Contest 63CS - a first look at this Dutch thoroughbred from its Cannes premiere

Contest 63CS - a first look at this Dutch thoroughbred from its Cannes premiere

Yachting World

4 месяца назад

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@andyclarke945 - 13.10.2024 20:18

Oh my word, what a stunning boat - no contest.

@majik-k8j - 13.10.2024 20:19

Nice to see a proper king plank on a laid deck.

@AdeboFunkyVoodoo - 13.10.2024 20:27

I look forward to all the salty old seadogs complaining that it's not a "real cruising boat".

Because it is not designed like a 1970's Nicholson/Moody/Hinckley etc...

@KarlFröhlich-w1u - 13.10.2024 20:32

What a beauty! If I was in the market for a yacht like that it would be a hard decision between a Oyester 595/625, a HR64 or this boat

@cdinlenc1 - 13.10.2024 22:34

Nice quickie tour Toby. Stunner in real life. Looking forward to your sail video.

@puertola7186 - 13.10.2024 23:27

The Dutch know their trade! An incredible boat. Thank you for the presentation.

@puertola7186 - 13.10.2024 23:31

I can't help mention but after the Bayesian incident, some of us wonder how the water from a big wave or a `downburst` will be drained in that deeper cockpit area, or will it do down in the cabins via the washboard door...

@PH-GNS - 13.10.2024 23:40

Thank you for a very professional and informative tour

@bos6782 - 14.10.2024 00:16

Thank you Toby for the tour of a beautifully built yacht.

@tsclly2377 - 14.10.2024 00:45

from the basysian stand point.. not impressed due to the lack of safety features..

@rtbinc2273 - 14.10.2024 01:18

Beautiful boat. I didn't see the center hand hold in the ceiling of the saloon until the very end. I noticed that in all of the yacht videos, even those with many hundred thousand subs, the ceiling isn't shown so much but it is very important to how an interior feels.

@DefaultUser61 - 14.10.2024 06:09

Thanks for the tour, but where the hell is Theo and Yachting Monthly? Does anyone know why they stopped making videos?

@andrewlabat9963 - 14.10.2024 06:31

Yes.. Absolutely stunning

@KimMcDonald-jl7uc - 14.10.2024 08:03

I think I can see why you were so impressed Toby…!

@MrTrapper28 - 14.10.2024 09:26

Visited Contest stand at the Palma boat show this year. Impressive yachts. There is a very nice C55 kept in St Mawes called Vara.

@WayOfHaQodesh - 14.10.2024 09:45

Beautiful vessel. Love the reviews Toby!

@tomhermens7698 - 14.10.2024 10:38

Teak noone wants expensive to replace, tanks from inferior stainless steel, or galvanised, keel bolted on, keel pigiron instead of led, make a quality boat and they could very the HR of the Netherlands. Instead they produce inferior yachts to keep the price down. At that level price is not of importance. As is, I wouldn't buy from them .

@ianw5119 - 14.10.2024 14:54

Remarkably similar in layout to the Jeanneau 64 / 65

@nextari - 14.10.2024 22:36

Wow just looking at this boat gives you tingles imagining what it would be like sailing it.

@brettowen7174 - 15.10.2024 11:11

Always were excellent boats with high price tags.
A proliferation of this size and level reflecting the annihilation of ordinary yachting. This boat looks to poncy for ocean crossing and hanging out in deserted coves. Mainly for showing off in expensive marinas. Seen it happen here in Port Andratx and Mallorca.

@adime8115 - 15.10.2024 11:55


@RS265cup - 15.10.2024 21:21

Interior gives the feel of a camper interior, can't sense the super yacht aspect.

@ianscott3180 - 15.10.2024 21:51

Come on lotto, it must be my turn. Contest or Hallberg? I don't care. Anyone want to buy a very old Benetteau for a few million?

@jamesaron1967 - 18.10.2024 06:54

I'm a multihull fan but this yacht is beautiful and impressive!

@hannesdewachter7803 - 20.10.2024 15:38

❤Looking forward to the test drive!

@Papaondas - 21.10.2024 20:54

I’m glad I’m poor, what stressful will be having money to buy a boat of this size , which one to choose ? They are all awesome, thanks for sharing , great job Toby

@tightlines106 - 22.10.2024 08:39

Just little bit of pocket change and she’s yours

@Briguy28ca - 27.10.2024 12:22

So no difference between this model and the smaller version.

@abhishekparmar6702 - 31.10.2024 14:10

the price.. even for contest, even while they have some of the most optimised SAD ratios (ive made a whole detailed chart of detailed specs of all high end sailing monohulls) among other things, at roughly 3.2-3.5 million USD on the water, its pricey. in fact in my opinion it crosses that line where you ask, what else is available, what else can i get? both, in sailing monohulls or miltihulls or even motor yachts, 3.5 million usd goes far.

@aleksandarbokan4599 - 05.11.2024 18:33

That's CLASS.

@keithfaulkner1288 - 20.11.2024 07:43

These beautiful boats get better every year. And more advanced. When they make a 70' single hander. Call me.
Nice job Toby.

@qbnronin - 21.01.2025 04:06

@Yachting World PLEASE provide Toby a camera man! He's content is too valuable to be dampened by the absolute worst cinematography! Every single time my family watches one of his videos we all get motion sickness.🙏🙏🙏

@hansemcito - 13.02.2025 15:43

this boat has 4 toilets.

@christopherfranks478 - 23.02.2025 03:31

The oven hood sold me (if only I could afford it lol)!!! I've been saying for years that all boats need vented hoods, otherwise the whole boat becomes a smokey mess below. What a beauty!!!
