So far:
1 Il Capitano
2 Il Dottore
4 Arlecchino
6 Scaramouche
8 La Signora
11 Tartaglia
Events before : Introducd new fatuis harbinger, bigs lore drop, developement of a major faction in the game ( "Hexenzirkel" sorry ), badass custscenes, dark albedo....
Events today : PiCk Up ThE MoNeY iN tHe TrAiN ! TrApS aNiMaLs !!
ОтветитьCapitano is the best
ОтветитьThe dull sword remains legendary.....until fontaine
ОтветитьFor all the mfs arguing in replies about the strength comparison of Mavuika and Capitano, here are some things literally taken from the archon quest:
- Capitano bears the curse of immortality, his flesh is rotting and his physical strength had deteriorated over time
- Mavuika was not motivated to go all out, one reason was that there were spectators in the stadium that she didn't want to accidentally harm
- Capitano is human while Mavuika is a human that ascended to godhood, where her 'inner flame' got awakened
- Mavuika suggested that she and Capitano would be evenly matched (come on the devs probably gave us this line so that we wouldnt argue over their power yet yall still did)
Where is that mona and scara scene from. I first met scara when miko saved me from him?
ОтветитьNgl Signora's introduction was kinda badass
ОтветитьBro the first time I see signora I don’t see paimon cold
ОтветитьDottore will be playable He has a cryo visionnnn❤
ОтветитьDid paimon just turned into a Ice cube ?
ОтветитьDottore is so hot ngl
Ответитьthe anemo gnosis has the same anemo effect when venti faked the lyre. might it be fake??
ОтветитьИз Капитано мог бы получиться отличный главный дамагер, очень жаль, что не сделали игровым
ОтветитьTfw Capitano clutched his chest to protect the souls inside his mechanical heart. 😢
ОтветитьEver since Viktor glazed Capitano in 1.0 I knew he'd be my favorite Harbinger.
ОтветитьMavuika 🤩
Ответитьall that epic battle, and capitano wasn't even in his prime
ОтветитьDid anyone notice that doctore intro also showed him as “omega build”. He’s the only one that has this above his intro name. What does it mean?
ОтветитьMeanwhile, me waiting for Pierro…
Ответитьnah but alot of them have a name that means something in italian 😭
Ответитьnah but alot of them have a name that means something in italian 😭
ОтветитьRaiden Shogun did the right thing to kill signora. Nobody gets away with hurting Venti
ОтветитьScaramouche and dottores were so intimidating but yet hot😭
Ответитьyou forgot the forgotten harbinger. TIMMIE
ОтветитьVenti verbally cooked signora 😂😂😂
ОтветитьDottore's introduction is the best in my opinion (but he and Arlecchino are my favourite Harbingers, so I might be a bit biased)
Ответитьdefinitely gonna get tons of spoilers since im only at the beginning of sumeru but arlecchinos here so!!!!
ОтветитьSo who’s the strongest?
ОтветитьThree sucks but I do feel bad bad for Venti
Ответить😂 and Viti gets his noses taken
ОтветитьIt’s because I had to do that part in a play. It was a embarrassing, and whatever guy’s friends was Señora.
ОтветитьIf I was Venti, I would be mad
ОтветитьIf I was Venti, I would be mad
ОтветитьI am Arkhan😮 gnosis
ОтветитьBeauty is a waste when you be older doesn’t have no taste
ОтветитьGOATamino just beat all the intros. Well fought Captain ❄️🧊
ОтветитьI love how paimon screams even tho she can fly😂😂😂😂😂😮
ОтветитьVenti was using poetry on Sign Girl
ОтветитьScaramouche Capitano and dottore's were the best introductions change my mind.