Adam, I've been a subscriber for quite some time now and connected with you on your love for Disney! I can tell you that I didn't know in the beginning, but have had my share of guesses recently. What I'm trying to get at is that I've loved you for who you are as a whole, but I can relate to you on a whole new level now. You're an amazing guy that gets to do amazing things and I aspire to be like you when I grow up! I look forward to an amazing year with you in 2015, keep the great videos coming!
ОтветитьI dont care if you are gay. I am glad you are telling people and i hope you will find the one you are ment to be with.
ОтветитьI also have had a few friends that are.
ОтветитьThanks for being honest.
ОтветитьYou are such a great guy and I'm sure you will help many people with this video.
ОтветитьGood for you Adam glad you uploaded this video. :)
ОтветитьUpload new video
ОтветитьLove you even more than before Adam xxx
ОтветитьFor me the most fascinating thing, and the biggest difference between the UK and the US, is that it's not a big deal to anything like the same extent in the UK which is where I'm from. People 'coming out' as gay is really widely accepted, between people of similar ages in my experience i've never witnessed any abuse or name calling or victimisation based on a person's sexuality, people kind of notice that someone has traits that are synonymous with being gay, not that behaviour is a true indication, that person is never pressured to come out or talk about it unless they want to and all the friends or just random acquaintances I've met have been very open and calm about being gay if they are and will freely discuss it.
I feel like in America, especially certain southern states, you have to actively mind what you say and the way you behave, thus making the whole thing into a big deal which is a widely held view over there, it upsets me a little that you have to actually announce your sexual preferences to the world, straight people don't have to plan how they're going to inform family and friends that they like heterosexual relationships. It's a shame that people are still so judgemental and I really hope that changes.
It's a testament to the courage of people though, I'm quite private and can be introverted, I think a sort of hype, an expectation on me to parade my gayness around to make sure everyone knew would seriously put me off of coming out, I'd have to find a bravery and a determination to do right by my own happiness. I feel very humbled by people's bravery to take that step into the world without anything to hide, and I think that will power is magical.
P.s your dad is the sweetest man ever and you are extremely lucky to have such an understanding, empathetic, loving parent <3
ОтветитьLove you Adam. So sweet, thanks for sharing. Hope people find this video and subscribe to your video feed. You're fun, funny, have amazing friends (Franz, Bry), cool family members and your Disney videos ROCK!! Don't read the haters.
ОтветитьThank you Adam. I've watched you for ages and it would never bother me, I think your amazing and I love your videos xx
ОтветитьYASSSS I KNEW IT YAZZZZ BITCHES!!!! Good for you!!!
ОтветитьI love your videos (: and I watched a few Disney world ones before I went to Disney World last Christmas. By the way we both live in Dallas!
ОтветитьThank you Adam, this video has helped me a lot
ОтветитьCongrats Adam! I'm super happy for you! I remember when i came out and the weight off the shoulders feeling. I was younger than you when i did come out but as you have said everyone needs to do it at their own pace. Big hugs and Hope all is well. Ps. Heading to DL in two weeks cant wait. Now that i'm no longer in florida its back to the closer parks. Have a great night!
ОтветитьGood for you Adam.
Big fan of your channel.
Dude you are so awesome. :)
ОтветитьReally ....Adam coming out is so retro you are who you are, dude
ОтветитьCame over from Jenna. Marry me plz
ОтветитьWait ur gay GAY! Why
ОтветитьI knew it your gay since I have started following your vlog since 2009 because wonder why there so many cute boy the video. Stalking Peter Pan at Disneyland for instance lol. Lot female friends and I know lot gay guys love Disney.
ОтветитьThis is... REALLY COOL! I am not sure how I missed this. Good job Adam! I've always enjoyed watching your videos, none more so than this video. Seeing you evolve as an amazing personality is aca-mazing! We all have unique coming out stories that are always inspiring and I love hearing. I feel we come out every day in our own little ways with little things. I came out to my parents in 2006 and totally wrote a lengthy letter with an accompanying CD. *theatrics* They affirmed their love for me no matter what. I don't know why I was so afraid. Anyways, keep up the fun videos.
ОтветитьNo matter what kind of person you are gay or otherwise it takes immense guts to actually open up. I'm not just talking about sexual orientation or otherwise. I'm a kind of person who keeps all my emotions bottled up and I'm now battling immense anxiety and panic attacks. I'm very susceptible to extreme panic attacks To the nutcases who say they're disappointed in your choice a) they need a best gay friend like you around because I feel gay guys bring out the best in friendships B) they should experience their offsprings come out the way you did. Like a slap to the face for not accepting people's choices. I want to say I'm immensely proud of you Adam Rucker. You've proved to people you don't really know the meaning of accepting what u are as a person and sharing your story and building on confidence. Sending you love from India. Best wishes
ОтветитьTo add to my comment. I loved how you maintained a smile throughout the video your positive smile made me feel insignificant because I wallow in self pity almost always and crib about my bad times and hesitate to share my feelings on my channel. I know how hard it must have been on you to actually make a video so personal but you did it with a smile. I had to pause the video for a moment to take a call and by God you looked so serene. Wish in my life that I'm half as positive and composed as you are.
Good luck friend.
You're amazing, Adam! Your videos have helped me through a lot of big transitions in my life- you're so funny and positive and it always comforts me when I need it most, I feel like we're good friends! :)
Right now, I'm moving from New York back to Dallas, and the time leading up to that has been tough because I didn't know what I wanted, but then I had this huge epiphany in December, and I feel so relieved that I'm moving and doing what I'm doing. This video and your positive nuggets of wisdom about not being afraid and being yourself and accepting what's happening really made me happy and feel like I'm doing the right thing. :) I love you, and I'm so happy you're so happy ❤️ I ❤️ you!! :)
hello i came out to my parents and they beat like a dog, it was like i wasnt human or anything if yuou write my name on face book and add me ifthi borhan you can see my boyfriend david greves sorry my english isnt well because its not my friend languge
I've heard that Texas is less accepting of marriage outside of one's own race.. Is this true,and if so, to people in Texas tend to be less accepting of the LGTB community than most other states in the U.S?
Hey Adam. Your video is so relatable with me. The words that you use for description is so clear. Now i could share my gay thing to the new people in my life easier.
ОтветитьI always thought you are gay but anyway who care is you life and you no have to Change for nobody anyway I love you videos
ОтветитьWas this really earth shattering news?
ОтветитьHi Adam for many years I've watched you go to disneyland, disney world, and even to Paris and right now I'm so very proud of you and I love and support you 100%. Especially since I never knew it or saw the signs but regardless you are now more "Pretty Cooler" than ever ;D
ОтветитьAdam, your Enthusiasm, Energy and Excitement levels always make your Disney videos so Entertaining - a great resource for my trip later in the year. After seeing this video, can I also add that your videos are Intelligent and Inspirational. Keep up the great work, champ!
ОтветитьI'm literally in tears over how much this video has helped me, I recently came out to my family and like you said, they knew and it wasn't news to them, they were just waiting for me to be open about it all. I honestly get what you mean about it feeling so much better over here, because this weight is lifting off very slowly
ОтветитьIt is SO MUCH better on the other side Adam! I waited until I was 23 (I'm 25 now) to come out and I wish I would have come out way sooner. My religious parents are my biggest supports and like my little advocates for equality lol.
ОтветитьThumbs up AJ! Proud! Come to GAY DAYS at Disneyland!!!
ОтветитьI do not care your that the fact is that your todoly cool
ОтветитьWho did not know you were gay seconds after meeting you?
Ответитьsilly question: Whats your middle name? :):p
ОтветитьIt's sad in today's society people still have to make their sexuality a process of disclosing... There's nothing wrong with being gay, straight, lesbian, trans etc. We all bleed red. Treat each other with dignity and respect. If someone is persecuting you for your sexuality, you're better off without them.
Ответить♥️💛💚💙💜more power to you, me, us and the next person facing this have made it real and tangible.
Ответитьlove you bro!
ОтветитьThis is an incredibly smart, beautiful video with so many strong, important messages, AJ Rucker!! Thank you for this. ❤️
ОтветитьBe proud of who you are and this is your story Adam.