How Did Ataman Lead Panathinaikos to the EuroLeague Final with a DEFENSIVE MASTERCLASS?

How Did Ataman Lead Panathinaikos to the EuroLeague Final with a DEFENSIVE MASTERCLASS?


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@IraklisGk - 26.05.2024 10:09

So good to see a new BasketHead video!

@fotiskaragiorgos7081 - 26.05.2024 10:22

As always excellent video

@parhs1990 - 26.05.2024 10:29

Amazing video, but i think you should upload it tomorrow in order not to make an easy scouting for Real😅. Excellent coaching from our coach, as he exploit every disadvantage of fener, and he adapts to every scheme that saras bring up. Even with Hayes and Sestina at forward he managed to lock them down. We have to shout out here for Matias, who was exceptional in both ends of the court, and he managed to stop any kind of player who goes against him. I wish you to have a lot work to do for the final in order to show us a Panathinaikos masterclass for the championship. 1 more to go. LET'S GO!!!!!

@procrustes7669 - 26.05.2024 10:35

Trifilaffa masterclass

@plvrzer - 26.05.2024 10:45

Great hustle and hardwork by Pao indeed - especially Grant made a huge difference at defence. Not trying to underestimate the quality of Pao’s defence, but I also believe Fener played terrible that night, as shown in the video they found good opportunities to exploit the risks Pao took but they couldn’t deliver somehow. Motley could have been deadly in switching as he is too strong at post even for Lessort. Fener didn’t deserve to win for sure.

Congratz to Pao, great hustle amazing dedication great work by Ataman who took this team from the bottom to the final in his first year.

@kaltsohe - 26.05.2024 10:48

The biggest win is that we see great defense without making fouls.
All video and only in two phases you see pressure where maybe was a foul.
See Olympiaco's videos about defense and you will lose the count of fouls in every phase.
You try hard to find one defense with less than 5 fouls in seconds.

@aslananaliz7345 - 26.05.2024 10:50

Ataman avrupa number one coach ,winner, 6 euroleagu final ,superstar coach ...panathinakos good team ...

@dimitrischousiadis - 26.05.2024 11:37

One more to go guys !!!
Pame Pao ☘️☘️☘️

@stefanlepro - 26.05.2024 11:52

The famous flat screen defense, another amazing video from my guy! Best Euroleague content, hands down

@atilla4657 - 26.05.2024 12:13

Clearly ataman prepared his team mentally and physically with a good game plan against fener.. his coaching and team engineering are way better than saras. saras needs to learn a lot from coaches like ataman and obradovic.

@RedDefender77 - 26.05.2024 12:51

When you are free throw champion and the refs allow your hard physical defensive game it's easy.
Bodiroga, former pao player and current EL president has been paid largely from pao's owner to help them win the EL.

@TheMustermann487 - 26.05.2024 12:58


@giorgiosmy4080 - 26.05.2024 13:00

Αmazing content.Csn you please write the titles of the songs that we listen in this video?

@funkysh1t - 26.05.2024 13:12

Max Anson music make this way better video. i like this type of backround music keep it that way and as always great job on analysing

@SerDadaşov - 26.05.2024 14:30

As a supporter of Fenerbahçe Beko and as a person from Turkey, I wish Panathiniakos endless success. They are a very high-quality team this year. Real Madrid definitely did not deserve the cup last year. Partizan made incompetence. However, the referees make decisions in favor of Real Madrid. Real Madrid can never win. Director Ergin Ataman is very Quality coach. Even during the pandemic Corona virus period, the Euroleague was canceled and he would be the Champion again that year with Anadolu Efes. The Champion will be Panathiniakos. Good luck.❤❤❤❤❤

@diogrigor - 26.05.2024 14:33

As always, well- documented opinion. Do you think Mitoglou helped in defense significantly?

@annakour7227 - 26.05.2024 17:08

Great video,Pana's 7th star is loading!

@MolonLabe-cj8yo - 26.05.2024 17:28

Greece best ☘️

@GRBandog - 26.05.2024 19:01

Great work Baskethead!

@andreastheo2019 - 26.05.2024 21:07


@ethemyldrm7486 - 26.05.2024 23:24

Aslan Galatasaraylı hocam. Futbolda yine şampiyon olduk. Sen de basketbolda şampiyon oldun. Çok büyüksün. Galatasaray taraftarı hep seninle.

@mcem17 - 27.05.2024 02:04


@GeorgeTelop - 27.05.2024 09:36

Waiting for a good analysis about the final now. Since euroleague is over im guessing next vids will be about national teams? Anyway thank you for your uploads

@tunasozer - 27.05.2024 11:07

Jerian Grant on ball defense anlysis would be great. And don't forget you had a promise to me for Fenerbahçe breakdown loll. Fantastic job as always brother. Imma share the link on r/Euroleague.

@tunasozer - 27.05.2024 11:47

Ataman's Calathes strategy was pretty smart. Fenerbahçe and Olympiacos has very good counter plans to "under". Both teams counters by positioning the centers at the top. Papagiannis streches the floor and Fall uses his vision for the cuts. Also handoffs and changing the screen angles leads pg's attacking with momentum to low centers also creating to gaps for floaters, mid rangers. Fenerbahçe was ready for under and Ataman smartly turned the table. I'm just curious for the chess match between Ataman and Bartzokas in the finals of Greek league.

@canc.2335 - 27.05.2024 23:09

firing Dimitris Itoudis in the middle of the season was a very stupid idea. he plays his cards much better on final games. Unfortunately Fenerbahce played nothing on F4, as you can also see from the video analysis.

@lactobacillusacidophilus - 28.05.2024 01:24

Ataman to Milwaukee. Giannis and Ataman.

@h12gvj567 - 28.05.2024 02:07

Panathinaikos has a top coach of the world. Ataman is the very best.

@gigielparadiso4547 - 28.05.2024 02:26

It remembers Otto Rehagel in greece football team 2004 defense ...❤

@roxorloop79 - 28.05.2024 19:08

Μπραβο παλικαρε.. αναλυτικοτατος; κ κανεις τον κοσμο να βλεπει παρκε κ οχι την μπαλα...Αναμενω με Ρεαλ να δω τι βραχυκυκλωμα επαθε κ το πηραμε τοσο ανετα στο 2ο ημιχρονο

@evelinplatara9658 - 29.05.2024 06:15

Great job !!! I wait for you to make one video about the final as well . I can't wait

@johnkarambelas7258 - 29.05.2024 18:29

Καταλάβαμε λοιπόν, την δεύτερη θέση στην regular season, στα play off πέσαμε
πάνω... στην Π Ι Ο ΔΥΣΚΟΛΗ ομάδα από τις πρώτες οκτώ ( και στην μ ό ν η που Δ Ε Ν μάς ταίριαζε... από τις 18 τής Ευρωλίγκα ... πόσες είναι. Την φανατισμένη και σκληρή Μακκάμπι ).

Την πατήσαμε κι αυτή ( ... έστω με μεγάλη δυσκολία και άγχος )
και με την διαιτησία όπως πάντα... κόντρα.

Στην τελική φάση, στο Βερολίνο, με τραυματισμένους και φυσικά απροπόνητους
τούς Σλούκα - Χουάντσο, και με... " μισό"... σέντερ (!)... όπως λέγανε όλοι... ( και με προβλήματα
στην μέση, ε; από την καταπόνηση - στον Λεσσόρ αναφερόμαστε... ) πετυχαίνουμε
την Π Α Ν Ι Σ Χ Υ Ρ Η Ρεάλ, την κατά πολλούς... ισχυρότερη ομάδα - φέτος -
από την από... 'δώ μεριά τού Ατλαντικού !
Την κάναμε κι αυτήν... φύλλο και φτερό με το πάθος μας, πάθος που βγάλαμε κυρίως στο
δεύτερο ημίχρονο.

... Κάπως έτσι... ήρθε η μεγάλη Κούπα.

Εφτά, στα οχτώ !
( ... Yπολογίζω και εκείνο που μάς έκλεψαν από την σουπρολίγκα, τότε, η Μακκάμπι... ).

@johnkarambelas7258 - 29.05.2024 18:32

... Η παρουσίαση που κάνετε ε σ ε ί ς - και τό 'χω ξαναπεί αυτό - είναι η κ α λ ύ τ ε ρ η ό λ ω ν ! ! !
Απλοί, και περιεκτικοί ! Και πάνω απ' όλα... σ ω σ τ ο ί ! ! ! !


@johnkarambelas7258 - 29.05.2024 18:36

Στο μεταξύ τον Μότλεϋ... τον έσβησαν... κυριολεκτικά ! ! !

@kaltsohe - 29.05.2024 20:57

Wednesday and still waiting a video...
Come on....

@bonziewells1039 - 31.05.2024 12:20

a basketball channel that talks about hoops,and does not do hot takes(stephen a smith sucks)thank you god, thank you ergin ataman

@MikeBjs-tb5wi - 03.06.2024 08:39

For me the most important element of this game and this year in general is what you highlighted at some point. The team's stars give it all in defense. Sloukas, nunn, juancho even not famous their defense they gave it all. Ps where is the video for the final??

@panosg.9689 - 09.06.2024 11:25

WE "THE GREENS" should have an award of you,hehe...keep giving away our plays all year...but we have big heart....we forgave from the start,some learned how Ataman is playing,we "afraid our selves", with the superiority of the CHAMP FOR 7th TIME☘👑....we r giving friendly year dont bother...look for the LOVE YOU MAN....THE KING IS BACK TO STAY💚💚💚..tnx for the knowledge this year,keep the good job going....💯

@alenboda88 - 17.08.2024 00:47

Players only know that answer no ataman tataman or pataman

@druguralbayrak - 02.09.2024 01:22

Ergin Ataman is undoubtedly the best coach in Europe. He is a winner and a great leader. Panathinaikos should give him a 5-year contract and stand behind him whatever he decides. He has already earned that respect.

@BasketHead - 25.05.2024 21:44

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