Adobe Responded To My Video About Editors Leaving Premiere Pro...

Adobe Responded To My Video About Editors Leaving Premiere Pro...

Matt WhoisMatt Johnson

1 год назад

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Corey S. Sexton (History Channel - Ultimate Soldier Challenge: Episode VI)
Corey S. Sexton (History Channel - Ultimate Soldier Challenge: Episode VI) - 21.11.2023 20:45

Doesn't matter how great they make it.. -> With where the financial system is going.. peoples finances are only going to get worse.

People are not gonna wanna have to pay every single month.

Adobe should offer "both" options.

A fully licensed priced version , AND a subscription based (((option))) depending on what people want to do

Forcing people to do a subscription is just bullcrap.. otherwise people are going to keep leaving for that reason alone

Sunil Kc
Sunil Kc - 18.10.2023 14:27

It's really hard to afford Adobe, to be honest. They are just too expensive, even if I want to stay in Adobe ecosystem. As a creator, who is just starting out, I had no option but to search the alternatives. At first, I had doubts about them but, to my surprise, the alternatives like Affinity suite and Davinci Resolve has become almost as good as Adobe softwares, if not better, while being very affordable. I no longer think that I will be hindered by not using Adobe anymore.

Brian Bjeldbak
Brian Bjeldbak - 18.10.2023 08:28

I'd like support for N-RAW.

Yohan - 15.10.2023 23:30

I was wondering if Adobe will release a feature that can edit a whole video clip by removing all the relatively silent video & audio moments in an interview or a speech for example. This can allow quicker editing for highlights and speech summaries etc.

Flickstick Studios
Flickstick Studios - 09.10.2023 09:10

Fixing adobes problems are similar to trying to steer the titanic with a spoon. Davinci Resolve its in the name.

Cursethephobia Kaban
Cursethephobia Kaban - 28.09.2023 17:22

Adobe might fix the first 3 points soon, but the 4th point? Hell no...that's adobe way..

GrechStudios - 17.09.2023 03:16

I haven’t been pro, I just use premiere pro and photoshop for little personal projects that don’t make money. That said, I still use my CS6 product. Why would I pay monthly when I already have a product that I bought and still works? Maybe I’ll have to check out resolve once my cs6 software stops working lol

The International Nerd
The International Nerd - 04.09.2023 00:53

I am going to cancel my annual subscription next month. Among the many things I don't like about Premiere is how sequences and timeline are organized. You would be in the middle of editing footage in the timeline, and if you mistakenly click just above it, you will end up closing one of the sequences you have open. It's beyond frustrating 😬It's just poorly designed, the person who did it obviously doesn't edit enough to understand it.

SkyDome VIZE
SkyDome VIZE - 01.09.2023 02:33

The month subscription is costly. I still pay, but close to cancelling.

michaelmlyn - 28.08.2023 19:10

Not Adobe running ads on this video 😂😂😂

texas to milan / DIY Italy
texas to milan / DIY Italy - 25.08.2023 17:27

After a recent bout of crashes I was told by them that the program needs a min of 32gb of ram to edit my 4k clips. My newish iMac is only 8gb… Can they make PP with lower ram requirements? Would rather not change computers just to run this program.

Dodgee_Doo - 22.08.2023 00:28

We just switched to Premiere Pro and it cannot handle our archive library. Our FCPX created .MOV files are tagged AIVX and Premiere cannot handle it. It's goofy because Resolve and FCP play them just fine. Not worth the money.

LifeAndNature - 21.08.2023 23:06

Premiere pro is good for me but it s to expensive and if you want to quit earlier u have to pay a fine . So as soon i m finished gonna try final cut.

Skating Bear Studios
Skating Bear Studios - 21.08.2023 19:16

Prior to the watching your original PP video I never experienced PP crashing. After watching it PP crashes all the time. It’s maddening. What has Adobe done to fix this. DaVinci Resolve had better sound editing, color grading etc. But it’s clunky.

Ncient 🎮
Ncient 🎮 - 18.08.2023 13:44

buddy.. it was an empty talk. They do listen - but they don't do anything about it.

AtticStudios - 16.08.2023 21:12

Matt, great videos, thank you for making them. I'm interested in trying Resolve now. There are times I edit at least 20-50 videos daily. What I love about Adobe is that I can edit and send the export to Media Encoder. Let it encode (in the background, maybe sacrificing a little speed) But can continue in Premier with the next video. Does Resolve give you that ability.? Thanks again!

Efstathios Fillis
Efstathios Fillis - 14.08.2023 17:55

Hi Matt, good one. No matter how great Premiere Pro becomes with changes the only change for me will be price. Adobe are a rip off!!

Surge Films Perth
Surge Films Perth - 31.07.2023 08:18

Just. Don't. Crash. Just be stable and fast, shouldn't be hard.

Jan Tillert
Jan Tillert - 29.07.2023 13:00

One great thing would be (for all apps) a lower price. This would also enable hobbyists (like myself) to not choose any other software. And with that way more people would use their software at all. And probably way less people would use cracks...

Richard Cooper
Richard Cooper - 22.07.2023 11:33

Til I see that subscription gone, I'll be gone. I really wouldn't mind buying Photoshop (for the generative stuff and neural filters) if it wasn't a subscription, but Davinci has filled the space Premiere and After Effects left.

Tim C
Tim C - 18.07.2023 23:26

When Adobe started the BS subscription plan I went to Resolve. No regrets. Resolve is a far better program.

Dane Casperson
Dane Casperson - 17.07.2023 20:54

Honestly, I was wanting to test out premier again, and them not offering a free trial to past users, and only offering a year long subscription, makes it unreasonable to even test premier out to see if they have fixed anything that used to bother me back when I used it daily. If your gonna have a subscription model, month to month subscription options are a must. and if your gonna get old users back, give people a week long free trial once a year guys, not once in their entire lifetime.

Ray - 13.07.2023 08:02

I buy my programs, not rent them. And I keep away from the internet as much as possible with my full tower pro computers. That means Adobe is a no-no.

C.Romero - 09.07.2023 01:45

Hello, i have a pretty good desktop thats way above the requirements for adobe, and its still crashing and lags, i monitor my computer really well, that part is really disappointing and I am considering going to davinci resolve to be honest.

4thwalltvandfilm - 08.07.2023 18:24

I left adobe primarily because of stability. I switched from Mac to pc to a new Mac and still had the problems. I was so much faster in premiere than in resolve studio but it didn’t matter.. when you are editing on a deadline for a client and you can’t get a project exported without errors and deliver.. it is me who gets the heat or fired not, adobe. Until I fired adobe, that is and moved to Resolve studio. My life is worth more than any software and I was going to get out of the business after many years or Switch to another platform and switch I did. In my case, it is true Resolve is so much more stable than premiere that it has literally been life changing. It was difficult to switch and I was very comfortable and very efficient in premiere until my projects started having problems which was usually after I invested 40-60 hours into a complex project. Then what do you do? It was maddening. Adobe does a great job of marketing new features and they are extremely tempting but for now premiere is in the back pocket of when it may do something that is cumbersome or difficult in Resolve (for me). This isn’t to say I don’t want more features in Resolve but at least I don’t want to jump off a cliff and I can deliver projects. I was literally under so much stress it killed my creative flow with Premiere. Life s better know and I’m a happier person since I made the move. …but I do look at Adobe’s new features often.

DronieUp - 08.07.2023 11:59

Stability please!

achbe13 - 02.07.2023 11:26

Yes please can you ask about the sync. issues especially with/when exporting AAF files. They need to change they sound sync. system. For now we only can sync by using multi cam which is stupid

Cory K Riley
Cory K Riley - 01.07.2023 11:58

I switched to Resolve during pandemic lockdowns. Best decision ever! Never Adobe again!

DP C - 30.06.2023 06:23

Are they going to sell Premiere again? Or just keep renting it out for thousands and thousands of dollars?

Julian Elliott Photography
Julian Elliott Photography - 29.06.2023 07:32

Hi @whoismatt. Been a subscriber for a while and enjoy your content. I've just made the switch to DaVinci Resolve after Adobe Premiere Pro 2022 ground to a halt when I was trying to better my working processes.

Recently I've been working on improve my videography skills and wanted to create a small film in Adobe Premiere Pro. I got as far as importing my work; keywording everything and then organizing my bins.

Then I went to start learning how to mask and that's where it all fell apart. PP just stopped. It was like wading through treacle. Proxy Files had been created and it just wouldn't work. It was horrific and I basically lost a good 3 hours of working because I could do no more.

So I started to learn DaVinci Resolve 18. I got as far as I did in Adobe Premiere Pro then started learning to mask. What do I find? It worked as expected. No lagging. Easy to work and just freed my mind from the dinosaur that is Adobe Premiere Pro.

Why on earth Adobe have let it come to this when we creators spend a lot each month on a subscription is beyond me.

Adobe needs to tear Premiere Pro apart and start again from scratch. As others have said, and to paraphrase, if you're going to charge us so much every month then at least give us something that works.

Currently on a MacBook Pro Retina mid-2015. Yes, it's an old machine but again DaVinci Resolve shows what can be done.

Seth Miranda AKA Last Witness
Seth Miranda AKA Last Witness - 27.06.2023 05:18

Adobe needs to work with third party brands more as Davinci has always been ready with new raw video formats from almost all camera brands day 1 but Adobe always had to take time to catch up while people who invested in gear can’t even edit their footage.. also they always sucked with graphics it jams up timelines anytime you throw one in there

Jason Guido Martinez
Jason Guido Martinez - 26.06.2023 19:59

I'm currently struggling using Multicam in Premiere Pro. Even in a recently tested strong desktop (Xeon, 64 gb Ram, RTX 3060 Ti 8 gb VRAM), playing back, cutting and selecting cameras in a 3 cam 2 audio recorder multicam secuence is a freaking nightmare! Super slow response (about 10 seconds to play when it doesn't forget to play, every time I make a cut this happens), the computer spec don't even go over 50%, laggy, unresponsive, and if I need to edit a 2 hour weeding documentary edit, it is total trash. Seeing forums, all they say is update and a bunch of weird workaround which are 7 years old and did not work, while updating solves some issues, you get new issues. All I want is Premiere to work, to do what is should. I think the UI, the functions and features are great as long as they worked properly. For the time being, let's try Davinci.

CinePals - 26.06.2023 09:32

this probably won't get seen at this point, but one thing that drives me nuts still is Adobe exports looking different in saturation and contrast from how it looked in the edit. I have to compensate by over saturating and playing with other values to make it look in the export the way it does in my edit.

Just Carlos
Just Carlos - 26.06.2023 05:11

For people like me that like premiere pro but dont make money from my video editing its just faaaaaar to pricey. I got fustrated with the speed and crashing to the point where I just swapped to danvici so I can use the free version. When I get to the point I can make moeny from it Ill stay with Davinci because premiere pro is buggy and sluggish. I use photoshop and LOVE it but I cant justify paying for the other added programs its just mental when I dont have enough coming in for both. And I also truggled with colour correction becuase it was awkward and again buggy and slow. Now I just feel like my adobe prem experience has been tainted and left a bitter taste.

Ask Steven Black
Ask Steven Black - 25.06.2023 13:29

1) Colors on timelines should match colors on export, period. If editors are spending the time correcting and then play things back post render on the same monitor it should match. Fix it or burn the thing to the ground and start again.

I know about 3 dozen who switched and didn't look back on this issue alone.

2) Better Multi GPU Support and scalability with much larger CPU Core counts. Yes, this is still a thing. Some of us do VFX and 3d rendering work from the same PCs we edit on (with 64 cores and multiple GPUs w/higher VRAM and Nvidia's Studio Drivers) and this has ALWAYS been better on Resolve. There are even rumors of AMD making even higher core counts available to consumers in their next TR PRO iteration as they've already done this on their latest EPYC server lineup.

3) Network Rendering Support - as in if we have multiple editing computers on the same network, all with their own horsepower in terms of CPU and GPUs, can we utilize "all available hands" to render larger projects faster - and this includes work in After Effects.

4) A great feature to better customer experience would be something to the effect of PP giving you a heads up on playback and rendering performance estimates based on your hardware available to the program and your preferences, and giving a couple ideas on how to improve performance - whether it is proxies, transcoding, more cache, etc.

This would save editors countless hours in workflow setup, looking for answers when something goes wrong or is slow, and being willing to stick to and work with PP.

Sebastian Barr
Sebastian Barr - 25.06.2023 08:13

FEEDBACK: When I set key frames in the “Effect Controls” window, it allows me to set a key frame one frame BEYOND the clip, rather than at the start of the final frame for any given clip. This is stupid to me, and I personally can’t see a reason for it. I usually navigate between cuts with the up and down arrows and it would be really nice if I could set key frames at the end without always having to go backwards one frame. Thanks!

Anne Boyer
Anne Boyer - 25.06.2023 04:52

Davinci resolve will keep stealing the show, adobe deserves it

Anne Boyer
Anne Boyer - 25.06.2023 04:50

Get rid of the monthly subscription. I can't believe they are that smooth brained to not realize this, even today.

Soy Mezus
Soy Mezus - 24.06.2023 06:18

Adobe is traaaash for nvidia/pc 🗑️🗑️ my Mac air edits faster an better then my gtx3070ti 😂 change my mind

Giacomo Fabbrocino
Giacomo Fabbrocino - 23.06.2023 20:56

Premiere does not "crash a lot", unless you don't know how to use it. Resolve crashes as much as Premiere. Have you ever cut a feature?

The Bommel
The Bommel - 17.06.2023 22:23

First of all... more effects! I want to add sunflares, deflicker, denoise, track texts and objects, stabilize in more efficient way like built in stabilisation with gyro data for example. i want parallel effects and maybe even a way to exchange skies easily. And there is the pricing. There are only very small bundles and the choice to get everything ... i left premiere because of money reasons and grading mainly

unkown 34X
unkown 34X - 14.06.2023 20:00

I have to thank of the rabels, the nerds, that made the other softwares!

unkown 34X
unkown 34X - 14.06.2023 19:59

They don't care... Was cringe when they called you. But I'm glad you were real with them! But... They don't care. Will be amazing if they fall for good

Ответить - 11.06.2023 14:48

The cost drove me away from Adobe, DaVinci is free and allows me to edit in 4k, for free!, simples.

MASTERJAX MEDIA - 10.06.2023 22:53

Shoulda told them to make it a one time $300 and still provide updates😂
