Warning Christians: This New Trend Is Causing Children to Abandon God in DROVES

Warning Christians: This New Trend Is Causing Children to Abandon God in DROVES

Answers in Genesis

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@klouis1886 - 20.05.2024 09:12

Sounds like many people here blame others and culture when in reality they are just poor parents

@klouis1886 - 20.05.2024 09:13

Why doesn't every church have programs on relationships and human needs and functions?

@klouis1886 - 20.05.2024 09:15

Socialism is an economic system and has nothing to do with being religious or not

@klouis1886 - 20.05.2024 09:23

This is just a political rant by someone that is ignorant about education, parenting, and learning.
How is mathematics, English, and science political and anti God?

@friisteching3433 - 20.05.2024 12:01

Imagine if US switched the budget for military and public education. How much better their education would be and how much smarter their population would become.

@chisexton5845 - 20.05.2024 16:41

Excellent talk. Thank you, AiG and Pastor Wayne.

@christophecamus3295 - 20.05.2024 18:39

Great video thanks

@christophecamus3295 - 20.05.2024 18:40

Great video thanks

@fuzzycounsellor9147 - 20.05.2024 19:14

I've heard some believers say they think the kids that are home schooled lack socialization. I say wow that sounds like a good thing to me, looking at the society around me..

@patriciaalber367 - 20.05.2024 20:37

What do you mean by Palestine? There is no country named Palestine.

@reneemoore6249 - 20.05.2024 20:46

👍 discipleship

@Liver_042 - 20.05.2024 21:28

Apologists like AiG are angry that gen z's are leaving the church, they wouldn't have anybody to indoctrinate anymore. That's why they want you to isolate your children from the world and force your views on them. Theists 🤦‍♂️

@Transblucency - 21.05.2024 00:53

Lol that story the speaker told about a Christian college where the faculty took some sort of political alignment test and tested out as socialist and the head teacher just says "oh the test must be wrong" sounds as 'anecdotal' as all giddy heck.

I'm pressing x to doubt here. But even if it were true, if Jesus were to take this test, I think he'd be dismayed by the results.

@FlipStillRules - 21.05.2024 07:35

Meanwhile here I am listening to this on my phone, photoshopping on my computer, and occasionally going to insta here and there

@Majorpain32677 - 21.05.2024 11:57

No wait Iran is most growing Christian nation right now

@Majorpain32677 - 21.05.2024 11:58

Catholic is a cult from satan its not a Christian religion

@Majorpain32677 - 21.05.2024 12:08

Church is so important but with my gealth issues i can go as much so i found something more important that has grown ne more than even when i was in Christian school and church in 1990s , thats the Bible learning the Bible has grown me mire than when i went yo church in high school and as a kid that always at church, without the Bible you won't grow Ty Jesus for saving me thankyou Lord God for your word

@Majorpain32677 - 21.05.2024 12:08

Is thee a link for that test

- 21.05.2024 12:17

The falling away has begun. Now we wait for the man of perdition to reveal himself.

@Majorpain32677 - 21.05.2024 12:39

I went to a Biblical Christian school Florence Christian School in Florence south Carolina i was saved in 7 th grade but i started there at age of 3 until i graduated i dont know if i would be save without those Godly Biblical teachers and yes we got spanked lol so thank full for my Christian parents and school and church im 47 with pancreatic disability and also a military veteran im amazed how many times God was there even when i did backslide for a while but i never rejected Jesus and prayed every night

@RealHooksy - 21.05.2024 14:19

Excellent news

@marioarmas1459 - 21.05.2024 16:31

I left christianity when I was about 15... 🤷🏽‍♂️ Glad I do not believe in all of that anymore. Tried to believe as a child but the whole salvation story, and the apocalipse story wasnt just logical for me. Somehow I was able to identify it as fantasy from the begining. 🤔 had fun at church tho.

@jencaso5729 - 21.05.2024 18:29

My son has adhd and autism I need more help than I can give him. I love my son and want him to love God. I tell him about God and Jesus because that is what he told me to do.

@jencaso5729 - 21.05.2024 18:36

I have a question how do you homeschool your kid when he has autism and ADHD needs occupational therapy sensory therapy and more help that could possibly give needs people that went to college for all of that you homeschool him.

@RobertSmith-gx3mi - 21.05.2024 22:53

As opposed to the old trend where parents just forced their children into the confirmation bubble with a cross on top of it that they were forced into as children.

@noneb7959 - 22.05.2024 04:35

"Low biblical worldview" proceeds to list Palestine as a nation. Wow. Maybe I'll come back to this at another point.

@apwill4765 - 22.05.2024 18:43

Fantastic news, the children are the future and your cult is going the way of ancient Greek mythology. Finally.

@artlifewitheleaw1221 - 22.05.2024 20:20

So one of the lessons my parents instilled both in me and my 3 brothers was that education always began in the home and my parents were dedicated to training us up in the way we should go in every area of our lives. Even though all 4 of us graduated from public school and 3 of the 4 attended secular college, all 4 of us still love and serve God.
Public school is definitely not ideal but it's also not a death sentence for a child's faith.
My husband's family took a very similar approach in that his mom especially incorporated Christian teaching into every facet of their lives. The only difference was that my husband's family was all homeschooled. Fortunately now both he and his siblings are all seeking to follow God but both sons went through a very rebellious stage where there was no guarantee of keeping Christ at the center of their lives.
Do your best. Pray constantly and trust in our faithful God.

@apwill4765 - 22.05.2024 21:17

So weird, it's like the better educated you are the less superstitious you become. Seems reasonable.

@apwill4765 - 22.05.2024 21:26

Fantastic advice at the 56 minute mark. No one should buy that book, ever.

@ConservativeMirror - 23.05.2024 10:19

I find it fascinating how this speaker is obviously gay, you can tell by the way he talks, and he's a Christian because of this personal problem that he has. But his kids, mostly, aren't going to have this same problem. So they're not going to have the same need that he has for remaining Christian.

@darnbrew9796 - 23.05.2024 15:39

Statistics in this are mind-blowing for the US. I'm from Canada and I would imagine we are very very similar or worse.
This sheds a light on how narrow is the gate to heaven and many will not enter. But all can because of the good news of Jesus I'm truly living that life.

@hillarystevenson9658 - 23.05.2024 18:44

I have listened to this with a heavy heart. The fact is, according to you,there was no way I could help my son. I was a single parent, not an easy choice, but a necessary one. So he had no father. I had to work, so there was no way I could home school him. I respect the point of view, but there are many Christian parents like me who could never implement you three-legged stool. This talk is devastating to people like us.

@newcreationinchrist1423 - 23.05.2024 23:42

If you don't raise your kids others will raise them for you. Simple concept.
If you want to be a lazy parent you will have a messed up family. Don't blame God for that one. 🙏🙏🙏✝️

@450aday - 24.05.2024 06:59

Christians being socialist is actually common, early Americans experimented with socialism. Hating socialism is learned. The bible is full of servile statements that lead Christians to socialism.

@user-on3wh6wu9n - 25.05.2024 10:47

The merest whiff of reason and logic destroys all gods.

@user-oh2ps3ft8s - 25.05.2024 15:22

Sadly I don't have kids so it's easier for me to tell you what I would do without the painful bite of reality tearing a chunk out of my worldview but if I did have children, especially daughters, I wouldn't let them out of he house until they turned 16, same with phones. I might, maybe, let them out to go to school but that would be it. They'd probably grow up hating me but I would hope as adults they would come to realise and appreciate why I did it. It's not your job to be your children's friend it's your job to keep them safe. No daughter of mine would end up drunk and pregnant at 14 because some creep found her online and groomed her in her bedroom without her parents having any clue who she was communicating with.

@user-oh2ps3ft8s - 25.05.2024 15:26

Keep the faith true believers, it just means there's going to be plenty room when we get to Heaven.

@user-oh2ps3ft8s - 25.05.2024 15:56

The smug secularists happy that kids are breaking away from church indoctrination are themselves indoctrinated by the scientific secular worldview that each day has it's very own foundations being kicked out from beneath it (dinosaur tissue that hasn't fossilised, hubble telescope findings disproving the big bangs, massive holes in the theory of evolution and my personal favourite, the new evidence supporting the reality of the Turin Shroud), and it scares them. So it should, but you can spend eternity arguing the point with Satan. Better bring your sunscreen.

@lorysipel6823 - 25.05.2024 22:08

Make sure you marry a believer and you both have the same beliefs and goals for your children. Read the Bible with your family. Find a Bible believing Church to attend as a family on a weekly basis, homeschool your children, know your children's friends and family. Keep your kids with you during church service. Teach your children the word of God. Invite your child's questions. Don't allow children to have a smart phone, to have sleepovers or be alone with other adults. Enjoy every moment, it goes by fast.

@lorysipel6823 - 25.05.2024 22:11

Israel Wayne

@TheOldBailey4135 - 25.05.2024 23:25

When will Ken Ham abandon the "new, improved Bible" he is selling? Disgusting

@HarryNicNicholas - 27.05.2024 07:20

the problem mate is that 60% of all religists - of all religions - are fine with evolution, this isn't even about atheists, you are disagreeing with the majority of your own people. and why folks come to a religious propaganda page to get science news is very telling, they don't actually like learning anything they don't want to hear.

@jimjimskimmer1935 - 28.05.2024 21:33

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is John Skimmer, and I am an avid follower of your lectures and presentations. 

Your work in the field of creation science and your in-depth analysis exposing evolution a satanic lie, and your creation seminars connecting dots have been nothing but inspirational. 

Are you aware that currently there is a MASSIVE debate currently raging on the shape of the earth?

Given your expertise and thorough approach, are you aware that the globe lie comes from Roman Catholicism?

The Holy Bible nowhere shows the earth spinning, but rather shows we live under a firmament, and that Gods throne is above the waters above.

And when you do the globe maths, it is littered with the number 666. I'm sure you dont need me to tell you this is the beasts number.  

Al this in conjunction with the second beast of revelation 13 the lamb like beast USA, is pointing to a grand deception where NASA (which in hebrew means to decieve) is using fake outer space to decieve the world.

After all, doesn't the bible say that the second beast of revelation 13 the USA, make fire come down from heaven, and that these false miracles decieve the world into worshipping the first beast, Rome again?

I am writing to inquire whether you have considered conducting a study or presenting a lecture on the shape of the Earth. There has been considerable debates in recent years regarding the flat Earth theory versus the widely accepted round Earth model.

Your unique perspective and rigorous research methodology would provide valuable insights into this discussion. I am particularly interested in your analysis of the scientific evidence in conjunction with biblical references, as you have done with many other topics, and I'm sure like myself you will find that the globe, evolution, big bang theory are all lies from the Jesuits of Rome. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your response and hope to see this intriguing subject explored in one of your future presentations.

Warm regards,

John Skimmer

@concretesandals4501 - 30.05.2024 04:49

So religion, when cutoff from the ability to indoctrinate and brainwash kids, dies out? Interesting

@Timothy-bj9lt - 03.06.2024 13:12

Israel Wayne thank you

@list1726 - 07.06.2024 22:15

Thanks for posting

@VaxtorT - 11.06.2024 22:03

My faith declares Jesus to be God the Father manifest in human form. The title Son of God being just that, a title.

@carterbailey868 - 13.06.2024 01:46

It makes me so sad to see these kids becoming better educated, culture evolving for the better and ancient ideals fading away :(
