Retiring in 5 Years, Do these 5 Things

Retiring in 5 Years, Do these 5 Things

Kevin Lum, CFP®

1 год назад

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@foundryfinancial - 17.05.2023 21:02

Any other things you'd suggest doing before you retire?

@joanphillip3977 - 20.05.2023 05:35

Great advice! Thanks!

@markkile8215 - 16.07.2023 18:53

Roth’s are not for everyone! If you are still working and making over 6 figures in your mid 60s then why pay any tax on a Roth conversion! A Roth only makes sense if you believe your retirement income is more than what it is when you are still working! For the vast majority of people, retirement income is less than your working income, therefore a Roth is ill advised!

@bernie9728 - 12.08.2023 01:31

I didn't even know 5 years before I retired that I was going to retire in five years. I knew 2 weeks before I retired that I was going to retire. My wife told me one night "you are working to hard, I want you to retire". The next day I gave my 2 weeks notice. That was 7 1/2 years ago. My wife is a very smart lady. Best decision ever.

@Fearizthemindkiller - 05.09.2024 03:52

It’s very frustrating getting this type of advice to save 5 years before retiring. Most corporate execs are laid off by 60 and scrambling in jobs that are paying half of what they previously made. Yet 60 is a healthy period to do traveling, but it’s hard to pay the bills because the mortgage is high but at a low rate because of that great interest period, so you can’t pay it off. So, it’s not really planning, it’s seeing what you can afford. Even with 1.4 million in investments, it’s not going to be easy to travel the world as I want to. 😢
