Are You Healthy Enough To Defeat The CoronaVirus? COVID-19 It's Not All About Death Rates

Are You Healthy Enough To Defeat The CoronaVirus? COVID-19 It's Not All About Death Rates

Dr. Sten Ekberg

4 года назад

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@jeffstewart3860 - 22.10.2021 22:00

Why did my 61 year old picture of health unvaccinated friend die of Covid on an elk hunting trip. Died in New Mexico hospital due to Covid.

@abbycasanova1380 - 23.10.2021 03:31

thank you so much doc.
i learned a lot

@iCitizenTube - 23.10.2021 07:06

Asymptomatic carrier? Can you explain this with real science?

@woodsman335 - 23.10.2021 16:46

Well, I personally know 3 people who've died from covid. And my social circle isnt very large.

@MadjidKhan - 23.10.2021 19:08

And sheeples vaccinate their 5 years old children. Its discusting!!!

@jimiweezer - 24.10.2021 11:03

If the virus is the constant, then did the virus kill them? There doesn’t seem to be a strong correlation between testing positive for the genetic markers of SARS-cov-2 and early mortality. A true proof of correlation should be much more clear. Like the correlation between smoking and lung cancer which is around 80-90%.

@Virusskeptic-d3z - 24.10.2021 18:56

You lost me in the last few minutes cause from what I've learned, I know better than that. If it weren't for the info you gave in the last two slides, then I might have given the video a like.

@stevenordstedt2535 - 24.10.2021 19:28

My immune system was in the toilet so to speak. Was getting Bronchitis 2-3 times a year. The V.A. Was Worthless and just put me on the Big Pharma Roller coaster. Then I went to a Regular Dr. she told me to take GNC Mega Men 50. And Zinc 50 mgs. Every day. 10 years later, I’ve not even had a cold. Thank Jesus that he led me to some one in the medical field who doesn’t believe or just do what the criminal Greedy FDA and Big Pharma suggest!!!! Good Vitamins, and mild exercise is the key to a healthy life.
“NOT” Criminal FDA that’s run and Owned by Big Pharma Drug/Crap Industry in
“Our” USA! Power to the People! US,
The Numbers Win Again!!!! Lol

@franciscobizzaro - 25.10.2021 04:47

You're a good man Dr.

@renatarena50 - 25.10.2021 07:55

Coronaviruses have always been around. Whats now going on in the media is a new sanitary religion based on elements of hypnosis from the tv.

@ToasterDude1 - 25.10.2021 22:48

Thank you Dr Ekberg. This should be the public health message. How much better off we all would be.

@m5p944 - 26.10.2021 06:56

A study out of China?
You can’t be serious

@MsElke11 - 26.10.2021 14:33

So should we be for or against the jab mandates?

@AndyLambg - 26.10.2021 21:20

Thk u Dr Ekberg for your undying desire to help the world people to deal better with the covid with your well explained knowledge. I shall continue my desire to cut down on carbo intake and lower my insulin resistance for a start. 😀

@emh8861 - 26.10.2021 23:06

I didn’t even catch it. Hope I never will.

@ranijohnsos7930 - 28.10.2021 11:02

Dr. Ekberg, thank you for simplifying - always - all complex subjects and for explaining in a very pleasant manner

@petrovmikic8827 - 29.10.2021 00:31

What ARE YOU blablaring about? There is no such a thing as Kovyd19 killer vyrus! You have it in your head! Zombie

@bluewater454 - 29.10.2021 21:33

Why does the US medical community act as if there is no treatment for Covid? The real pandemic here is the blackout of any information on successful treatments. The standard of care seems to be doing nothing when someone is diagnosed. “Good luck. See you when you get to the ER gasping for air”.
Criminal. Absolutely criminal.

@christopheharvey8910 - 29.10.2021 22:01

I had a full in the mountains and tore up the knee. When I got to hospital I had 48 blood clots in the lungs. The right heart chamber got damage. Is there something to make myself strong enough to get through or am I done for?

@antevenio8303 - 30.10.2021 22:45

vi vet ju nu..
mindre än noll komma två procent mort..som vanlig förkylning.

@karlapinkman1592 - 30.10.2021 23:06

You said nothing sorry Doctor political correctness that is all I heard . Nothing what to take for the so called virus 😜 will stop listening to you .

@thomaswalz3515 - 31.10.2021 01:00

I'm vaxxed, 71, male, reasonably healthy. I do ride bicycle, life weights. Genetically, I'm prone to diabetes, and do need to take measures to keep it at bay. I exercise, take Berberine, and avoid most carbos. Berberine is amazing. It has transformed my health. I also occassionally fast.

I got CV-19 last weekend from a non-vax vegan friend a few years younger than I. We kept in touch while dealing. He sounded much worse than I felt.

I experienced 4 days of discomfort in bed.... I was blown away that I got it being vaxxed. It doesn't make you bullet proof.

A week later, I still have some congestion, but my energy has returned, am able to function normally. Quarantine ends in 2 days.

@mr.wrongthink.1325 - 31.10.2021 09:36

Very well complied info. Thanks.

@reidarandersen24 - 31.10.2021 22:47

Tjenare Sten, mycket bra video ! For en eldre norrmann som bor I Florida er det tragisk å konstatere så mycket ovitenhet/careless folk I mitt bo-område (55 plus). Det er et annorlunda "virus" som infiserar her.

@HoroRH - 01.11.2021 05:39

Percent, percent, percent. Dr.: pct of what?? For the entire population, by case numbers, or what??

@motfc8 - 02.11.2021 09:16

Well, it's well established that China has never fudged numbers.
Co morbidity had been completely ignored in the U.S. which is absurd!
I had Covid for my 59th birthday, 🙌 🎂!
It sucked! But, I've had worse.
It's great you're trying to wake people up, but you're (and I) are preaching to the choir.
The brainwashed are all trapped in the "normalcy bias" etc.
Take your D3&k2, C, iver... and exercise.💖

@nielsdaemen - 02.11.2021 17:11

Lol it's actually 0.15 %

@fberghuisable - 07.11.2021 13:33

Thank you so much for all the clear and honest information!! It motivates me to make a good start...step by step...💞

@susanmajewski3717 - 09.11.2021 20:46


@berelopez6098 - 10.11.2021 21:05


@rajkumarganesh724 - 12.11.2021 05:56

Dr what about wearing a mask I think that's the Corona virus its a well orchestrated mask virus wear it and poison your self .

@user-ds7jq3mn1i - 12.11.2021 09:14

YES! I should be strong enough as you doctors said previously that the mask was enough to prevent infection and now you come with a vaccine that is coming from nowhere known we don't even know it's real intent, and you vote laws preventing us from defending ourselves in the event of undesirable side effects....

@JWolff-md3ij - 18.11.2021 01:45

I think it's also important to mention that Covid-19 is completely treatable early on. I think it's why this virus had become such a problem. Early treatment has just seemed like it wasn't a priority from the beginning. You have a 14 day window to put all the best things in your body (if that's not sth you do on average). It absolutely makes a difference to the end result if you give your body the things it needs to help you early on.

@cawasc1284 - 18.11.2021 17:02

I dont think China report especially related to statistics based on gender is reliable. Both Chinese Male & female look alike, there could be some confusion.

@chrisettner2934 - 24.11.2021 15:58

I would say the death rate is even lower. Hospitals have included those that died with Covid even though they really died of something else.

@MickeyJessieCupid - 02.12.2021 06:07

Love your videos (I’ve lost 16lbs following your guidance!) but wish you could visit a COVID-19 ward and talk to the doctors and nurses who have seen so much suffering and death since you posted this. I think/hope your perspective might have changed re blaming media for scaring people. We’re seeing a resurgence of Delta, which is affecting younger adults, and now we have omicron at our doorstep. When you consider all the people with the underlying conditions you mention here, it’s no wonder states had to call up the National Guard to help hospitals care for COVID patients. I wish more people were scared of the virus so we could increase our vaccination rates. I appreciate you advising us to follow the guidelines. You could do a great public service by talking more about this. Thank you

@thanosave7112 - 24.01.2022 09:15

Dr . it’s sad to say , lots of people don’t really care about contracting the virus 🦠 and what the outcome is . I know quite of few people that did not make it after contracting covid and it did nothing to influence there friends . They still will never were a mask 😷 or never ever get vaccinated .it’s a shame but no one can change their opinion. Again sad but true .

@yipe222 - 03.02.2022 10:29

Not only am I, I did beat it. It did try hard to take me out though.

@michelemarie2499 - 14.03.2022 13:34

Thank you very much Dr Ekberg

You often mention wholemeal as being healthy

What is the difference between wholemeal and wholegrain

As you also insist on the fact that wholegrain is unhealthy , particularly in bread

I feel a little confused

@thenightangel6533 - 16.07.2022 11:37

I've had 3 Phizers shots. People I've lived and worked with have caught covid,. I eat healthy and eat tonnes of garlic. I'm 45 and I haven't had it yet. Did the vaccine help me do you think? I also follow all your food advice as much as I can.

@roxannehale1386 - 28.12.2022 03:27

The risk is not being able to get into a crashed hospital system, regardless of why you need it, no matter how young, how healthy. Dead is dead. I'm so very sad you don't get it. Very dissapointed.

@heartbrokenamerican2195 - 30.12.2022 02:49

I read that the NIH recommends now that we should have a covid booster every two months! Yeah right. I’ve had the vaccine, both boosters, and the new bivalent booster. That’s all I’m having.

@les4767 - 30.01.2023 04:52

It turns out I WAS healthy enough to defeat the Coronavirus. Caught it 2 years ago in February. I was 52 years old. I found it was remarkably like a bad case of the flu. I beat it in 3 weeks. No complications and no need for hospitalization. I'm vax free, and I'm staying that way.

@robertevans1343 - 01.04.2023 13:52


@MassiveBenny - 18.04.2023 13:01

Quoting Chinese studies? This hasn;t dated well has it? lol!

@dirkhuman760 - 27.06.2023 16:48

I immediately lose trust in someone claiming spooks exist. Hearsay nonsense does not appeal to me. Spooks like contagion, viruses, hobgoblins etc. speaks of real ignorance. Bye!

@mr.skipper4544 - 31.08.2023 01:48

During this same time frame, how many people died from the common flue or the common cold, I looked it up on the gov. websites and could find any statistics
