The End Of All Mag Bans Nationwide

The End Of All Mag Bans Nationwide

Copper Jacket TV

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@CVSHDOESIT - 07.03.2025 22:49


@mr.badluck8004 - 07.03.2025 22:53

Except CA. 😐

@zsirrr - 07.03.2025 22:56

The channel of false hopes and video titles

@PapawCapps - 07.03.2025 23:23

The Supreme Court will never take one of these cases. It doesn't benefit the government.

@yippeethreeeight - 07.03.2025 23:27

Yeah. Good luck with that. SCOTUS lacks to balls to make a meaningful 2A decision.

@RaymondBallou - 07.03.2025 23:35

In R.I you can only have 8 rounds

@johnhall1299 - 07.03.2025 23:49

Morons, we are fighting morons.

@zmbombr - 08.03.2025 00:10

The premise of restriction basis being "dangerous" absurd and falacious....all guns and knives are inherently dangerous...thats why they are used...Maybe not all knives are used as a figure and position of dangerous,...most these are simple tools for cutting material, not skin or hide

@diezelvh4133 - 08.03.2025 01:28

Stop giving people hope.

@bigjimbo560 - 08.03.2025 01:47

Great news, I’ll believe it when I see it

@5.56er - 08.03.2025 02:24

Oh a new case you say well then it’s not going anywhere for years, waste of time video

@tacd962 - 08.03.2025 04:32

I saw this. I don't get my hopes up until it happens!!

@Jwaynedonkson - 08.03.2025 07:51

You should just be able to just own what you want period. Most people are law abiding citizens and not criminals.

@thescotty8124 - 08.03.2025 08:22

I'm sick and tired of our tyrants in this country continuously trying to infringe upon our 2nd amendment rights. This must be made a criminal and civil offense to eff with the Bill of Rights!

@robertbowery1922 - 08.03.2025 08:40

All guns are dangerous saying mags are dangerous ethically doesn’t matter and yes they are needed in self defense gun controllers are wrong about that

@robertbowery1922 - 08.03.2025 08:43

States should not be allowed to ban machine guns machine guns are protected by the second amendment period !

@robertbowery1922 - 08.03.2025 08:44

Second amendment supersedes state rights period ! that’s was the historical intent of the American founders fact !

@robertbowery1922 - 08.03.2025 08:48

the American founders never intended to have states violating the second amendment ! American founders intended 2A to supersede states rights period!

@Annonymous0283745 - 08.03.2025 16:50

Not going to hold my breath

@mike9500 - 08.03.2025 21:02

i got lots of them and none of mine are 10rounds. but i live in Texas. thank goodness we are smarter here.

@jaybee-z5j - 08.03.2025 23:33

Illinois: looking around around unfazed… “Supreme what? Never heard of it…”

@hellfest85 - 08.03.2025 23:41

Don't hold your breath. the state always finds a way to ignore what the fed says when it comes to firearm

@coffeebreak4888 - 09.03.2025 02:51

Blah blah blah. Let me know when it HAPPENS and stop with the clicks ait thumbnails

@xiwantyoursoulx - 09.03.2025 09:54

I'm pro cop, but why are cops allowed to carry normal capacity for self-defense but not us peasants? Are they more important than us? Makes no sense.

@wprunkard - 09.03.2025 16:20

Ill bet commiefornia wont comply. Newscum is a traitor!!!

@normangiven6436 - 09.03.2025 17:01

There will be no end of hair-splitting laws. They have no reason to stop, since no one is able to put an end to it. the answer is to vote these fruit cakes out of office.

@Hoowzit - 09.03.2025 19:32

Why kind of education do these judges have. Community college graduates are smarter.

@allenkuester781 - 09.03.2025 20:38

But yet ,, all military and police of any kind have been carried for years ? So when will police and security be required to fallow the laws .?

@sandrasage346 - 10.03.2025 07:56

Colorados new SB25-003 dwarfs the mag limit bans….which co has a 15 round ban…

@sandrasage346 - 10.03.2025 08:01

Colorados new SB25-003 dwarfs the mag limit bans….which co currently has a 15 round ban

@Bashie323 - 10.03.2025 10:13


@plesadian3 - 10.03.2025 12:15

Uggggg !! How much proof or examples of Tyranny do you people need !!
Don’t care about our constitutional rights. They will just keep “kicking the can down the road”
To make it seem like there is justice.
249 yrs they knew what had to be done.
Unite / Organize/ Lead .
Or continue to be a slave to your masters !

@dalehymes6004 - 11.03.2025 03:15

Amen Hanson!

@rollaboutranch4461 - 11.03.2025 06:54

Can't wait to hear what happens

@JayGreezy - 11.03.2025 11:05

So, how does this overrule state law exactly?

@forestdreams4998 - 12.03.2025 21:50

Thank goodness they aren’t banning nail guns

@jongreenthumb1469 - 12.03.2025 23:32

😂😂😂😂 not in California they will screw us over

@Redroad999 - 13.03.2025 22:49

That is a misleading Hopium title. You need to add "I think...." to that title, or a "maybe" or a "might". You people hear something politicians SAY they are going to do, and you people repeat it as if it's already happened and it's true or it's a done deal and IS going to happen. Childish thinking at best, straight up deceptive lying at the worst.
The fact that sooo many of you are doing this shows that the things that are happening are not quite what you were told was going to happen and what you expected to happen. Because that is what is happening, they are called campaign lies, and this cycle has been repeating every four years when they have the selection process. Which is exactly what people like me told you was going to happen.

@hempfarmer5723 - 14.03.2025 09:31

this is a Democrat last ditch effort to ruin things cause they know they're fired

@hempfarmer5723 - 14.03.2025 09:33

the democrats wont go after antifa or the illegals but they'll pick a fight with the armed half of the state math and logic are lost😂

@andreaspease9935 - 17.03.2025 02:55


@cali7074 - 17.03.2025 15:12

😂Blah blah blah! we will believe it when it happens until then blah blah blah

@aaroncrowe7908 - 17.03.2025 19:40

Not in Cali tho Gavin doesn't obey the law he does what ever he wants cause he's well a beach

@661fish4 - 18.03.2025 23:55

Will never happen. Especially in Commiefornia.

@chrisroberts3963 - 19.03.2025 17:41

Please stop! These cases do not do anything without the Supreme Court picking them up.

@createdbyYHWH1965 - 19.03.2025 19:37

Colorado is passing a ban on all semi auto firearms.. coming to a state near you next 🥺

@rixpix2957 - 19.03.2025 20:09

Best have a look at Colorado before you get excited about 2A victories.

@milehighed52801 - 20.03.2025 11:00

I don’t see leftist blue states complying, especially Colorado and many more.

@khymchristensen1237 - 22.03.2025 16:55

Any info on WILLIAM D. WEHR-DARROCA, et al., Plaintiffs, v. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, et al., ?

@khymchristensen1237 - 22.03.2025 17:02

Wasn't one case arguing that magazines are only "accessories" and not Dangerous by themselves? What a Shet show!
