Zoom vs Microsoft Teams

Zoom vs Microsoft Teams

Valto IT Services

4 года назад

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@1jdata - 03.04.2020 20:51

Very cursory. Much of the Teams meeting section is blurred. Zoom and Teams meeting functionality is not "the same" - each has advantages.

@nariroeplal1553 - 10.04.2020 07:46

How can i get the O365 free trial as u said b4 that they now give it for 6 months free.?

@wilson2787 - 11.04.2020 07:02

Team = Google Classroom
is like that?

@jacomeintjes9709 - 14.04.2020 14:39

It's quite obvious that you are Pro Microsoft Teams. Sorry but not a good or balanced comparison. You're just trying to sell your consulting services on the Microsoft platform.

@haydarhamieh4949 - 14.04.2020 16:26

I thaught the girl in the first pic was mia khalifa

@N.Huy1511 - 15.04.2020 03:49

Teams fan của mình

@passthe4c - 19.04.2020 20:13

is there a limit on how many people can be video coferencing at one time in the same meeting?

@nupurbajpai3994 - 04.05.2020 13:00

Like-microsoft teams

Comment -zoom

@nilsreschke4754 - 16.05.2020 12:22

If I buy a license for MS Teams: Do the participants in my team also need to buy one, or can they just follow as in ZOOM?

@webslingernz - 23.05.2020 13:33

OBVIOUSLY the presenter sells Microsoft Licensing :)

@saquoryasmith8712 - 31.05.2020 06:38

Zoom does NOT have the same functionality as TEAMS. TEAMS is a program where you can creatively collaborate, work on projects, and share things seamlessly within your organization. You can embed videos, create app tabs, and customize your team environment with TEAMS. With Zoom all you have is video chats and the ability to communicate. TEAMS makes communicating, collaborating and participating so much more appealing because of the constant connection that you maintain with your TEAM. ZOOM is not created to be interactive like TEAMS. It is simply video conferencing. You cannot embed things,create webinars and posts for your organization to have access to. Zoom is strictly video conferencing. There is a difference

@lizetoviedo3288 - 27.06.2020 13:37

What is the time limit for teams ?

@TahaNasr90 - 06.07.2020 18:25

Regarding teams, What is the time limit for each session in the free version?

@fariaziz5836 - 16.07.2020 08:40

I use ms teams

@Hamsafar1990 - 17.07.2020 04:19

Now a days giomeet is the best choice for online classes, meetings, business and more....

@diagnembaye423 - 28.07.2020 21:42

Good to explain the similarities between Zoom and Teams. Thank you.

@siddharthchaudhary8144 - 30.07.2020 08:07

Does ms teams use more data than zoom??
Plz tell

@38284LHK - 10.08.2020 07:32

During this episode it shows ZOOM as a clear winner by considerable length.

@sitharamadushan8729 - 01.09.2020 21:47

Nice and informative video. Want to know more about Office 365 06 Month trial

@khushpreetkaur4178 - 02.09.2020 10:29

my teachers are going to use this for online classes

@bushrajamal9879 - 11.09.2020 07:50


@raniabarhoush - 16.11.2020 22:06

Can i ask how many participant can join 1 meeting If can more than 300 or less or more

@ysuwiwkdjemkshuslsyxsizbd3265 - 23.11.2020 22:09


@idCidade - 19.12.2020 22:32

A SMALL CORRECTION: In the FREE ZOOM you have the 40 min. time limit (then everybody needs to click on the same link again and be back in a few seconds) but the participants limit is 100, not 3. With 2 people conferencing in the free ZOOM there is no time limit.

@leahjanulgue7200 - 07.01.2021 09:03

I have a question thoough, when I shared a screensharing using videos, how do you optimized the video just like the settings in zzoom. Because when I shared the video, the video seemed to be laggy?

@Syd-Syd- - 08.01.2021 18:36

I don’t understand Zoom at all. I can’t log into my meeting.

@jean-lucpicard5510 - 14.01.2021 22:49

Currently using teams for college, thinking Zoom might be better? 40 minutes then you are kicked off, whereas last Monday I was in a teams meeting for 3 hours. as it was an assesment.
The saying grass always seems to be greener on the other side analogy comes into play here.

@TheGamingCanadian - 28.01.2021 06:09

dang zoom is complex for teams i just call a group and BOOM everyone joins at the same time

@tippytoe5545 - 22.02.2021 03:09

We use teams on daily basis and in all the ways it’s surpasses zoom . Though for casual meetup we use zoom sometimes but overall Team has nailed it in all aspects so guess what team is de facto now for us . Good job Microsoft 👏👏👏

@Zuerityp - 23.02.2021 23:30

I use Zoom for dance classes, but I was asked by a client company to do the same with Teams for them. In Zoom, the music quality is high, no delay between music and movement (with an audio/USB interface) and I use also a wireless microphone. Can I do the same thing on Teams and get a good result?

@kevinphan5480 - 27.08.2021 13:07

microsoft teams is better when it comes to learning online,

@iwrotethis4712 - 27.09.2021 07:50

Zoom is better
