Getting Started With Awesome Window Manager

Getting Started With Awesome Window Manager


4 года назад

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@rashie - 10.07.2022 02:52


@DevAngelo - 13.07.2022 00:30

Thanks DT!!

@CatWAVE-qq1gs - 14.07.2022 10:04

Some questions I have: Can I customize this FUCKIN UGLY close and maximize buttons??? Can I use Dolphin instead this "explorer"??? How Awesome handles gnome apps and KDE apps? it can open them all? I'm on Kubuntu right now.. Can I install it over it just to test? :) How does Awesome handles 2 monitor?

@aawalwahid8474 - 17.07.2022 21:14

Damn he talks too much. Forever to find relevant info.

@dom6477 - 26.07.2022 21:55

Great video. After trying on my VM, I'm doing this on my computer. If you're on Arch / Manjaro, you should use picom instead of compton.

@Little-bird-told-me - 01.08.2022 10:20

great tutorial. thanks I am gona try this

@toupeiratech3775 - 04.08.2022 21:05

from the docs:"The newly renamed awful.spawn (previously awful.util.spawn)"

@NOPerative - 17.08.2022 18:40

Nitrogen, Polybar and Awesome or Openbox and go...
Hard to go wrong with the above and it's good training considering tiling managers especially from an administrative/maintenance view point.
Good vid.

@NesherAmir - 21.08.2022 02:36

I truly have no idea why it bother me, as there is nothing wrong about it, but...Debian???!
Nop & reNop, i'm an Arch person!
I know that there is nothing wrong with all the other distoros out there, but for some unknown reasons something feel out of place & teste if it ain't Arch based...
If you got any clew why is it so, I will like to hear it please :)

@ErtanKayalar-tr - 21.08.2022 20:21

This is what i was looking for. Thanks DT!

@JarppaGuru - 22.09.2022 11:19

yet again same and all this top of all distros with own wallpaper.
windows have too different window managers but nobody know.
right away try linux your first choise is...ok back to windows.
linux never win windows with too many choices(distros with own flavors uf uf) put them on same package and let user choose enviroment AND conpletely remove DISTRO

@SoundblasterYT - 26.09.2022 14:19

Just curious what are the benefits of a tiling window manager?

@williamhiner8849 - 15.11.2022 01:53

Derek, you are a godsend my friend. i consider myself a noob but ive been using Pop! OS for about 2 years, but that doesnt count because its too easy. your vids are great, you are a very good teacher. maybe a tutorial on how to install a tar.xz for us noobs?

@thomas.alexander. - 15.11.2022 23:03

I have an install of Vanilla Arch & KDE. I have a working install of i3 WM on here too, but I haven't used it as much as I thought I would. I just installed Awesome WM, after seeing this video, but none of the menu structions are the same and I can't get any keyboard shortcuts to work "out of the box".

Does anyone have any tips to get this to work on Arch?

@13thravenpurple94 - 03.12.2022 18:05

Great work Thank you

@bobbyfried7478 - 14.12.2022 10:21

i love your videos man i don't feel ashamed you have made me a better Linux Mint/ LMDE user i often show my wife the things you have shown us and she is a better linux mint user now also she loves Mint and won't let me change it. because her Mint is hers (as she puts it to me) so thanx again.

@oliverfoxi - 21.12.2022 11:29

I use KDE for about 10 years since 2012. And I really like its out-of-box solution for everything. Network management, Bluetooth management, kdeconnect, buffer history and so on. It's like a proprietary commercial IDE (as Jetbrans' tools) in the open-source world. AwesomeWM is like Neovim, but a lot worse. I switched to Neovim during my vacation with Astronvim, and now it's my main code editor. But I cannot find anything ready-and-easy-to-use out-of-box solution for Awesome without hours of tinkering and googling for an appropriate tool to use. It's like using plain Arch instead of Ubuntu or even Manjaro. I tried. But I need to work and spend my time with family)
If anyone can share a complete solution or good instructions I can follow to have ready-to-use WM, I'll be very thankful. I'm trying to use KDE Bismuth, but for some reason, it freezes my entire screen after several hours of work.

@hoodietramp - 29.01.2023 18:05

yo need help with your widgets, plz make a short Lmao just explain what are some of them and how can we change them

@chrisjchalifoux - 11.02.2023 20:52

awlsome vido on awlsom i am juest starting out using awelsom

@zerriox - 04.03.2023 19:47

Just wachted the first 10min, but i wanted to say..
Man I just love the way you teach, especially that you're not just explaining once what a specific action does and then just saying 5 times do what we did there or press xy and type in xyz like many other's doing tutorials.. you're not just explaining, you're teaching us how to and what it does what while telling multiple times what it does if a specific step repeats, Which makes it much easier to learn and it also seems logical (example: Mention to remember -> Super +R opens the run promt)

@willywantoknow2563 - 06.03.2023 12:25

Is there a way to merge awesome with manjaro i3?
I'm rather curious to how much i can play with manjaro without messing too much with AUR.

@snansahmarov1524 - 09.04.2023 22:47

Everytime i want to watch you video, i tap (click) on your video , i see length of your videos just closing video Please keep your videos short. Content in 30 minutes can also be 10 minutes, the your subscribers will be much more

@Col_Pan1c - 27.04.2023 18:53

Should do an update vid on awesome with arch. Install and setup.

@vitormelo22 - 01.05.2023 20:07

Very nice the log of errors, in bspwm sxhkd update even with errors.

@freevbucks8019 - 05.05.2023 12:06

It's on lua so W+++++++++++++

@rebeuhsin6410 - 14.06.2023 04:42

I guess it is just me. But I have been using linux for a long long time (but off and on), when I want more than three terminals open at the same time, I think it's time to quit computers completely.

@FerralVideo - 11.07.2023 05:41

I used to use Openbox back in the days when I first started using Linux in the 2.6 days.
As I look at my fleet of aging computers and laptops, I consider an extremely light weight option to bring these systems as far into the modern era as I can. I then look at my daily drivers and gaming computers, and wonder how I can optimize the frick out of them to get as much OS out of my way to free my resources up for GAME.
This got me back into looking at window managers, rather than complete DEs, for these use cases.
I don't think I'm ready to go all-in on a tiling manager, so my attention went to Awesome.

@egmluvr - 20.07.2023 22:36

Just installed awesome on Alpine Linux. I think I'm all in on tilers!

@PaulSpades - 02.08.2023 08:54

Fantastic. You installed a tiling window manager, screwed around with the lua script and managed to not tile any window while doing it.

@VS-nq1ro - 07.08.2023 08:05

Hi all! how to switch to the browser and if it is not started yet, then start it if it is started, then just switch to it.

@dynamitestyle8678 - 17.08.2023 22:10

Why did the scroll direction change when I change to Awesome? How do I change that?

@apatheian - 24.09.2023 11:24

guys i have been using void linux for a few days and i wanted to use awesome wm on it so i installed it and all, however the nor the hotkeys or the menu on top left are not working for me only thing that works is super+p,, can someone please tell me what am i doing wrong?? also audio doesnt work when i switch to awesome wm

@migueltorrinhapereira7473 - 30.09.2023 21:00

I love the cmatrix runing in the background.

@eskrest - 17.10.2023 15:38

Good day, DT, and thank you for your content. Is there a list of any kind where can I find all the necessary components like a compositor, login manager, this password service I can't remember the name of?

@ziadamer375 - 14.11.2023 08:21

what are the tools used in the thumbnail?

@SamusLovesMilk - 06.12.2023 01:44

Just a comment on the BG not updating with ctr+super+r, I noticed on my laptop (dual boot), it resets to the default BG when I still have windows running and reloading, but if I close the windows and reload it resets to my chosen BG.
Just to notify about that confusion. And this is 3 years later, should've been fixed by now hehe

@bedrocklolgame - 20.01.2024 18:26

I'm thinking of installing a window manager instead of using a desktop environment, because my laptop with 2gb of memory barely runs Linux Mint cinnamon.

@wolfmunroe - 23.02.2024 17:04

Installed Awesome recently and walked through your set-up just now.

The issue you were having with the background not reloading when you Super+CTRL+R to reload Awesome was also a problem I experienced, and I am not in a virtual machine. The background reloads when I actually log into Awesome again, but not when I reload Awesome from inside the client. In order to get the background back I have to run nitrogen --restore manually.
(I'm on LinuxMint 21.3.)

I need to figure out next how to get my text on the bar to be bigger because mine did not resize when I reload awesome and the bar and menu is very tiny.

@_regnar_4189 - 12.03.2024 16:50

This is all okay, but... Why did you used nitrogen for wallpaper if you can simply put a path in theme.lua? It'll be simply and you'll don't need nitrogen for this.

@KipIngram - 07.05.2024 00:11

You don't give sudo your ROOT password. You give it your USER password - you're authenticating that yes, you are the user. And that user has to be in the sudoers list.

@KipIngram - 07.05.2024 00:15

I can't tell you how useless I find the whole window manager idea. I open all of my apps as full screen apps in a work space. And I just move work spaces when I want to visit another app. One of those is the console space, and it runs terminator with the screen split into a variety of panels. I run IRC in one of those and use the others in an 'ad hock' way. And that's it. I never close these, I never move them, I never do anything else.

@KipIngram - 07.05.2024 00:17

Terminal isn't scary. It's how computers originally worked. The graphical stuff is the new stuff.

@piotr.kaczmarski - 06.08.2024 22:33

Much appreciated, thank you!

@vwwvw - 29.08.2024 21:15

Watched this video 3 years ago and I've been using Linux with awesome ever since. This video made me switch to Linux from Windows lol.

@JohnCrawford1979 - 30.09.2024 06:40

What if you wanted to install Awesomewm as your only desktop environment?

@stupidDKS - 07.10.2024 07:20

He should try super+p

@madrussiandrow - 05.11.2024 02:05

Another trick. You may set wallpaper just inside the configuration file, for instance,
theme.wallpaper = themes_path.."default/background.png", which points to
/usr/share/awesome/themes/default/background.png, but you may set any you want.

@BernardoHenriquez - 29.12.2024 12:16

too complcate, qtile is easer

@tommyapex4595 - 20.01.2025 02:22

As if a newb knows what “super” means

@TheNebo19 - 26.02.2025 19:25

Thank You DT!
