Throne and Liberty First Impressions: It's a Filler MMO

Throne and Liberty First Impressions: It's a Filler MMO


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@JadeTurtle15 - 23.07.2024 06:27

Amazon Games? Oh, I'm good. Guess I'm waiting for the next MMO

@AI_Roleplay - 23.07.2024 06:36

Creating an mmo on unreal engine 5 with tab target combat system the oldest system of all is a joke for me, no immersion is no fun

@JTNugget - 23.07.2024 06:56

I'm still playing Lost Ark. I don't get how you call it a "filler mmo". Yeah it has the typical Korean MMO problems, but the combat and raids are the best in the business as far as I'm concerned. I've actually put more time into Lost Ark than I have any other MMO ever made and I've been playing them since EQ back in 98.

@zephasysgaming - 23.07.2024 07:44

Fair review, good video.

@kieranbull1400 - 23.07.2024 10:01

I have never been so completely immersed in an MMO as fast as I was with this one. It's a fantastic game that blends a traditional MMO world with the presentation you expect from an AAA single player RPG. It feels better than WOW, FFXIV, ESO and BDO. Everybody wants to see it fail, but aren't seeing it for how amazing it is SMH

@deathtox3680 - 23.07.2024 10:53

This game reminds me of Elder scrolls online with a graphics boost, which I have thousands of hours in elder scrolls online, so I’m loving this

@keselekbakiak - 23.07.2024 11:21

It's more like instance co-op. The biggest number you can see is on city. Most of map is limited on 4 person.

@shawnsak3016 - 23.07.2024 12:19

I love the game.

@hpharold23 - 23.07.2024 12:36

Good world, sucks game mechanic and combat which is the bread and butter of mmo's

@Shadowthevampire - 23.07.2024 13:53

I will answer both yes and no x3

@Willjoestar - 23.07.2024 14:05

Game died in korea for a reason having a 3 month obt with a wipe is called a cut and run.

@furtistigi6613 - 23.07.2024 14:14

I've been playing for quite a long time and my overall experience was mediocre due to the combat system and drops, the combat system is outdated or mixed with the target more. I expected it to have a combat system just like the online version, and the game doesn't make up for some things, for me the only good thing is the atmosphere. and skills take far too long to cool down

@HLWizard_GirlWizard - 23.07.2024 14:34

Tbh I don't get how people are already max level on the second don't they have something else to do other than sitting there gaming for hours or even days?? I don't really believe it.

@raduconstantin9015 - 23.07.2024 15:19

This game has nothing to offer to mmorpg lovers, people who actually enjoy game worlds, designs, lore, story.
It doesn't value your time at all, you have time locked events all over the map that force you to play at specific times in order to not miss out.
Game also forces you to play in a guild and be active, otherwise you get kicked and left behind.
Everything about this game is competitive and is only catering to the people who play games for a living, if you are a regular person with a job/career/business/family or other responsibilities, then there is no way you will ever be able to keep up with the people who sink 12+ hours a day into this game.
Play a game that respects your time and a game in which you can pick up right were you left off and still feel like you are accomplishing things at your own pace.

@samw.6158 - 23.07.2024 16:56

Couldn't get into it. That tutorial is way to long and was so much fluff didnt last longer than 30 minutes and un-installed

@AndrewVisse - 23.07.2024 17:26

The shots of those menus are almost enough to keep me completely away from this game.
Tried the open beta and it was very meh, played for max 30 min... looks beautiful but feels soulless when playing.

@ChaosSlayerZX - 23.07.2024 17:49

This graphics would be perfect for EQ remake. I just can't accept that Pantheon graphics looks like cheap wow clone from 15 years ago.

@oceanpoet18 - 23.07.2024 18:22

You say World of Warcraft like everyone has a PC and has access to it. This is fine for console players

@Toechiiii - 23.07.2024 18:57

kind of weird to comment on end game when you dont even show any lvl 50 content. youre at a contflict pvp world boss just attacking the boss while you are complaining about p2w in pvp. if youre not going to do pvp why do you care about what the pvp rewards are? why should a solo player be able to reap the top tier pvp rewards like castle siege and lucent rewards? its a game that rewwards groups of players because it is a big group pvp game.

@Reflexion89 - 23.07.2024 19:05

Your take on this game seems to misunderstand the target audience quite dramatically. Throne and Liberty offers up achievement through its leader boards, node warfare, pvp, and guild drama. Something that is completely absent from MMOs like WoW, or FF14, where all you need are your guild and everybody else is just a bystander. TL puts guilds and power struggles at the center of its gameplay, and you will make friends and enemies. People will hate you, and you will seek out others to fight. Villains and heroes will surface, and when you see the servers most hated guild lose its castle siege to the under dog alliance, everybody is going to clap and cheer. The game is great for the kind of player thats been waiting such a long time for this experience. If you want your curated PvE experience then go enjoy the games you like, which cater delicately to that cause. Putting throne and liberty down because its not better in those areas and ignoring all of it's other offerings is pretty ignorant to an entire culture of other gamers.

@ulquiorracifer__ - 23.07.2024 19:56

I’ll be real I loved this game so much

@AnnAhl185 - 23.07.2024 21:11

Glad I found this channel! Very detailed without being to long. Keep em coming buddy you deserve a lot more views and im sure they will come 😀

@Boonshniggle - 23.07.2024 22:31

It uses Unreal Engine 5, not 4

@Badass4Life - 23.07.2024 23:03

Why does this look like a game made in the early 2000's

@blamcheese - 24.07.2024 02:02

I just want more MMOS with guild wars 2 coop activities :(

@redshot1015 - 24.07.2024 02:38

plz god one game not pay 2 win fuck sake

@jimmunro4649 - 24.07.2024 03:50

Seem be best of mmo this year ,WOW is old looks even older now Done it all before to many times now .RUNS so well world looks great

@leeroberts8546 - 24.07.2024 04:49

I've been waiting a long time for a up to date mmo.

I've had a blast so far on it.! What a game!

@andreasstrom9648 - 24.07.2024 05:01

You´re probably right when it comes to the longevity of the game, but mostly wrong about most other stuff. "A game 1st and a world 2nd". From someone who clearly doesn´t read the lore books, don´t know that you should group to share dmg on the first boss, or how to use roll :D
Gambling progression? Not at all like Lost Ark, where you have a chance to progress. Here you always progress when lvling up skills, wpns, etc. You just have a chance to progress faster. Huge difference.
Plus, that ridiculous false confusion with the menus, when it´s obvious which ones have a big red square attached to them? C´mon man.

@JackVelladeath - 24.07.2024 06:09

I love what I'm seeing but this looks like BDO. Yet I see nothing about that xD

@Jeffbozoooo - 24.07.2024 08:47

damn how many times this guy has to mention WOW and FF14...

@rex-assassinassassin3446 - 24.07.2024 15:41

Absolutely you are right

@Nepplay - 24.07.2024 23:55

u pointed very well the problem with this game is sad to see a good game getting fucked like that ...

@Dollcis - 25.07.2024 07:38

The melee combat is absolutely horrendous. Charge and auto attacks feels like I am hitting a piece of wet paper. Not having a definitive class system is fine. However in this game leveling up your skills and stats doesn't feel like you are progressing into a unique advanced spec, which just lacks that roleplaying fantasy.

@CptJak-fg4ic - 25.07.2024 21:54

I like TL but what will rid the world of "filler mmo"? Answering the ultimate question in the player's mind: "What is around the next corner?" imo...put back the adventure instead of focus on "maths" and systems. Develop a random dungeon placement and configuration, random trap and monster placement and patrol, random treasure and you will have a player for life. The maths, systems, and hyper technical critique has killed the wonder of exploring a new world. Written by an mmo player since 2000.

@dhampir216 - 26.07.2024 09:34

Really enjoying this game i get there is a p2w aspect but i dont mind that. I can grind my butt off . I gove it a 8 outta 10 for mmos

@dd-tc6ip - 27.07.2024 11:05

Warcraft is not even comparable Pvp, warcraft lags out with any size World pvp.

@utopiandystopia1383 - 28.07.2024 20:34

i dont understand a tab target game thats pvp focused, if i wanted to play a pvp game id play one thats skill based like mordhau rather than gear based where you need to grind all day or swipe a credit card if you want to not get trounced. Whats the point? **** fortnite has better pvp than gear based mmo's

@in2it85 - 30.07.2024 07:42

Throne and Liberty is basically just a like Mobile Game, but on your PC.
The Combat is like that, the Gameplay is like that, and the UI is like that.
The game is a typical Generic and boring Grind game, and it's Pay-to-win.
It is so bad and forgettable, that even the Koreans are qutting the game.

@Sorry-Buddy - 03.08.2024 07:14

Its free to play

@vaelicusthepaladin - 03.08.2024 11:07

You're very close to be my got channel for mmorpg. Your input is thoughtful, dont fall into criticising for the sakes of it. Negative bias.

Lets enjoy MMOs, enjoy constructive criticism. The fact that theae games are free to enjoy the stories, to shae the world is huge.

Sure you want to be top brass and enjoy every feature? You like the game, support it, pay. Nothing wrong with it, lets improve the monetization instead of shitting on games for trying to find a way to make revenue.

@rohays2613 - 06.08.2024 03:25

Omg a battle pass im out they want money dumb business model

@wolfrain8898 - 15.08.2024 20:10

Throne and liberty will have a big bot problem look unless they have already fixed this what will happen is for everything you can put on the auction house and sell for cash shop currency can an will be farmed by bots in droves on top of all the free to play players that don't want to spend a dime turning this partial pay to win game into a full pay to win game. this will be what makes it unplayable or just not fun in the west look unless this is fixed where there is no real way for a bot to farm it and a player has to be pressing the buttons them self at there pc then it will be a game of unattainable battle pass unobtainable endgame sets of gear pvp ganking cash shop whales and a non hospitable environment for free to play players leading to all of them leaving because its more or less pay to play because of the bot problem and its even worse than games like eso or ff14 or wow in that vain its a real world simulator where all the people with the most money win leading to it lasting less than a year before most people go back to there old games where they get treated like people who put time into the free to play game. then of course the whales will leave right after that also known as the people that spend money on the game cuz you've alienated the free-to-player with your absolute refusal to fix the bot problem so the people that spend money will start to see it as them competing with people with more money than them and not the free to players at all witch will lead to them questioning whether or not playing other cheaper games that are just as fun with better monetization where they can feel like their dollar is actually worth something so they leave and congratulations you have won the achievement of turning a steady income stream into garbage. the fix for this is having each player only able to put 1 of each item on the auction house at a time in conjunction to that making it to where you can't gift things in game to other accounts like battle passes or any and all cash shop items unless using real money and not the auction house currency making the auction house currency effectively a middle currency that bots can't really use for anything meaning people don't bot unless they want to rush to endgame and ruin the game for them self they will not do it talk about uninsenitizing boting that should do the trick but the MAIN QUESTION IS WILL THEY DO THAT NO! IS MORE THAN LIKELY THE ANSWER. the problem with black deserts way of doing things is it limits the price of what things can go for or how low they can go and not the fundamentals of why people bot in the first place one you can make a fake account and have all the profits on your main account and get the bot account band an your main account is still safe with just making another free to play account and rinse wash repeat 2 you can set it up to farm 1 thing with a low drop rate that sales for lots of gold or cash shop currency and get multiple of the same item to sell on the auction house. this fixes most reasons people would bot in this game and makes it to where almost know one would bot or very you people would bot why 1 if you where caught you could lose your Bot account that has all your stuff on it with no back up main account that you have been sending all you stuff to 2 its a massive pain having to set up the farm then get one of each item that can go on the auction house to sell for currency meaning the boter would have to know life the game the same as the rest of us this means it would be a risk not worth the reward for the person who is using cheats unless there a streamer that wants lots of views and not putting in much time the yes more than likely they would still bot but everyone that as any value or attachment to the game would be put in a situation where they would not do it now if they have some sort of fix like that now where talking so all that is left is for the game to have a fair monetization scheme will they use there brains and do that probably not hot garbage here we come

@mr-rosh - 30.08.2024 12:53

The only thing that's off putting for me is the fact that everyone runs around as a dog. I want to see the characters and their gear. The other transformations I'm absolutely fine with. Maybe they could've added mounts instead of the land morph.

@LiquidGas0 - 04.09.2024 05:42

How the hell does FF14 have a comparable barrier to entrance? Your talking about free vs $20 a month cad. Hate subscription based games

@mokeish - 05.09.2024 05:12

the guys who made new world are gonna mutilate their lotr mmo, it's gonna be a new world skin

@zagohcap - 07.09.2024 02:21

If I wanted to play WoW or FF14, I would've played them 10-20 years ago.
