Samick Sage or Black Hunter

Samick Sage or Black Hunter

Scott Winters

55 лет назад

68,610 Просмотров

Samick Sage or Black Hunter. Which to chose? It seems the questions is always should I choose the Samick Sage or Black Hunter Recurve for my first bow. It really depends on what you want to spend, what features you are looking for in a traditional bow, and what you are willing to sacrifice. Both are good bows with a few negatives. With a little research and testing you can find the right bow for your needs.


#black_hunter_recurve_bow #black_hunter_bow #samick_sage_takedown_recurve_bow #samick_sage_recurve_bow #samick_sage_setup #recurve_bow_for_beginners #traditional_bow_shooting #recurve #recurve_bow #samick_sage_vs_black_hunter #bow_stacking #Samick_bow_specs #take_down_recurve #take_down_bow #bow_limb_weight #bow_draw_weight #black_hunter_bow_review #samick_bow #samick_bows_review
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@Rustyshackleford1911 - 27.02.2023 04:48

I need one with a thin handle

@beyproctor7673 - 20.03.2023 01:32

Great video. Thank you. I have paused my hunt for a traditional bow to find my draw length. I’m a tall guy so I figure maybe a longer draw. I had a fiberglass recurve bow when I was in middle school. I went through a time when I shot it a lot. I have my own kids now and I want to shoot a traditional bow again and maybe teach them. I have a SAS Maverick in my cart. Thanks for your thoughtful insight on the topic.

@thormidthagahast8914 - 20.03.2023 14:41

Is he deliberately refusing to say the word stabilizer? If so, why?

@calebcooper2645 - 23.03.2023 11:22

I am looking to get a takedown recurve. I’ve only shot a compound bow maybe 10-15 times in my life so I’m definitely a noob and I truly appreciate your opinion and information on these two. They’re the two I’ve cut my options down to for my first bow. Thanks

@jdubxi11 - 07.04.2023 09:55

Great video, been rolling these 2 around in my mind for awhile. I enjoyed archery as a kid and been wanting to revisit that but not sure where to start. Thanks for offering some clarity to the topic.

@kevinemard5370 - 16.04.2023 19:12

I like them both they shoot great after you get the brace hieght and nock point right the samick sage offers more options/add on's but mine started to stack after 28.5" so i give the edge to the black hunter and it also can be interchangeable with longbow limbs. Always shoot heavier arrows a minimum of 9 grains per pound. Fast flight bow string not recommended

@glenurquhart2300 - 20.04.2023 03:38

Thank you for the vid !
I have not bought a bow yet and haven't even shot a bow for probably 40 years.
But I am serious about getting a recurve and learning traditional shooting with a takedown recurve bow

@scamperstephen4811 - 02.06.2023 12:33

Which method do you find the best to measure your draw length?

@KageStelhman - 03.06.2023 00:22

After putting 1000 -1200 shots through it, the Black Hunter Recurve will settle into about 44.9-46.3lbs @28". that's been my experience anyhow. I originally bought the Black Hunter Long Bow
and bought a set of 45# Recurve Limbs for it as the risers for both are nearly identical other than a slight difference in shape on the mount point for the lower limb of the long bow, which is squared of whereas the Recurve Riser is cut to the same angel as the top right (on the belly side) of the lower Recurve Limb

Also both sets of limbs like heavier arrows, say between 12-14 grains per pound of draw weight. Also you're right about it not being a beginners bow, I would recommend it for an advanced beginner to an intermediate shooter, however it does lend itself well to track and stalk hunting because of how compact it is, so there is that too :)

Edited to correct grammar.

@lancetranter5695 - 03.06.2023 00:44

This, for whatever reasons is a really good question

@bowman321123 - 09.07.2023 22:21

I've had my Sage for probably around 11 years, and still delighted with her. I've taken her hunting, in target tournaments, 3-D, and general flinging. I've never had an issue, the weight is comfortable, the grip is very comfortable, and I have relatively large hands. I make a Flemish twist B55 for the string, and I have about a 29" draw with no noticeable stacking.

@b4bluey - 20.07.2023 16:24

Thank You for the Info, with the Black Hunter I`ve found that it shoots better using 5.5 Skinny Arrows and Faster >> No Problems

@mvl8209 - 26.07.2023 03:08

I know this is a bit of an older video, but just came across it.

Thanks for the detailed info!! I am currently a compound shooter, and am looking to maybe pick up recurve too. I watched quite some videos about Black Hunter, and yours only confirms it more: it is a pretty good bow for a good price. Definitely want to buy that one.
But, you said it's probably not best for beginners. Did you mean "beginners to archery in general" or "beginners to recurve archery specifically"?

And a last question (if you ever shot compound bows too, otherwise ignore this...) are there, besides the letoff that compound has, other things that I have to take into account? I shoot currently with fingers (3 under), does that give me an advantage to using recurve? Or would I basically have to learn from scratch, because the differences are so big?

@davidshillito5174 - 03.08.2023 03:24

Very informative.....just ordered a samick sage. Cheers. David from England UK

@barrystricklin2230 - 05.08.2023 18:35

Felt in the limb pockets make a big difference on sound my sammick is very quiet

@brocluno01 - 09.08.2023 18:42

Good run down 😊

@davidwsmith316 - 31.08.2023 14:52

Hi Scott, This is my 1st time watching one of your videos. Great content and evaluation of these 2 bows. I liked 👍 and Subscribed and I will check out your other videos! 😊 I'm new to archery 🏹 and have not yet purchased a 1st bow. You gave a lot of clarification and explanation of what to look for. Thanks! 😊

@jyeprice9382 - 11.09.2023 12:35

I took sand paper to my samick love it.

@eduardorodriguez6479 - 12.09.2023 03:55

Iam thinking which one i bay😅. Both are nice bows. Thanks for the video.

@clee5653 - 06.10.2023 12:10

Can I put Black Hunter limbs on a Sage riser? I know that Black Hunter limbs have small holes to fit the index pin, but the Sage uses pockets, so there is no need for that. As long as the width and the bolt fit, I might make a franken bow out of them.

@cautious1343 - 25.10.2023 14:40

Brace height???
Explanation please.

@DanielOrdaz-d6q - 28.10.2023 19:08

Hello my brother, great vid!

@3rr1g0ur - 15.11.2023 02:00

It's so hard to decide what bow I want for survival purposes. I herd 50lbs or greater then is for hunting so IDK about buying a lower lbs bow. That is the only reason I am hesitant to buy 25 or 30 lbs but I know from everyone that the lower pound bows are funner to use. Am I wrong for wanting my first bow to be 50 lbs since I will probably only ever hunt with it?

@nathanleask4177 - 06.12.2023 07:23

Thanks boss was good vid Fleetwood Edge in 55 lb and I absolutely love it I used to have a 60 lb version as well and it was absolutely wonderful now I have the one with the hand twist knobs instead of the bolts like your Samick sage and I really like it looking forward to more videos

@vernhanna4399 - 24.12.2023 19:14

I noticed this is a couple years old when I found it, I am looking at these two bows , wonder if the quality issues with the black hunter have been resolved? I like the look of it better .

@kevindonahue7355 - 26.12.2023 00:51

I'm new at this havent got one yet want help to decide

@MiciahChamberlain - 13.01.2024 04:05

My compound bow is set at 80lbs and it’s not hard to pull back I would assume to go to the 60lbs draw back on the sage?

@Why...So...Stupid... - 25.02.2024 04:20

I have two Samick Sages... Mine are greenish and the Samick emblem is a black rectangle with gold writing on one. The other has the normal button emblem. One is a 50lb for hunting and the other is a 40lb for practice.

@jimbrunett5025 - 26.02.2024 05:38

I own the black hunter 30# recurve limbs and I purchased additional 40 lb longbow limbs. I love this bow. I have many bows and I always gravitate to this one. I know the hammock gets great reviews but that is the clumsiest looking riser ive ever seen

@patriotichunter6434 - 14.04.2024 19:52

I’ve been lucky with my black hunter recurve and have taken several stalked pigs and a nice muley from 32 yards. It is Light and shoots really well. Fits my hand better than any bow ever had. But I shoot my samick sage better 3D target shooting. Just seems more stable and it seems hide slip ups in form much better and don’t get as much drift on small misfires. Great video

@SharpObserver1A - 17.05.2024 21:28

To me stacking is when your bow starts behaving like a fishing cane, only thing is that fishing canes won't break because they are designed to behave like that, they bend a lot at the tip until the breaking force becomes a pulling force. the pulling force transfers to the cane handle which is very very thick so it will not break.

@ForTheTeoma - 01.06.2024 14:22

Such a weird start! I haven't started the weekend yet..

@feralgrandad4429 - 13.06.2024 23:50

I had both and gave the Black Hunter
away. Not a thing wrong with it I just prefer the Samick Sage. I shoot the 55lb limbs because I have a hobbits 26.25 inch draw length. Though a budget bow I had no problem harvesting my Alberta elk (635g arrow) with the Sage. Nice upload. Subscribing was an easy decision.

@charliesmith9310 - 19.06.2024 19:33

I appreciate how straightforward and approachable you are in this video. My daughter and I are new archers, and I have been shooting the Samick Sage 30#/28 to work on my form, but I want to upgrade to a fast flight string. Do you have any recommendations?

@davidharvey2090 - 12.07.2024 16:54

My black hunter has gone through 3 sets of limbs total crap.samick very well built.

@coobye - 02.09.2024 14:53

I couldn't decide between a Black Hunter or Samick Sage and your video decided for me. I ordered a Samick Sage @ 35lb today. I had a bad case of analysis paralysis up until your video😒.
It's my first bow at 63 years old lol. Actually it's my second but I'm still awaiting delivery of an SAS folding Recon @ 40lb ( the lowest I could buy ).
I bought the Recon to take on solo motorcycle camping trips into the bush. We're having some problems with packs of wild dogs here in Australia so I got the Recon for some protection ( hopefully😂).
Anyhow, thanks for the great review it was much appreciated👍👍.

@ol48spring - 07.09.2024 15:26

Does anyone know if the black hunter recurve riser accepts longbow limbs?

@greeneyesfromohio4103 - 19.09.2024 17:48

I found out their both made in China and that was a huge NO for me. I’m not taking my first deer ever with a Chinese made bow, not gonna happen.

@dekimilicic - 05.10.2024 19:41

Raiser should cover 25-60# , how you thing to be thinner ?!

@tuckerpeak - 19.10.2024 20:38

So Ive been in archery over the years im 19 and haven’t done it for probably about 5 years and want to get into it again I have some slingshot that I’ve gotten good with and was wondering what you guys would recommend in bows for under 200 that is just good for like plinking and fun I want to do it again but not for over 200

@philipcoleman8184 - 11.11.2024 06:14

On a 50lb bow what distance is it accurate over?
What distance will they fire an arrow to?

@EvolutionaryEnergyArts - 20.11.2024 18:56

Thank you Scott!

@ljlaw9020 - 06.12.2024 05:38

Thank you for this upload, friend. Im hoping to get into archery and your video was super informative and helpful! I hope only the best things for you.

@80Seguro - 10.12.2024 17:46

Samick has the worst customer service of all. The bow is the most mediocre. Sold it after 3 years of use.

@swentworth - 27.12.2024 01:18

I'm a beginner. As beginner as you get, in archery. I haven't bought a bow or shot a bow ever in my life, but am looking to ultimately get into an off-grid lifestyle. Any suggestions for bows that I can buy now that will take me from beginner up to a competent bow hunter? I'd love to get into recurves or long bows, not compound.

@Kilteddrumguy - 02.01.2025 11:28

I know its an older video, but my only exposure to archery was my grandpa. He let me shoot when I was younger, but then it sort of drifted off as time went on. I'm looking to get more into archery, but like many, I'm not made of money, and so I'm looking for something that will be good to 'restart' on. I appreciate these videos you have, and I'm definitely going to give these a shot. I am leaning towards the Black Hunter but I'll keep checking. Thanks for the video!

@inlandwhaler13 - 15.01.2025 05:14

Hi Scott, new archer and sub here, i purchased a Sage in 25lb. have taken roughly 400 shots at the range so far and my accuracy is 8/10 so far, is the 25 lb limbs gonna suffice for bow fishing?

@chrisstokley7687 - 21.02.2025 00:06

Help : i learned alot/ but those 4 commercials were salt under tongue and honey and apple vinigar = equal .. dont work and i cant get it up.. canc you shoot dem bastards 4 me? anyways... im 5ft 7.. 29 draw .. only like bows for target / or fishing... and im got 300 $ bear bow.. 40 to 70 lbs... i wanted 1 bow to do it all ! i cant practice with this long cause killing my shoulder! now im thinking keep this bow and buy target bow.. / fish bow..... i luv sage.. but i think wood thick is terrible and all wood cracks.. dries out .. want last.. thinking allum riser,, but LH hard find .. cheep 1s atleast .. any ideas ? maybe i sale mine and get the 5- 60lbs bow.. luv the high let off.. aim long time at fish lol

@davidcampbell2661 - 22.02.2025 12:28

I have a PSE nighthawk, I think its the same as a Samick
