This is the most fun minimal wardrobe I've seen. Nice to see all the pieces put together. Thanks!
Ответить❤ Loved it! My wardrobe has been dwindled down already. But I wanted to go further. So here goes after watching this!!! Great video.
ОтветитьI love knowing your own style and not getting distracted by trends or fantasy styles you don't need. You really need to grow into that. But my most worn things are definitely jeans, T-Shirts (can't cope with cropped tops like you haha) and cosy sweaters, because of the climate in Germany 🍁
Ответитьjust wanted to leave this message here💙
Most people think about the world and the moments of right now
, but think about your soul , where is it headed?
Bible talks about happenings that will happen in end times , prophecies being fufilled right now! research for yourselves if u dont believe!
thats why we need to repent and trust in Jesus for eternal life
because wages of sin is death
but Jesus died for all of our sins and therefore paid for them so we wouldnt go to the "jail" , aka hell
He gave us free choice out of love, if u love someone ur gonna let the person go,,, but He is also justice , sin to God is a huge deal
But He still made a way out of the "jail"
Only if people accept Him they are promised that they will not go to hell for their sins but have everlasting life!
rich and poor , abused or not-
all of you will die someday
please people i beg u think about your souls, life is so small compared to eternity...
Psalm 14 1
The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. Romans 1:20
think about your souls, life is so small compared to eternity...
God is love , He made the world because He wanted us with Him , but world has fallen and He is also justice so he justly pays humans after their death for their sins if they dont accept Jesus because He died for you as a perfect sacrifice and thought of you ,
He wants a personal connection with you..
God doesnt like all of this thats happening in the world but he provided a way thro Jesus , you just need to accept Him and be born again:
John 3:3. Jesus answered: I say to you Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
I love the Choreography with V. fashion show! Totally awesome and thanks for the inspiration!
ОтветитьIt is so awesome the way you confidently arrange each garment and find a way of wearing it. It looks like a fun wardrobe. I now work for a luxury brand but thankfully, it's more of a timeliness one so not much has to change with my wardrobe for work days. Thank goodness, as I maintain a small wardrobe and it's actually majority from that brand (some items I've had for 15 years). Being able to see tops/bottoms even wear dresses in different ways is essential. I used to follow Alyssa Beltempo on YT that specializes in reinventing wardrobes and learned a lot from her!
ОтветитьYes the music ✨ love your energy!!
ОтветитьWork it girl!!!
ОтветитьLove this! Endless combinations! Such an inspiration!
ОтветитьI could never do that ! Wonderfull. You are amazing 😍
ОтветитьHi I really like your channel and lifestyle. Very inspiring and spiritual. I don’t want to be nosy or rude, but did you experience some trauma in your life? If so could you make a video on that. I find that minimalism is helping with PTSD Thank you keep shining ❤
Ответитьso fun, beautiful
ОтветитьFor a future QnA. Could you see yourself falling for a wealthy man? What if you did and he had expensive cars, several homes and many belongings? What if you met a man with kids, who enjoy their "stuff"?
ОтветитьI so enjoy your shares yet as a Highly Sensitive Person I can’t handle the sound quality 😢
ОтветитьI love this video, super cool to see everything with everything else! So I am now super curious and maybe i just haven't got to the video yet that explains this but as an ultra minimalist why do you have three pairs of identical(ish) black leggings?
ОтветитьI started wearing just dickies and a white or black t shirt in 9th grade in 1997 and just adding layers for weather either a sweatshirt or peacoat ,even to this day its the same outfit
It was and is a way to look put together for almost nothing .
So cool! So you just have the 1 dress and a coat too?
ОтветитьLoved this video ! It inspired me and ONE DAY I will manage the same cute mix and match with fewer clothes !
ОтветитьI love the way you can mix and match in your wardrobe ad make so many different outfits from a few pieces. From a curious perspective, I know you live in California, but can't it be cold sometimes, I mean, indoors? I'm watching from Sweden and I'm noticing that in my mind I want to put a cardigan on you 😂But, that's because it's cold here right now and I'm a cold person. Thanks for this video!
ОтветитьLove the finish sentence 💙 best wishes from Poland Alicia!
ОтветитьOk, binge watch as I bake pumpkin balls....I unjnstalled Door Dash and Amazon from my phone. You are a breath of fresh air. I literally almost feel hostage to these conveniences now. I abhor it. It almost feels addictive and I want SO much to change this very bad and costly habit. I want SO much to make this upcoming year, starting now, look and feel different. I taught myself watercolor painting and started painting people's pets. Please pray for me as I make changes. I just love your thoughts Alicia. The way I consume is not sustainable.
ОтветитьHi! Can you make a video about gifts and getting gifts and giving gifts. I don't really am into gifts, but sometimes I feel the social pressure to give or receive gifts. Could you say something about this topic. I am curious or looking out for tips to deal with this topic.
ОтветитьBeautiful + satisfying
ОтветитьHej, love to Watch your videos ❤ im taking many your advices to me 😊 regarding clothing … I live in Denmark where we have all 4 seasons which means I need a way more clothing and that is the most terrible thing about it 😊 I would love to live in country where is only 2 seasons 😂 other thing is that I’m working in the office with many people around and need different type of clothing , which I’m not wearing them in my days off , as my daily style is very comfy and definitely not office related 🙂 I love your simply wardrobe ❤ greeting and love 💗
ОтветитьI like your videos and appreciate the value of "letting go". I also notice that you wear sexually provocative garb in most of your videos. You say you would like intimacy, yet most people would find it tough to live as ultra minimalists. Are you ambivalent about a loving, sexual relationship or just looking for another ultra minimalist?
ОтветитьI find so much inspiration in your videos. I've been slowly minimalizing over the years, with some relapses here and there. I'm also integrating digital minimalism. I apologize if you've answered this somewhere else, but what are your thoughts on Mari Kondo? (Her book helped me a lot five years ago) thank you for the great videos and hell yeas as a fellow Heilung fan!
ОтветитьI honestly wish that I could have a wardrobe like yours, but the climate in Switzerland is very different. Going from minus 15 Celsius to plus 35 Celsius. And at my work there is a temperature of about 10-12 plus Celsius, so i wear the leggins under my jeans in order to not freeze...❄ And due to climate change the temperatures can fluctuate extremely from day to day, so already for these reasons you need more clothing...😔
ОтветитьSuper cute video!!!
ОтветитьAwesome. People should have more fun mixing and matching their clothes more often.
ОтветитьYour style is so beautiful! I'm in the process of making my wardrobe more intentional and minimal. Finding out my colour palette has really helped! I feel like I need fewer peaces of clothing, because I truly love wearing each of them.🩷 Greetings from Finland!🇫🇮
ОтветитьYou have spoken about your foot damage before, I'm just curious. I'm sure the Blundstones are supportive, but how are your sandals and heels? Although very cute, I would be crying if I tried to wear them😂
ОтветитьWhere is your Evenstar pendant! Kinda sad it's not part of your collection anymore. Regardless, excellent wardrobe 👌
ОтветитьThis was so fun to watch
ОтветитьHi, if you don't mind me asking. What brand are those boots? I'm looking for a good shoe like this one.
ОтветитьI’m new subscriber but just wondering what would you wear to a job interview or a funeral I noticed every single top shows your stomach
Ответитьyou are so chic im obsessed
ОтветитьThe way you model is AMAZING!! Dang girl highly impressed
Ответитьless is more ✨
ОтветитьThis style would be labeled exploravore "core" hehe, kidding. Labels are limiting. Your style is awesome. And I hope my calves will look as nice as yours one day.
ОтветитьInnovative ❤
ОтветитьMaybe you could style one of your tops over the dress to change the look!
ОтветитьLovely style! Do you live in a warm climate? I noticed no sweaters, jackets, hats, or scarves? Thanks!
ОтветитьThe way you posed and danced for every outfit was amazing. You inspire me a lot as I am currently going through my own journey to minimal and intentional living
ОтветитьFabulous ❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьI would love to know what brand your sandals are from, to try and find them second hand online! I'm always obsessed when I see them on your channel❤
ОтветитьI notice that my wardrobe is MUCH smaller for the spring/summer season and I don't mind repeating outfits nearly as much during that time of year. In the fall/winter I almost have too many clothes to the point it's overwhelming but where I live the weather is insane, a week ago it was 65 F and today we have snow and negative temps. I could still stand to pare down my selection of wintry clothing. Great inspiration here.
ОтветитьThe "magic spell" vibe to the pieces appearing on either side of you as you pointed was very fun! ❤