rtx 3090 vray render speed

rtx 3090 vray render speed


4 года назад

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@UnchartedWorlds - 07.02.2021 16:11

from a 12k wizard kid film maker, to a VFX artist and game developer! What other talents do you have bro? Music production soon? Just kidding, love your content. /Snake Plisken over and out! :D

@dancingdroid - 07.02.2021 18:20

Holy canoli! That's like 30% reduction in render time! That's absolutely INSANE!
Sadly I'm stuck with 3ds Max 2016 so I can't use my 3080 for this D':

@hectorarmienta3569 - 07.02.2021 19:45

Congrats on ur work. Have a question on another topic. I have. Perception Neuron suit and iPhone 12. I’ve been searching online as to how to capture both data streams simultaneously into Unreal Engine but can’t find any info. Any suggestions? Also , do u have a video about ur workflow using mocap? Thanks !!

@hectorarmienta3569 - 07.02.2021 20:55

Thanks. It would be great if you had a video playlist of your workflow from beginning to end. There really isn’t anything on You Tube.

@fasttam - 09.02.2021 17:45

Render without GI?
Show us the render time in Vray frame buffer History.

@iamski - 12.02.2021 04:14

As another user of 3ds Max, V-Ray, and also having the fortunate luxury of owning a 3090, I noticed that even with a 1200 sample limit, there was a little to no noise in the renders. Did you use the ai noise from the render elements? Because if not that is really impressive what's going on with your scene if it's that optimized. Normally for me, anything less than the default 5000 samples it's noisey as hell unless I implement the ai noise removal.

@frenchfryinyourmcdonaldsba8688 - 14.02.2021 04:19

im actually disappointed it didn't render in 1 minute. Probably possible if AI denoising was utilized.

@tomschuelke7955 - 14.02.2021 14:23

Very interisting result.... thanks.. i am out of 3D REndering since 4 Years now.. but still its interisting to see what is happening and improoving

@marawanco1 - 19.02.2021 12:53

Show us the render time in Vray frame buffer History. 😏

@nazirullsafrypaijo5694 - 01.03.2021 13:00

which 3090 youre using?

@TEAM6USA - 21.04.2021 00:36

man video cards prices are nutz because of mining. I need to purchase few for some real work and everything is way overpriced or out of stock.

@livegamers7849 - 26.04.2021 09:12

you dont know what your doing.
turn of bucket and set to progressive.
turn noise to 0.1
sampling to 1 hit render and watch

@vikisk.3d - 02.05.2021 12:04

Any words on why No GI?
RTX is always slow for me with my 3060ti
Can you check the scene with GI if possible? (Light cache on GPU also)

@bukchoiii - 07.06.2021 10:37

Too bad rtx doesn't play well with vray sun.

@wonkaytry - 09.06.2021 04:16

redshift redshift redshift redshift redshift redshift redshift redshiftredshift redshiftredshift redshiftredshift redshiftredshift redshiftredshift redshiftredshift redshiftredshift redshiftredshift redshiftredshift redshiftredshift redshiftredshift redshiftredshift redshiftredshift redshiftredshift redshiftredshift redshiftredshift redshiftredshift redshift

@jonasmortensen1252 - 09.07.2021 00:12

"Tell me you are rich without telling me you are rich"

@L3nny666 - 13.07.2021 18:48

Wait can‘t you just see the render time in the frame buffer? When you store it in the history? The history is also much better for comparing images...

@startmag - 20.08.2021 13:24

what's your mouse name? Its moving is really acurate

@JoseLuis-kk5jt - 25.08.2021 23:11

RTX3090 -> 2100$ + 10900KF 500$
RTX3060 -> 600$ + Xeon Gold 5318N 24C/48T 2000$
I think that do a comparission between a GraphicCard of 2000$ vs a CPU of 500$ is a bit unfair.

@Kaká_Badi_TV - 28.01.2022 14:38

يا الله أُرزقنا 🥺😍😌

@dpsociety - 30.04.2022 22:52

Does that graphics card get very hot?

@taivas7216 - 09.06.2022 07:29

this mofo with a 3090 but doesnt know how to use the v-ray frame buffer to show the differences between renders, lol

@mr.shgamingguy - 30.08.2022 20:24

Thank you JSFILMZ

@ashleyhampton9148 - 14.07.2024 11:03

dude the render time is in the render info box botton rightr
