the bloody thing

@aktivex2075 - 08.02.2025 01:08

super shift c is actually closer to using 4 fingers

@aktivex2075 - 08.02.2025 01:08

there are too many commercials man, Ill go to another channel

@retrogameplus3838 - 23.02.2025 03:52

I used eOS for years and regret every second of it after just switching to vanilla Gnome on Fedora. If you're using eOS you're getting a sub-par experience because the only person working on your OS is basically insane and poor lol
