ANNO 1800 - DOCKLANDS REVIEW - Trades, Ornaments, New Ship!

ANNO 1800 - DOCKLANDS REVIEW - Trades, Ornaments, New Ship!


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@malekhayyani4349 - 25.02.2021 11:13

i have all the items that give me free steam motors, sewing machines, and cannons. I am using these items for trade. that why I think that this DLC is uninteresting for me they did not add any challenge to the game. the dock ornament was the most beautiful part.i have removed that propaganda card which reduces the need to make myself more interesting to trade. btw I have a 200k population and the free items in enough for the trade.

@Aetherling - 25.02.2021 12:26

Very informative, thanks

@blastpop - 25.02.2021 15:57

Actually elimination of parts of the an economy happens in the real world over time. You specialize and other industries close and go overseas. Such as clothing and electronics from the US to Asia. There is plenty of other historical examples. In it's own way this mechanic, accidental or planned is another form of optimization on a global level.

@addictedfoolgamer1970 - 25.02.2021 16:18

I like the look and feel of it. Def overpowered but I’m not a good gamer (hence the name) so it should help me.

But it definitely feels like they did all they wanted with the first two seasons and have been ‘kind’ to us and throwing some pretty but probably a little broken dlc at us.

To be honest if it was an option between sticking with the first two fully fleshed out DLC and never work on the game again, as we expected; or have three pretty, non-buggy but exploitative DLC thrown on top, id say thanks for the extra DLC.

@drcatsville4467 - 25.02.2021 16:28

i have a problem with layouting my islands and with logistic but as it seems now my dream come true now i can make one easy but high cost production type to get other things to make more living place in islands wow i would say its such a relieve for me

@10z20 - 25.02.2021 20:04

Wait, do pier modules not need to be connected to the ocean?

@MRFlackAttack1 - 26.02.2021 13:17

Not sure if you’re interested in it at all, but have you ever done a review of SFO on Total War: Warhammer II? I’ve been thinking of giving it a go but I appreciate your viewpoint on such things. Still think your review of DEI was my favourite video.

@kevinloesch - 26.02.2021 17:25

what do they do in terms of medium trading post? Does the dockland main wharf replace the medium trading post we all start with? Should i tear it down?

@itsajaj6695 - 27.02.2021 14:32

You are from Dublin, - Swords / Lusk .. what else :P haha

@marky.9554 - 27.02.2021 22:23

I’m not getting the attractiveness bonus when connecting via paths. As far as I can tell you have to have all the buildings physically touching, which makes it a bit tricky when you need open water in front of most of them. Unless I’m misunderstanding something.

@Crosseus - 27.02.2021 22:42

Great video - not to be a downer or take a way from any recent videos which are also super good, but as a long time watcher I am starting to get extremely anno-fatigued - would be really cool to see an LP series in a fresh game!

@biglenin7306 - 28.02.2021 03:43

Im in las vegas so we always have access to world class reefer

@karuniabudisatrio1964 - 28.02.2021 09:11

have you tried the new imperator rome update?

@shatik3311 - 28.02.2021 14:36

Thing about 'eliminating parts of the economy' - that's a big thing in Anno 1800 overall. Since we have items (and with Lands of Lions - means of creating them) you can play around with production chains a lot. And there are a lot of ways to complently eliminate parts or even entire chains. I persoanlly don't see it as a issue - partyle becasue you can still do the industry the old way. And partly because, at least in theory, devs stated that the last season 3 dlc would be all about having the biggest possible investor population. And that would reqire A LOT of goods.
But I do get that issue. In Anno 2070 you can't skip industries - at best you can change some production buildings in the chain for the diffierent one (for another faction). And while I get that idea, I still hated 3D projector production chain. In 1800 I can make jewelry without new world items at all just by using items (town hall+trade union)

@simonpd38 - 28.02.2021 18:51

sorry but after this i lost care and love for the game its way way to easy now! seriously if people struggle with end game then make the game super easy because that's what this is doing already!

@Yeomen1986 - 01.03.2021 04:05

If you think about it there is a HUGE trade off. Champaign is harder to produce than beer so by exchanging Champaign for beer you need more workers at a higher level and a more robust supply chain. Having more workers at a higher level may also increase your royal taxes. I'm not saying that it completely balances it, just pointing out this fact.

@ragcharr___9204 - 01.03.2021 20:25

Agree, love the aesthetic, but honestly using this building feels like cheating. Basically allows you to bypass 90% of the game's complexity.

@marlenephillips8444 - 01.03.2021 21:02

The woebegone level effectively clap because loaf quantitatively approve next a auspicious platinum. sincere, sick whale

@eplicticwolf - 02.03.2021 03:09

Docklands will probably be necessary once "The Highlife" dlc comes out. You'll need to import a ton of goods for the skyscrapers.

@1ButtonDash - 02.03.2021 21:44

it's cool but seems very broken, people gonna figure out some cheap tactics. totally can bypass many building chains

@HegemoniaLegions - 04.03.2021 04:18

I'm not really worried about balance at this point as certain specialists completely break the economy. Land of Lions lets you get any item you want and even change the resources around on islands. The trading system was always lack luster and it's nice to see a dlc to improve upon it. I think relying on trade to eliminate certain production chains is actually a good thing because you're limited in space to build in the Old World. Farms in particular take up a ton of space when maximizing production using certain specialists and tractors. Anno 1800 for me was always about building an awesome economy in a min/max kind of way and this dlc looks to create new and interesting gameplay by eliminating certain production lines to make space for more factories / houses and figuring out how to balance it all. I like that kind of freedom to play how you want to play in this game.

@bluesapphire6446 - 04.03.2021 10:48

However I'll buy it just for building and cosmetic. Tons of creativity awaited!!

@IIISentorIII - 05.03.2021 23:26

"This is just a giant beneficial add-on with no drawbacks at all"

This is actually called:
Pay to Win ^^

@Yezuzmx - 06.03.2021 07:10

I agree with you in the sense that this DLC makes the game extremely easy but others say that maybe this is because the second DLC in the season will host more people in an island and thus will need more resources. But then again.., the balance.

@davidherron3136 - 07.03.2021 06:54

I just can't get into it with out land armies .

@zentu5408 - 08.03.2021 23:30

I would be happy for a dlc adding difficulty.

@grantterrell3862 - 09.03.2021 17:33

Where can I find your PC specifications? What GPU do you use?

@waylazoid - 09.03.2021 22:59

friendly reminder gentlemen gamers! tories are nice people too

@Musashination - 11.03.2021 02:08

Should I build a strong navy before the new world?

@Monkey_SK - 12.03.2021 02:55

Good video review.

@sunfy8 - 12.03.2021 18:36

LOL....playing this dlc teaches me the concept of globalization...

@dylanmitchell3978 - 16.03.2021 02:48

Can you build the new docks in the New World or Arctic?

@candymandan - 17.03.2021 22:37

hmm.. I wonder, if the "main" building of the docklands and the seat of power DLC, had been a monument like the academy, how much wouldn't that change? I feel it would really give it some weight you know. not just "plop" done. Would be great I think.

@SeanSmith66 - 24.03.2021 22:33

Thanks for the thoughts and vid as always!

@dinoj2082 - 29.03.2021 05:56

I agree with your point about there not being a cost. I delayed in building one to see how it works because I expected an enormous maintenance and/or influence cost. When there was none and and it didn't require any workers either, I was shocked. I guess if you didn't want to play any of the other regions, you could trade for everything you need with Docklands.

I've upped the value of a few goods just to see how it works but am really just using it as a glorified trading post that beatifies my waterfront. The fun of the game to me is building the production chains in an aesthetically pleasing way and keeping everything in balance as my cities grow.

@jankubicek9109 - 18.04.2021 16:57

I hate there is just shortcut from no electricity to oil. Anno 1800 should be focused more on steam turbines and coal. Also trading ships are just too weird looking.

@theskywalker8416 - 19.04.2021 10:56

tbh, this game is 100 times harder than anno 2205 @@

@TheAlexagius - 08.05.2021 23:09

But in a way that "exploit" is a reflection of real world trade, a more developed nation producing advanced goods often doesn't produce many more basic goods and instead imports.

It incentivises peace yet further as I assume war would disrupt such a set up, which again reflects the real world.

Now if whether that's a good thing for gameplay is debatable. Personally I welcome it to a degree, after all a closed economy is viable (though hard) in Anno 1800 (aka no import/export/buying) and thats kinda far fetched, after all where is all the money coming from? After all you're not minting your own fiat currency, its an existing currency, that you're getting from thin air, at least thats how I see it.

Further the unique people do similar things, like the guy that makes rum along side Schnapps, so really its just that in a different form (as usually I am making no rum beyond what is needed in the new world by the late game), or the changing of required materials (like the pork and iron to make canned goods eliminating two chains).

tldr I agree but I don't think its a bad thing.

@manooxi327 - 01.06.2021 13:08


@YoutubeAccountMan - 30.06.2021 19:00

Removing entire production lines is necessary. The game constantly expands but doesn't give you more space.

@bushit123456 - 05.08.2021 01:14

Can you trade gas?

@Makofueled - 15.08.2021 15:35

Has this been rebalanced yet? I recently got into anno and have s1 and s2 but am wary of the numbers from this dlc throwing off my enjoyment of trying to make a balanced eco.

@Tobs1313 - 14.09.2021 04:14

I actually find it very helpful as I am able now to remove production that takes lot of space. It would be nice to be able to upgrade the factory so you don't have to build 10 small ones.

@CepheusTalks - 27.09.2021 00:40

I would buy the season content if it was on steam and none of my money went to ubisoft executives

@Mrbigmike311 - 25.04.2022 03:00

dockland is basically advanced tips for your production chains, typically what you want is trade a finished good for its base supplies (schnaps in this instance to trade for potato) you will get twice as much (so you will never run out of supplies) No longer need the potato farm, so i can use that space for something else and upgrade the worker to the new tier. Do the same with Beer, and other consumables, since you produce more your residents needs are fulfilled and you can trade the rest for the basic supplies to produce more, or get other materials that you need. With land of the lions, I have one dockland in Crown Falls, one in the new world (old world i still use proper chain in case things goes wrong) and one in Embessa. I can safely get anything i want while producing stuff locally. My main money income come from trades with the pirates and neutral traders

@ukyank2519 - 30.05.2022 15:57

You mention you use demos, where do you get them for free and what do they cover?

@Scientist_Albert_Einstein - 31.07.2023 07:34

This is not broken! I purchase sugar cane and sugar from Isabel Sarmiento in the new world for 1 coin per sugar cane and 16 coins or so per sugar. I also have the -10% trade items equip on a 2 item cargo ship for a total of -20% trade cost. So, then I bring those items back to the old world and exchange them for soap and then sell them to the prison. 🤣🤣🤣
1 coin turns into 300+ coins and 150 staks of cane sugar turn in 150+ stacks of soap for a total of 45000+ coins.

@squidben5780 - 28.08.2023 07:02

Thanks, did not read the dock land dlc or understood what is was used for. Will have a go at it !!!
