Ben Shapiro DEBUNKS White Privilege and "Unconscious Bias" Arguments

Ben Shapiro DEBUNKS White Privilege and "Unconscious Bias" Arguments

Ben Shapiro

4 года назад

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BassHero - 26.08.2023 01:48

Why is it that the people who are the most smug always have the worst opinion you've ever heard in your life

Rin Jo
Rin Jo - 23.08.2023 19:22

I think white privilege exists. One example is that segregated proms still exist. That in itself proves white privilege. Proms?? Stay with me here.

Imagine being a young black person in a town where your own teachers, principals, and local law enforcement can't stand to have a drink or a dance with you? Nit only that but they systematically exclude you from the party. When it became illegal, they moved the party to a private golf club. But everyone knows it's the prom. And then imagine if you go there, the hired security, aka the local police, don't let you in , cause your black. You think you're gonna be set up to get the same opportunities to succeed as your white counterparts? During school? After graduation when looking g for a job? If they can't stand to have a drink or with you, they sure don't want you in their workplace.

People would then argue, "Just leave the town." , "Go somewhere else." As if its that easy to pack up and leave the place you grew up fresh out of school. And that's the privilege white people have then. The fact that they don't have to go somewhere else to get a fair shot, but black people do. The fact that the schools and police work together systematically to treat you as second class citizen. Is that not an example of white privilege?

peter gore
peter gore - 21.08.2023 14:41

Peter Gore Seer,
This Talk In Nonsense, To Fund Terror Is Awfull, Yet All Taking Part In These Talks, Fun Terror, Religions Are Part Of Mass Murder, And Jesus Marches In Front, So Why Killing Each Other Is Normal?.

Andrew D
Andrew D - 16.07.2023 18:08

We're all prejudiced. It's a tribal thing. Get used to it.

Anahit Khachatryan
Anahit Khachatryan - 19.06.2023 21:29


Dr. John
Dr. John - 16.06.2023 06:36

From what i can gather unconscious thought can lead to microaggressions. But isn't parsing everything someone says, i.e. nit-picking, a full-blown act of aggression? Furthermore, what about people with executive function issues, which can make communication difficult to begin with? Isn't thinking that they are committing microaggressions bigoted in itself?

Bulletproof Recon
Bulletproof Recon - 02.05.2023 14:08

It’s what separates us from animals. It’s called meta cognition. Scientologist fact. The ability to think about one’s thoughts. So yes, you choose to act on thoughts. No such thing as unconscious bias.

Jeff Spicolli
Jeff Spicolli - 26.04.2023 16:16

Your autonomic nervous system is a network of nerves throughout your body that control unconscious processes. These are things that happen without you thinking about them, such as breathing and your heart beating but none of this network of nerves controls bias.

Patrick Dansey
Patrick Dansey - 31.03.2023 19:10

Why are nearly all black people in a relationship with another black person when the majority of people in the country are white? Is there are more visual example of conscious or unconscious bias? The hypocrisy is so blatent that it is pathetic and should actually just be laughed at!

CHRIST IS RISEN! - 11.03.2023 02:51

I can't think of ONE Thing White People Slap the Word WHITE In front of other Than White Supremacy the way Black folks do. BLACK HISTORY MONTH, BLACK OWNED BUSINESS, BLACK ENTERTAINMENT TV, BLACK LIVES MATTER Black people Tag everything with the word Black. Could you imagine if White folks Started white History Month?

Joshy G
Joshy G - 17.02.2023 00:21

These comments are brainless. She was completely reasonable.

Diggety-Dogg - 10.02.2023 19:33

Explaining what unconscious bias is and then saying it’s bad because you don’t like how it’s implications make you “feel” isn’t really “debunking”. Also, Shapiro is conflating the larger sociological understanding of unconscious bias, and it’s impact by policy change, to the ability to immediately influence individual psychology.

Dan Patterson
Dan Patterson - 01.02.2023 22:59

Do colleges offer courses in "dripping condescension"? Sure seems like it.

Trap weather
Trap weather - 12.01.2023 17:39

Lmao yea until white ppl own up to their shit we will always be here

Crazy Mofo
Crazy Mofo - 12.12.2022 00:47

I hate how she uses her index finger to point

Troy Terry
Troy Terry - 04.12.2022 23:56

She is delusional. She thought she asked a good question. Why do people like this exist? She didn't listen to his response at all.

Joshua Fuchs
Joshua Fuchs - 05.11.2022 09:31

She was kinda smart

Tumbleweed43 - 02.11.2022 01:00

What’s crazy is 1 white person could be racist and somehow EVERYONE else has to be lectured because of it. I think it’s incredibly racist and harmful to assume minorities are always the victims and whites are the aggressors of implicit bias. Because ladies & gentlemen. That alone is implicit bias. You’re treating me a certain way and expecting me to be the problem simply because I’m white. One giant leap backwards for mankind.

C BB - 27.10.2022 17:33

Lol this comment section full of m0#0^$. Just as an example.. as Ben Shapiro says you're having thoughts to strangle me right now but won't.. she probably is having lots of negative thoughts and you know it's visible on her face, the way she's acting and impersonating him. Hence yeah we do act on our implicit biases you bozos, way to totally miss the visible experiential obvious.

Rosemarie Tolentino
Rosemarie Tolentino - 20.10.2022 15:41

If you obey the laws of the land get a good education. You can have the same privilege’s…

Ty Ino
Ty Ino - 17.10.2022 16:23

Look at Hollywood ,look at the court system racism still exist, as well as white privilege is real doesn’t matter how fast you talk why don’t you talk about the privilege of being a white Jew compare to be in a black jew

Ty Ino
Ty Ino - 17.10.2022 16:22

Being Jewish is white privilege did you forget about that Ben
Only European Jews in America recognize
Only European Jews get to go back to Israel with no problem but nobody else does. Everybody supports Israel because of the Bible but not everybody believes in the Bible not everybody believes in your religion into believe that you’re home land my friend but every Americans gonna pay for it by the day believe your religion or not, we’re gonna pay millions of dollars every day to get country to believe a religion which not everyone believes in

William Burrell
William Burrell - 17.10.2022 07:21

Ben, I'm a huge supporter but you need to read krieger: the content of our categories. It explains unconscious bias in a way that you just don't understand especially as it is manifested an employment discrimination law.

Horror Fan
Horror Fan - 16.10.2022 19:51

Good job Ben!

These people are morons.

Susan - 04.10.2022 02:09

Silly questions from that low-IQ woman. It's so stupid to even talk about this nonsense!

David Joyce
David Joyce - 04.10.2022 01:34

Yes you stupid cunt, maybe it’s just a white thing but people are definitely capable of having thoughts that don’t always match their actions. It’s called restraint.

Michael Anderson
Michael Anderson - 26.09.2022 17:54

He's lying, these studies have been proven time and time again. Him saying it doesn't doesn't make it true.

Official Element
Official Element - 02.09.2022 11:59

I like how all the white people are agreeing with another white person about what some white people believe. It’s really sad we live in a country where people like most y’all wanna listen to something like this(yeah you whites mfs are privileged you just don’t wanna accept it) and another case where he had to use big words to feel like a smart little man.

Egyptologist 7
Egyptologist 7 - 01.08.2022 05:55

It's usually the racist blacks who accuse everyone else as being a "racist".

Diplomatic Exorcist
Diplomatic Exorcist - 13.07.2022 03:11

Her mocking Ben is a bias. Doesn't make sense to perpetuate a wrong act by doing a wrong act, and then condemn it.

Condoning and condemning discredits.

Richard - 08.07.2022 18:08

My version of white privilege is…..

Ben needs to watch why Rikishi ran over Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Helicard - 01.07.2022 13:54

Thot thought he farted, but he sharted

Bryn - 29.06.2022 01:01

I thought the same thing all by myself; if Ben Shapiro is being dragged down to my level, the woke might be winning.

ken - 22.06.2022 19:21

white privilege exists.

Nyambura Mbugua
Nyambura Mbugua - 18.06.2022 22:35

That guy behind her being drowsy because of this futile discussion is golden.

Sara Marshall
Sara Marshall - 07.06.2022 06:23

I’m confused because this doesn’t entirely address white privilege. Just a fraction of it.

Eric Spence
Eric Spence - 23.05.2022 08:07

One of the major problem with "unconscious bias", aside from the assertion that we apparently can't control these thoughts , because we don't know we are thinking them(what a stupid assertion, is expectation of changing how people think. But this only works in favour of those who want to change how and what people think, which is tantamount to thoughy control.

Do all of the thoughts we have lead to a physical manifestation? Emphatically no.

Lily DeWinters
Lily DeWinters - 09.05.2022 01:09

Absolutely! Black people have all the privilege today anyways…. You get everything for free… free education, free jobs, free healthcare, free publicity, free funding for everything. White people still have to work… we don’t get anything for free, but yet you’re still saying that we have all the privilege. Plus, every time I walk into a Walgreens or CVS, I see some black lady filling her purse up with make up and hair products… why? Because she knows that the government won’t prosecute theft. Stories can’t even walk up and approach them because they scream racism!!!! But that’s what you always do, you keep the racism card in your back pocket so that whenever you’re in trouble or you’ve done something wrong you can just pull that out and say that everyone’s being racist. Geez, I wish I had a card like that. So don’t talk to me about “white privilege” lol Black privilege is a real thing.

pussy 4 breakfast🫂
pussy 4 breakfast🫂 - 06.05.2022 23:27

She is the type of black woman who would call out a white woman for getting their hair braided. But not realize that her hair extensions are the type of texture, and color that predominantly "white" woman have

DaLaaNi Bombina
DaLaaNi Bombina - 06.05.2022 19:54

Ben needs to be arrested and prosecuted for murder - he’s killing all of these fools with reason and logic. 🤣

Underhander - 18.04.2022 01:05

Why would anyone try to explain away unconscious biased unless they have an agenda. Lame discussion, nothing burger. Unconscious bias is a natural occurrence in all animals on this planet. Trying to explain it away in an attempt to pretend racism doesn't exist is comical.. lol. This is SNL.

H H - 08.04.2022 14:12

When did he debunk white privilege?? It seems to me like he was prancing around her question and used humor to divert. But I digress

matt burton
matt burton - 02.04.2022 14:50

implicit bias smells like the 'thought police' to me :/

DB - 12.03.2022 09:07

White privilege is a term used by insecure, uneducated, jealous Haters

Jan L
Jan L - 21.02.2022 15:38

This guy is a genius. And that particular lady isn't even able properly repeat his words. There's your answer to the problem ☺️

Prateek Kumar
Prateek Kumar - 19.02.2022 13:20

I've unconscious bias towards classical mechanics and I know that I can't apply that for motion of the electron (even if I want to) cause it will wrong answer, that's why I use relativistic mechanics instead. Hence this proves that your thoughts and actions are independent to each other 🤣

AJ 42K
AJ 42K - 18.02.2022 13:28

White privilege does NOT exist. What does exist is Rich Privilege, Special Treatment, and Favoritism.

Example: The Kardashians, The Hiltons, The Koch Bros, Lebron James, Tiger Woods, Meghan Thee Stallion, Cardi B, Tom Brady, anyone else d**krided,
