Great factory tour! Nik seems like a really cool guy. It's good to see that Ceriatone employs actual people doing actual jobs, not a bunch of robotic machines stamping out ''product''. I feel much better about buying things when I know they aren't slapped together or made by desperate people who are being abused. I hope he keeps the company low key like it is and continues building on that kind of reputation. It's a respectable thing.
ОтветитьI'm up to 2 Ceriatone amps so far. I'm sold as a customer, I don't see why anyone would be buying anything else. My latest is the HRM 50, this is the amp I've been looking for.
ОтветитьKalau x cool guy bukan abe nik ah....
Ответитьbiso Nik...
ОтветитьRespect ceriatone hopefully i can buy one someday goodjob musicbliss
ОтветитьAwesome amps!!!!
ОтветитьSome of the best amps in the business. I've owned several Ceriatone amps and all of them were killer tone beasts.
Ответитьnak beli laa satu bijik.. perggghhh
ОтветитьI've owned a JTM45 & SoY. No complains. One thing, hope one day Nik would have a bedroom friendly 1-5W high gain amp. That would be super
ОтветитьThanks so much, Dave and Music Bliss!
ОтветитьThe most handsome man in the world giving Santa Claus a run for his money.
ОтветитьGreat amps! I’ve got 2 - a 2202 and a Plexi 101 All-Access. Beautiful workmanship and tone. Thanks Nik!
ОтветитьBelilah barangan buatan Malaysia😊
ОтветитьOTS !
Ответитьterbaik lokallll....lesgooo
ОтветитьCeriatone amps are really great amps. But, the customer service is even better. I’m amazed at Niks customer service.
ОтветитьHad 2 pedals from Nik and team - perfect!! Will order an amp in the next year or two!
ОтветитьHad 2 pedals from Nik and team - perfect!! Will order an amp in the next year or two! * NIK - have the wiring guys sign the chassis they work on! They deserve to know we appreciate their work!
Ответитьalways a hit with the hot chicks when i gig with a ceriatone
Ответитьsek kito mandi lanje abe nik
Ответитьcool! so i finally got the tour i couln’t do in 2017 while i was in KL. Nice, compact place, all so well organized - i wish my hobby place would be 1/10th as organized ;D
ОтветитьBaek lah mat!, Support kite punya orang local!! support bisnes orang kite!, ade rupanya orang kite yang buat keje2 gempak macam ni!! SUPPORT OUR PEOPLE!!
ОтветитьI picked up my OTS at the factory in Kuala Lumpur back in 2010 and took it back to Norway. I think it was a different location back then, looks bigger now. Still have the amp. Great amp, great guy!
ОтветитьThanks for doing this, love it! Real craftsmanship and attention to detail is evident, I’ve played and seen a few of these amps in the wild. The wiring is beautiful and the tone was great too.
ОтветитьAwesome! Your techs do a fantastic job. Well done!
Ответитьgot 6 of niks amps,...theyre all great, great craftmanship, sounds great too
ОтветитьThis is a great behind the scenes video. Thank you for making it!🙌🤘I always wondered how they got made. I own one Ceriatone amp and it’s built like a tank. It’s great to see an amp business really stick to quality all the way through the process till it’s in the consumers hands. It’s awesome! And so is this video!
ОтветитьPlease make pedal amp like irx
ОтветитьKemahh Telipot can
ОтветитьOre kapong kito.. steady bro
ОтветитьCeriatone best laaaaah. Salam dari Batam. ❤❤
Ответитьharap suatu hari nanti dapat beli sebijik amp dari ceriatone
ОтветитьPuas hati sungguh dapat tour dari the best amp buatan tempatan kita. Great Malaysia handcraft 🇲🇾
ОтветитьThanks Nik, ..proud owner of 2009 Ceriatone JTM-45.
ОтветитьMantap Abe Nik. !
ОтветитьCan we start a second branch of Ceriatone at India? Really interested to talk to Nik regarding this.
ОтветитьReally great!!
ОтветитьStunning transparentcey, Nik. Congratulations on keeping alive the art of hand building on a production line alive.