Should You Buy a Prebuilt and Upgrade It?

Should You Buy a Prebuilt and Upgrade It?

Zach's Tech Turf

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@abred2194 - 30.10.2024 04:23

I bought the Sky tech Nebula that came with a 13400f + 4060. I upgraded to an 7900 XTX and also had to buy a power supply. This was very true haha

@Gutiiwae - 02.11.2024 23:06

At a local shop i saw a pre-built pc for 900€, it had a ryzen 5 5600x, NO GPU, 250gb nvme ssd, and a power supply from a company i have never ever heard of, biggest scam ive ever seen

@Negan_Games710 - 04.11.2024 15:32

Had a skytech, they are shit builders, psu burnt out after a year

@ivanespada9563 - 06.11.2024 04:56

My friend bought a prebuilt PC, that has no fans at all, cooled only by 1660ti dual fans and a cpu cooler, 0 airflow. Also, his PSU exploded too, about 3 years later, thankfully his components still work, he just got a new PSU.

@CommentGuard717 - 06.11.2024 11:20

That's why I bought one without a GPU.

I already put a GPU in it though.

@scattergrunt - 06.11.2024 20:04

There are some prebuilts you can upgrade off of but some you can’t at all. Anything using proprietary hardware such as Dell motherboards that are part of their prebuilts is a no-go. Even a sky tech pc for as bad as their value is would be better at that point because at least you have the actual option to upgrade.

@skylarsheriff8427 - 07.11.2024 07:38

I went from a i5-4670 with a 1650 to this pre-built i7-14700kf and 4070. I had it on for 2 hours downloading everything over and then the next day when I was playing space Marine 2 for the first time it just shut off and wouldn't turn back on. It had a 850w psu that decided after 3 hours of total use that it was going to completely die on me. So I pulled it out of the case it came in because there was absolutely 0 airflow to the power supply and swapped to my Lian li lancool 216 and a 1000w PSU and haven't had a problem since.

@curiouscubic - 08.11.2024 10:11

guys even though I like ztt been watching him for almost 3 years now you have to know that he once tried selling an i3 pc for 800$

@JaihDie2 - 08.11.2024 16:18

Hello, mate :)
I have a b650e riptide wifi motherboard
A ryzen 7700x
Some pretty fast ssds
And a 800w powersuply with an gold80 Rating
Im running my old graphics card, a 1050 ti
Any tips for a budget upgrade for my gpu?

Ah and im from Germany if that changes anything with the price

@ink3487 - 10.11.2024 02:20

Found out too late my prebuilt only had a 500W PSU...

@still_borhan - 15.11.2024 14:19

OR have a friend who can build you the pc for you for free and upgrade it yourself in the future (what i did)

@cunix - 16.11.2024 21:59

i have that exact 3050 Skytech Nebula and i don’t know where to start to upgrade i wish someone could help me out because i dont wanna spend to much but im willing to spend about 3k max

@danidana221 - 18.11.2024 23:25

And definitely dont buy an oem like, dell, alienware, acer etc. You will most likely wont be abe to upgrade, since they have weird cases and proprietary motherboards layout.

@AerosDVR - 21.11.2024 06:49

Buy an art build then upgrade that am5 cpu and GPU .quality builds

@Jaikanatar - 27.11.2024 01:06

An issue I ran into was for example, the motherboard that was chosen with my pre built has fewer fan headers than the typical ones for the same price. It feels like you start running into the snags of where they cut corners on you when you begin to look into upgrading it

@DylanTheEye - 27.11.2024 10:32

So true i remember upgrading my gpu in a lenovo prebuild and it was hell finding a power supply that was the right amount off wattage and had the right cables and anything and was the right size to fit in the case cuz u coundt replace it becuz it has its own special little motherboard size that was compatible with your standerd cases

@Inbetweenfates - 27.11.2024 12:04

I was never interested in building PC'S until 2ish years after buying my prebuilts. Replaced nearly everything in it, including the case

@BlackHoleForge - 01.12.2024 21:04

You know I used to think you were a trusted source of information, but after seeing your most recent NZXT advertisement, I am quite disappointed.

@user-xi4ec3mm9w - 03.12.2024 02:44

I got help from an professional picking out pc parts for $50 more I got an am5 build instead of am4

@VeloksityPCs - 04.12.2024 03:05

i saw a i9 13900 prebuilt and it was cheap as hell and i went to look what gpu and it was gt 630💀💀

@s7hu9494 - 08.12.2024 09:57

bro you should not talk about ur shop when you dont sell outside us with pre build talk

@kinahloce - 12.12.2024 21:41

that's some advice i should have needed last year.
i bought 2019 a "gaming pc" of amazon for under 1000 bucks and as i upgraded cpu and put a gpu inside nothing worked anymore. it took me a week and running my pc for a few minutes longer than usual with the "no signal" on my screen to see, that my power was to low. all thx to my rgb on the keyboard and mouse, that went off while the pc was still running. and i cofess, i have no idea, how nothing got smoked in there.
even thou my gpu (i initialy didn't know they had a information about minimum powersupply) needs 600w, i upgraded the supply to a 1 000w. just to be save

@WonkyCarno - 14.12.2024 23:38

Yep you are right, lately i wanted to upgradr my prebuilts gpu, and i realized i had a e tier psu with barely enough wattage, now i gotta buy a psu and a gpu

@d3fu1t - 19.12.2024 12:09

Get what you can afford, but don’t be surprised when the cheap computer starts acting cheap :)

@brokenbaron2434 - 20.12.2024 11:41

Also, may I advice anyone to avoid Industrial pre-builts (eg: HP omen desktops)
I mean, I've had one for 8 years and is still serving me well, but CPU upgrade options are very limited due to lack of BIOS updates. Idk know but HP Omens of that time never got a BIOS update.
I cannot complain about my pc, but upgradability is limited.

@vahanavet2734 - 21.12.2024 02:06

I finished my pc build yesterday and I’m happy I built it myself, picking out my own parts. My parents said to buy a prebuilt, I just went with my gut.

@6BlockTeccaBlue186 - 22.12.2024 03:37

Yoo ZTT if I wanted to put OP parts on one your custom built PC would that be okay?? For instance I have a spare Intel I7- 14700K and a Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 with a Cannon Pro 2000 watt power supply lying around and I don't have anything even remotely close to handle it until I seen one of your pre built PCs and thought If these can handle what I have or not??

@ImFrezzzz - 22.12.2024 19:03

Or just order the parts and have a company build it for u for a lil extra in your area

@amenselah - 23.12.2024 15:00

Lol, get powerspec

@Gunnar-y3p - 02.01.2025 21:17

I just bought my first PC a couple days ago from nzxt and I wanted to know if there are specific tools I would need to clean it out when it gets dusty.

@Azar-x7s - 06.01.2025 00:10

At this point this guy is just sponsoring himself 💀

@arupian666 - 14.01.2025 15:17

Never buy prebuilts. Absolute rip-off 99% of the time.

@SomeThingGamingYT - 20.01.2025 11:40

buy a refurbished optiplex with an 9th gen i7 and like a 500bg nvme and like 16 gb ram and swap to a new mobo and case and psu

@Memeak-yn5rq - 25.01.2025 22:27

NZXT is a decent prebuilt company

@Braxxx-l9t - 04.02.2025 01:31

I got a good pc off sky tech. All the bad priced ones are on amazon. Off their website i got a 4070 super ryzen 7700x 32g of ddr5 ram and 750w ps and a 360mm aio for $1500 it’s now $1700 tho.

@showtimeblc - 06.02.2025 13:30

A friend of mine sold me is pre build that he was using for 50€, i upgraded him already and has no problem

@robertwilson8939 - 10.02.2025 08:30

amazons "overall pick" feature is busted. there are literally thousands of subcategories that get shotgunned into these listings that have the potential to end up as an overall pick or "best seller"

@BTemplar1 - 12.02.2025 07:34

The question is can i upgrade my cyberpower

@jml7036 - 14.02.2025 15:40

Hold the phone. I bought my PC from Skytech, and they used quality components that match the specs. It looks decent, and there is certainly an upgrade path for most of the parts. BTW I like ur videos.

@noahchung2377 - 15.02.2025 11:50

Bro is red

@Chloemaylikechez - 16.02.2025 12:34

I saw a video building a prebuilt with a ryzen 9 9-something-x3d and a 4060...

@xxsydeaxolotlxx - 25.02.2025 00:57

I bought one of these, and I would recommend NEVER getting them. It was an intel i7 3770 with an rx 580, 16gb of ddr3 ram, but also came with peripherals. It was about 500 dollars, but it has a garbage hdd, runs terribly, and doesn't give info on lots of details about the pc. The company (STGAubron) made half if not all of the parts in the pc, because every peripheral, the case, gpu fans, and more had the name/logo on it. Spend a few extra dollars to get a quality pc, like ZTT.

@AshReaper - 26.02.2025 12:23

Do ztt ship to Malaysia... Anyone please help

@alexbernstein1450 - 27.02.2025 01:14

My skytech has a 850 power supply. Think ill be good to upgrade

@cynabonabelle - 27.02.2025 05:40

People think just cuz its a prebuild that they don’t have to do research. You should still look into the specs of your pc and the basics of how it works if you’re gonna spend any amount of money on one

@SarkenHS - 27.02.2025 14:22

My HP Omen came with a 550W power supply with its RTX3070. I honestly though it wouldn't manage it but it was fine for the full year and half I've used it like that.
(I did undervolted it a tiny bit, as I'll never use the full power of a 3070 and a small loss of perf was giving a huge reduction of power consumption).

@vexuria - 27.02.2025 15:37

I disagree with my pfp twin

@ItsJustMeGuysz - 04.03.2025 14:01

The best prebuild here is a gt730 and athlon x4 950 with a 2.5 tb ssd

@FishyBoiFN - 09.03.2025 16:37

The prebuilt i have has a 3070 and a ryzen 2000 series cpu 💀

@mikeyisnotfamous - 12.03.2025 06:14

I just bought a prebuilt with a ryzen 7 9700x and a 4060 did I mess up?
