Explaining Ranni's True Story (Elden Ring)

Explaining Ranni's True Story (Elden Ring)

Trick Theory

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@NLS336 - 10.02.2024 16:35

I think even in the English translation the ending is still substantively similar. The point of returning the LB to its original state is returning the cycle of life to include those darknesses - fear, death, doubt, loneliness. It is those things that truly bring about order when juxtaposed against the golden parts of life. Without them, struggle is essentially meaningless - except to the extent it feeds the Erd Tree. With them, man may suffer, but through the suffering gain the wisdom of enlightenment when the journey has been completed. Essentially, Ranni is taking us into the Valley of the Shadow of our Purpose in the hopes that the return of full life brings more meaning than simply struggling to keep the LB as they are. I think it tracks because suffering is the meaning of the game - what you learn from, overcome. 

The ending that creates more suffering (but of a purposeful type, rather than just chaos for example) is the most poetic and the most chosen. I think the English is a correct translation, but we have as a society sort of lost our respect for suffering and our ability to see its role in life and how it brings us meaning. We take her English words as villainous, but suffering is inherent to life and because we don't like to suffer we say it's a bad ending. But, it's the ending that was required to right the cycle of life in the game - the point. The ending in either version is designed to teach us about that principle. We just react negatively to it because we as a culture reject the wisdom suffering has to teach us in favor of obliteration of the present through consumerism and avoidance.

@khaos5641 - 03.02.2024 14:31


@tonidvornik8754 - 02.02.2024 12:05

George R.R. Martin was writing in Japanese, and people got the translation wrong

@ugotdestroyed4227 - 29.01.2024 21:13

Going to the cellar of Stormveil and the Deeproot Depths is everything u need to know about ranni. Shes Manipulative so who the fuck knows if all that shit she talks about is truly what it is. To me it seems like she just wants to be a god instead of just gods vessel

@wayneitaru543 - 28.01.2024 07:47

Umm it make more sense , your interpretation.
Since Ranni should feel like imprison and manipulate by two finger surely the feeling of rebel again her fate should be common, thus why did she want a darkness and all the shi* while your interpretation indicate that she want freedom to all more.
Beside to be frank the dialogue with Ranni on her tower in the grace make no sense to me anyway( the original translated one i mean) 😂

@TheForsakenFalcon - 07.01.2024 13:48

so Ranni wants humanity to enter the space race technological era and explore space where there is no aliens or there to far away to see, aka irl.

@The4No - 03.01.2024 19:27

Ah yes, some random dude knows what the REAL meanings are. Not the actual developers that released the game.

@selfhatinghick3770 - 16.12.2023 22:18

I can forgive this clickbait as fuck title and thumbnail because unlike most other people who talk about this games lore your voice isn’t totally insufferable

@brendolbreadwar2671 - 03.12.2023 10:20

Elden ring anime would be so fucking good

@Fabrosixdx - 09.11.2023 18:41

Ranni's ending is similar to the dark lord ending in darksouls. Where darkness represents the unknown path away from the current order.

@Tarnthewarrior - 28.10.2023 21:32

If this was a mistranslation, why not fix it

@S-Asker - 30.09.2023 23:51

I hate the fact that you can't kill that witch.

@kaimiller4330 - 09.09.2023 11:40

Ranni is cryptic in nature, but if you have a sharp mind that is good at reading into cryptic wording then you will know what she is actually saying. So everything you said about ranni and what her ending actually was I already knew that without needing the "literal" Japanese translation

@ianszabo2079 - 20.07.2023 22:31

Tl;dr Ranni is actually inaugurating the enlightenment

@Strictly_Jake - 06.07.2023 07:49

She is evil.

@Palatard - 21.05.2023 01:17

Chromosome spiel makles no sense...

@mrslasher1064 - 01.04.2023 08:00

Imagine thinking a clearly evil witch who manipulates and breaks people is better than goldmask,a scholar who found a way to make the order literally perfect or the dung eater who wants cut everyone off from the grace of gold and return the more egalitarian days of crucible...

@reasonablechristianity - 29.03.2023 23:23

I think you have it wrong and many others as well, while she does seem to be fighting against the Greater Will it's more accurate to say she is fighting against the Golden Order. The Greater Will is all about Order, it doesn't care what type of Order and accepts that for different ages there must be different orders, so her starting a new type of order while it being far away from the lands between, it still is order and it still serves the Greater Will.

The Greater Will is the creator God of Everything in Elden Ring who created order from the Chaos which was the One Great. And her Order might be the one the Greater Will desires or has decided is best for the current age.

@cuddlesgamingvids - 19.03.2023 20:34

I was listening so closely to every word until you pronounced Miquella as "Mika-el". How tf did you get Mika-el out of Miquella ?

@cuddlesgamingvids - 19.03.2023 20:34

I was listening so closely to every word until you pronounced Miquella as "Mika-el". How tf did you get Mika-el out of Miquella ?

@shurkaburka5507 - 04.03.2023 19:28

So basically what I'm understanding is Ranni wants to overthrow all order in the lands between and replace it with her own, which is made of the moon and stars. She wants to separate the souls of beings from order so that no one is directly controlled by some greater power, such as the Golden Order being the alleged rulers of the Lands Between, or the fingers being influenced by the Greater Will. She says she wants to bring her order far away from the lands between so no one and nothing can interfere with her order, further added on to her not wanting order to be directly affecting anything. She takes the darkness of night with her so the lands will not have to experience darkness anymore. She brings her order with her and leaves the lands between with the Tarnished and together they venture off into the stars, down a path of loneliness and darkness, to a place where their purpose may be fulfilled.

@jaimepe4765 - 25.02.2023 23:22

Raddagon wasn't fused with Marika. Raddagon is Marika. The Rebis from alchemy.

@v1deo.hunter.d317 - 15.02.2023 01:48

I definitely took her ending as - You and Ranni are going off on a journey into the cosmos to take the godly influences out into the stars away from humanity so humans can rule themselves without being subjected by higher beings

@mr.brightside2665 - 01.02.2023 06:27

Idk where you got the translation but that's far from the way they wrote it with a proper translator also everyone knows Raddigan is merika so it's not "tHe X cHrOmOsOnE" it's literally whoever she chooses

@ryancloonan983 - 10.01.2023 07:16

This is the issue right, i don’t think there necessarily “mistranslations”, souls dialog has always had a sorta “shakespearean” feel to it, dropping certain syllables, dropping adjectives or certain words entirely. So I think it’s more of them taking the actual translation of the words and just “soulsing” up the wording. Confusing yes, but for some long time souls players, myself included, i understood the meaning

@welcomingknave0619 - 08.01.2023 01:33

Am I the only one who was ok with thinking she was bad☠️

@NoOne-fo1di - 06.12.2022 10:36

Nice video

@omad611 - 13.10.2022 06:01

All i got to say is this ending seems to be what the nox wanted with there lord of light.

@the_ideal_grease5565 - 25.09.2022 01:31

I love how nothing is straight forward in these games especially fully understanding Ranni’s ending people say she’s evil, people say she’s good

@Snailsenpaii - 05.09.2022 10:12

The way you say miquella's name angers me so much. Have you ever played the game...

@wraith2815 - 01.09.2022 03:44

I literally never got the impression Ranni was a "bad guy." If it was mistranslated then it sounds like it didn't change the intent because I had gathered that she was trying to get rid of the two fingers, which seemed to me to be a good thing.

@tylerpeterson19 - 31.08.2022 23:04

Awesome video I loved the content.
But bro... Miquella is a dude, and it's not pronounced like Michaela....
And look at the mark under Melina's eye again. It's a crows foot, not fingers.

@chainclaw07 - 19.08.2022 21:01

I thought her purpose was to make the order whole - making the lands between flourish - but separate it by taking it into the sky, away from the influence of the people it governs. making the notion of warring for its power impossible. she would rule from a distance, with no companion, in solitude.

@tank19768 - 12.08.2022 12:05

I don't really think this was mistranslated; this was how I originally understood her dialogue. I guess other people interpreted it a different way though.

@VOIDEDREGRET - 11.08.2022 06:35

Why does bro say miquella like that?

@locussoulous2766 - 26.07.2022 03:20

Did you not play the game?? Or is this just your first souls game??

@dracorex426 - 23.07.2022 22:29

Here's my theory for a Soulsborne + Elden Ring timeline:
Start with Dark Souls I-III. After the Age of Dark (specifically the Age of the Deep) begins, everyone left who doesn't want to hang around escapes to the Painted World of Ash. Bloodborne happens in the Painted World of Ash during the Age of the Deep. Later, one Great One, the Old One, travels through Dreams to return to the outside world, ending the Age of the Deep and recreating life. The Old One is also worshipped as God, but decides to try to eat all the Souls. Thus, Demon's Souls. Sometime after Demon's Souls, the other Great Ones start to filter out into the real world, becoming known as the Outer Gods. A bunch more Ages occur until we finally arrive at Elden Ring. The Formless Mother is Formless Oedon.

@dracorex426 - 23.07.2022 20:10

The phrase "let us go on our path of fear, doubt, and loneliness, into darkness," sounds like more fear, doubt, loneliness, and darkness, not less.

@TheLuiguacol - 22.07.2022 14:50

Mohgwyn wants a piece of the Blade of Miquella.

@mehrpouyaniknam4697 - 10.07.2022 03:26

If you had done the golden mask quest line you’d know the reason why Ranni is empyrean is because Radagon, her father, is actually Marika

@ericstephen1036 - 02.07.2022 12:58


@ryngymir - 22.06.2022 17:47

Just finished her quest (and my first run of the game) a little under an hour ago, came to see reactions to the end scene and found this. While I feel as though the original dialogue would certainly have given the ending a lighter tone, I believe that the current phrasing, though a little odd, still does an ok job in telling the story of her fight against that which is. Great vid btw!

@shpresimmuja467 - 12.06.2022 01:07

I don't believe that being an empyrean is a recessive gene I believe is a decision made by the greater will, I believe that Melania, Miquella an Ranni being empyreans is a ploy by the greater will to create struggle and strive to feed the Erdtree, because none of them seem to have any love for the greater will. Goldwyn however seems to be the perfect fit but the greater will didn't choose him, unless maybe it did and maybe that's what pushed Ranni into killing him.

@axOnith - 08.06.2022 10:42

I abandoned Rannis questline because I found it to be suspicious. Then I understood she planned the death of Godwyn, which makes Marika shater the elden ring, so Ranni could achieve her personal goals. It sounds villanous to me, and it is alligned with what she says in the very end

@SirDremora - 26.05.2022 07:34

The real ending is gold mask quest...

@jona8038 - 19.05.2022 18:29


@SindyxLotus - 14.05.2022 08:31

Not me-ky-ella

@ebayaccount675 - 12.05.2022 13:06

Ranni is making I more like our world. Where you can't see or touch God or his angels. However, they are their. That lind of thing.

@adrianguerrero2949 - 09.05.2022 13:03

Ranni is on the side with the space aliens .
