15" MacBook Air Unboxing and Customisation | Customise my new 2023 Starlight MacBook Air with me!

15" MacBook Air Unboxing and Customisation | Customise my new 2023 Starlight MacBook Air with me!


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@princessleigha- - 31.07.2023 05:05

do you have a case for it yet? if so, could you please give me link?

@KarolineTheEmpath - 03.08.2023 20:20

I love your desk theme it’s pink and white. I have the same iMac and computer accessories as you yet it’s in the color Sky or light blue. I mainly use my computer for my studies and productivity, but I still use for personal use too as well.

@bethany9737 - 05.08.2023 10:58

hi, i just got a new mac book and unfortunately i'm unable to change the folder colors. every time i try it just shows as a jpeg file thing. any tips?

@poppoppopuhuh4680 - 06.08.2023 21:13

hi ! when i’m on google there’s isn’t « customize » what should i do ??

@jessicarodriguez4200 - 07.08.2023 08:29

I downloaded the pink files but when I drag and drop it isnt working to change the color of the files, any tips? 😭

@experiencelifelittleone - 08.08.2023 14:02

Thanks for the wallpapers I love the ones from the July ones too but I can’t use it for august

@Qxeenz - 10.08.2023 19:42

God bless you for doing this. I love pink too!!

@rubymills2829 - 13.08.2023 23:49

I downloaded the pink folders but every time I press command c then command v onto the folder I want to change it just has a blank png image, any tips?🤧

@dianag3722 - 14.08.2023 18:00

Amazing video. Thank you for sharing. Can you recommend a mouse? I just bought the MacBook Air 15.

@haslayeah - 15.08.2023 15:47

How did you get on apple pr list?

@navya0223 - 15.08.2023 17:35

heyy the video was so helpful! i js wanted to ask if you could make some kind of sage green folders?

@homogrl - 20.08.2023 00:29

Do you know if there is anyway to hide the Fliqlo folder? well still keeping the download? I don’t like the way it looks on my MacBook

@aeonflux1723 - 20.08.2023 14:37

Thank you for this, very detailed. I can just easily follow. I am a new macbook user, and most of the time I’m kinda lost when navigating it😅 so thia video is very useful to me❤

@VanessaGarcia-du5jf - 23.08.2023 21:35

I love the set up! Can you do a Sage Green folder icon please!

@gyannichelsea - 24.08.2023 16:03

so obsessed with this <3

@charissebarrett4093 - 30.08.2023 09:20

So glad I found your video! I just purchased the MBA 13” in Starlight but haven’t opened it yet (even tho I need it 😅) because I’m just not in love with the gold. I’m a pink girlie too so I’m just worried it clashes too much with the yellow tones. Do you find that it goes well with all the pink on your desk? Or do you think silver might have been a better option?

@brittyb175 - 01.09.2023 00:09

heyyy girlie!!! could you make a purple folder icon!!!

@brittyb175 - 01.09.2023 00:13

FOUND THE PURPLE AND IM IN LOVE!!! and thank you for showing how to set up that clock!

@brittyb175 - 01.09.2023 00:49

how do you get the flip clock on the ipad though, i cant figure that out

@bethridleyy - 03.09.2023 05:49

how did i not know you can make your google chrome pink omg

@jessica.27xx - 12.09.2023 00:49

This was really helpful ❤

@marta01d80 - 16.09.2023 00:23

Can you please make baby purple folder icons please, btw I love your content! Thank you for making everything accesible ❤

@yuririvera6868 - 17.09.2023 04:32

Thank you for the free wallpapers!! you’re an angel🫶🏽

@swastik_dash - 19.09.2023 07:05

So.. when apple sends you stuff for review, do you get to keep it or you have to return it or what? Whats the scene? Curious.

@btsisinyourareaok6087 - 25.09.2023 04:16

Thank you for actually explaining things 💙 you slayed, definitely subscribed

@abigaildabaddie - 28.09.2023 14:25

heyy how can i set my chrome as my default browser... the message never popped up:\

@ihertwanjiru - 11.10.2023 16:17

your video was simple and educative I love your voice to thank you

@Sasha_Plygareva - 23.10.2023 16:04

What iMac do you have?

@khulse6835 - 03.11.2023 02:02

Thank you so much can you make neutral and pastel colors plz

@dabingpro124 - 04.11.2023 15:13

i love this customisation! thank u for uploading this video it helps a lot 💞

@CareerHackingPodcast - 26.11.2023 22:22

I love this!

@xmultishipperx - 21.12.2023 00:46

Can you do a purple file folder please ?

@JP-fi1ny - 22.12.2023 10:20

The easiet video I’ve seen!🫶🏾

@annalenaherzig2985 - 04.01.2024 03:12

I love your videos. It‘s my first time setting my desktop up like this. I love the folders and the colours as well. Do you still make new ones and would red me an option? Thank you so much for the free content ❤

@Marcus690 - 04.01.2024 22:28

Hi did you please do black folder icon😊

@DermalightSweden-g2i - 05.01.2024 23:06

can you please do a January wallpaper???

@py5880 - 03.02.2024 20:59

Hi, could you do grey/greige tones please? Thank you for the video - it was very helpful 🤩

@iluvtozier - 11.02.2024 19:17

do you think you could make some red or black folder icons?

@avanimahan6151 - 21.02.2024 06:03

Could you make folder icons with blue shades? Thank you!!! <3 <3

@MulanThompson - 24.02.2024 19:53

Grey folder icon please

@brittchocolade - 29.02.2024 16:00

Thank you so much <3

@jastynronda5762 - 31.03.2024 13:49

i found you on tiktok and can i just say youre such an angel giving the icons + these tips for free!! praying for all good things for you and ur channel ily 🫶

@rossisolos - 08.04.2024 15:23

Never delete this, it’s helpful and definitely encouraged me to purchase it! thank you❤

@proudprogressive4849 - 02.05.2024 22:50

You killed it as soon as you strated screen rec. Dislike

@Ohoud-u1k - 27.06.2024 02:51

I love this video. Thank you 🤍🤍🤍

@Peepthemeep - 30.06.2024 01:07

I love your box cutter where did you get it

@Princess_Mar - 03.09.2024 14:13

i am a very new macbook air user(currently watching this from it lol), i gotta say i'm in love with it, but, before i got used to it, it was SO hard to use. i spent hours on it trying to set it up. now i put widgets and other aesthetic things. in love with your video btw<3

@n-alsulimani1664 - 21.11.2024 21:13

Thank you for this amazing vlog! but i noticed that you said u aren't charging for the pink folder icon, i visited the website and it gives $1.26 🥲

@meganeldred6042 - 07.01.2025 21:39

I am looking for purple Mac icon folders, how can I make or find them myself instead of the pink folder set?

@AMarch-ib2th - 21.02.2025 03:18

There’s no sound 😢
