I Tried The New 'RT Overdrive' Mode In 'Cyberpunk 2077'...

I Tried The New 'RT Overdrive' Mode In 'Cyberpunk 2077'...

Luke Stephens

1 год назад

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@AtomicPixels - 13.11.2023 23:10

Love when games implement the Mirrors on All Elements feature

@otakugamer616 - 15.11.2023 17:27

My 900$ laptops runs it just fine 120-150 fps
And path tracing
Na but runs at 20 fps 😂

@alexmoon1631 - 19.11.2023 20:24

Oh shit I just clicked the video cause I saw an article and looked up something similar but what's up Colorado homie! Thanks for the content! It's getting cold here again already 😂😭

@jonaslingenberg7775 - 26.11.2023 23:44

i think youre underastemating Pathtracing... i do think that it will be the future because you have to consider how much easier development will be for games that utalize pathtracing. You can just place assets and press a button: boom, lighting done. It will get big when RTX cards become minimal requirements (wich is not that far away)

@loganross1861 - 27.11.2023 08:22

I just played Deus Ex Mankind Divided after updated from 1070 to 3060, and it’s like playing a different game.

Cyberpunk is going to be the same way. 10 years from now it will be when most people will play it the way it was initially imagined and meant to be seen.

@loganross1861 - 27.11.2023 08:22

I just played Deus Ex Mankind Divided after updated from 1070 to 3060, and it’s like playing a different game.

Cyberpunk is going to be the same way. 10 years from now it will be when most people will play it the way it was initially imagined and meant to be seen.

@TehAdmireOG - 04.12.2023 03:00

I know I'm really late to this video, but I don't think the hair physics or PhysX were really fads, as much as they were just the 1st implementations of what ended up becoming the modern standards. If a game comes out today with a physics engine worse than what PhysX was giving us a decade ago, people talk about it. Same for if the hair in games isn't flowing in a somewhat realistic way, people talk about it. I feel like I hear about hair physics in almost every game review now (when they're bad at least, no one talks about them being good anymore)

I really think Ray Tracing will be the standard way of lighting in games come the next console generation, I don't think it's a fad at all. The more people get to see and experience it, and tell the difference, if developers start going backwards, the players will notice and most likely complain. Path Tracing may take more time and innovation as far as GPU power and efficiency can go, but most likely by something like Playstation 7 it will probably be the standard as well.

@joemak100 - 04.12.2023 09:57

Man...This is why i prefer Console play because on PC you can get obsessed with getting the best hardware for the best frame rate/graphics. And at great expense. And never quite satisfied!

@pR0ManiacS - 07.12.2023 22:47

Elitists consuming the consumerism fruits. Yeah gr8 stuff. U know what. Me as a peasent i'll wait 2 years more and have the same fukin experience on a 500 dollars price point. For now i prefer a new set of speakers just as u said my rent for this month + car upgrades(new oil new tyres for winter) + new pair of shoes + some dentist visits and a clean cut on my barber + 6800xt thanks for helping the community develop this technology faster. Put your money on don't hesitate.

@96thelycan - 09.12.2023 02:12

idk what the fuck is wrong with me but i thought it looked really good in med quality, no RTX needed...

@andyclarkeofficial - 09.12.2023 08:41

Crysis? I thought the joke from like 5 years ago was “but can it run minecraft”? Haha its an old joke though

@andyclarkeofficial - 09.12.2023 08:46

I dont have this game because i dont like that style of game. And i wouldnt spend the money on the game just to see what the graphics are like but i honestly think my 6800xt would compete with those fps numbers. I dont know how but i have an insane gpu! Other 6800xt’s and people who have showcased games with a 6800xt have not seen my fps numbers. I just dont know how but i am definitely not complaining. Like for instance i have the new avatar game and i can play it on the ultimate best quality settings in 4k and i can still get almost 200 fps which i have seen others with better gpu’s get around 100 or less. So im confused but happy!!

@lilheatt - 09.12.2023 11:05

This help me lot!

@InvaderZae. - 10.12.2023 19:08

I agree that the focus should be on AI. Just look at the skyrim follower mod that has AI. It's miles better than some fancy lighting imo

@Sora-o - 11.12.2023 10:18

This game is sooo good.

@Linkotoru - 12.12.2023 19:55

i play in rt ultra with my 3060 ti at 74 fps, it's fcking crazy tbh

@johnchina5604 - 14.12.2023 11:21

30 min video about RT overdrive setting...
It's even worse than 'Gta 6 trailer breakdown' videos, at least they had more that 1 graphics setting

@issa0rama455 - 14.12.2023 19:11

crazy how they all looked the same

@Nathdood - 14.12.2023 19:21

I'm happy with my 3080ti... I hope

@_-Sparky-_306 - 14.12.2023 21:06

Ps5 player and ray tracing mode is pretty but id rather have frames tbh even in performance mode the game is still stunning in certain moments

@sanguinemde5031 - 15.12.2023 01:03

So, ummm...Im running overdrive on my 4070ti and...its running at around 40fps....solid. Theres something wrong with your PC or, the 4070ti kicks serious a$$.

@j0nnyism - 16.12.2023 00:29

Showed my mate some of my ps5 gameplay. He was insistent I was using a pc with cyberpunk. They did a great job getting this to look so good on modern consoles

@monke8698 - 17.12.2023 19:41

why are you playing with medium settings on a 4090😭💀

@orange_turtle3412 - 19.12.2023 10:02

RTX 4090 aint enough. You need some nasa shit to run this smoothly

@orange_turtle3412 - 19.12.2023 10:09

If you think 20fps is “unplayable” you’ve clearly never experienced unplayable in your life. I used to play minecraft on my mom’s ancient laptop that ran it at (and im not exaggerating at all) 2 fps. Like a single digit 2. That is true unplayability.

@spraynardkruger6426 - 20.12.2023 04:05

"This is rendering at NATIVE 4k... with some dlss."
Buddy, wtf are you saying?

@KX_Zero - 22.12.2023 03:29

110FPS on 4K with the most realistic lighting ever made in a game is crazy

@deepvoidmanufacturing - 22.12.2023 16:45

50 outside 20 inside for a metric user that sound like horrid environment to live in

@irish7460 - 27.12.2023 05:48

That bit about bieng an audiophile is super relatable.

@cloud9847 - 31.12.2023 23:16

My computer slapped me, lit up a cig and told me it was thinking of leaving me when I tried to run path tracing.
Our relationship hasn't been the same since.

@nikz000 - 02.01.2024 23:50

Jeez what a monster pc

@ryanberardelli2363 - 03.01.2024 03:53

I just got the game and have been running it in path traced RT, 4k, on my 3090 the whole time I've played it - looks so incredible, and runs so smooth!

@TheDarkTower91 - 04.01.2024 18:25

I'm just gonna say that having a 4090 to play Cyberpunk in medium is just offensive for those gaming on 3060's. Why the hell do u need 200fps on Cyberpunk? At least crack it up to Raytracing Ultra, u still playing an offline RPG game at 160fps...

@almightyIrie - 05.01.2024 00:42

"obviously this is something for the highest of the high end hardware" - made my day, i think you just proofed all 4060 TI haters wrong as i do own the 16GB version and i run CP2077 cranked to the max, path traced (obviously with the DLSS goodies to make it run smooth like butter)... That's in 1080p of course, but the card was aimed at 1080p so that's alright i guess

@Wobble2007 - 08.01.2024 02:51

If I could show everyone how crazy this looks on a last generation CRT monitor in 1440p It would blow their minds, to see realistic ultraviolet light flood the room because the CRT is able to actually render the UV spectrum is just absolute nuts, I canny wait for Tandem RGB-PHOLED, because true phosphor based display technologies are incredible, especially with ray tracing.

@vladimircerovic - 08.01.2024 19:38

This game is one missed opportunity. No nice ai crowd. No mechas and robots on street. It is one big dead city, with nonsense crowd and vehicles, and with side and main quests. But no essence. One street in Prague in Deus Ex has more essence than full cyberpunk world. No vents, no interesting things to hack, no apartments, no robots, no life, np sould. Just oversaturated after the rain reflections game. Missed opportunity opportunity

@alexeygrom1834 - 08.01.2024 20:30

too much blah blah blah

@alagor124 - 14.01.2024 15:19

"getting into unplayable territory" ..... yeah no that's not being a frame rate snob here ... i play on linux and without things set just right I was running the game at 15 fps in a good spot and as low as 8 fps in sections ... now I get a locked 60 but honestly i'd have taken a locked 30 over how unplayable the game is at sub 20 fps ... not sure if amd's raytracing is currently supported on linux but given that it fixes some of the lighting bugs that pester me i'm about to look into it

@dubvermin - 27.01.2024 12:37

who cares about playing in 4K ? seriously ?

@HGGdragon - 16.03.2024 10:42

"This is running native 4k ... with a little bit of DLSS to help things out." what?

@i3l4ckskillzz79 - 09.06.2024 13:34

I feel like Luke is the most casual while trying not to be

@Tattednerd23 - 15.07.2024 07:54

This has change overdrive on I get 110 fps with my 4090

@Karma_-l - 27.07.2024 21:40

My phone started lagging just by watching this

@MMD88 - 23.08.2024 07:05

1 year ago when overdrive was introduced to cyberpunk I also thought that it wasn’t worth it and that it didn’t look that different, but after giving it a shot, I just can’t go back. It’s kinda like experiencing a faster refresh rate than 60hz and not being able to go back.

@progeniesofthetoiletpaperh6433 - 08.09.2024 17:01

Man, i wouldn't be surprised if gpus 2-3 generations into the future will still use Cyberpunk RT Overdrive as benchmark for performance. 😂 4090 got dragged around like 4090 owed Cyberpunk money.
