The Meaning of Cooking in Dreams/Biblical Dream Interpretation!

The Meaning of Cooking in Dreams/Biblical Dream Interpretation!

The Biblical Dream Interpreter

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@MelB868 - 12.09.2020 01:43

I don’t think I ever cooked in a dream. I made a kid a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and I have gave people food. I have also ate in dreams

@andreeamarian7363 - 12.09.2020 02:43

Hey girl! I need help with understanding 2 dreams. The first one, one of my family member had a dream that my husband was in a room and she heard many voices and saw some People, and hear a voice that said “put a yellow straitjacket on him”, and then they put the yellow straitjacket on him, and that’s it. And then another dream from the same person was regarding my daughter, she was wearing a black dress and she was trying with a needle to sow through the dress but the thread had knots, and the first try it didn’t go through, and she tried a second time and it still didn’t work, and then she got up and the thread and the needle was following her and the person that dreamt this she saw the needle and she saw that the needle could poke her, and she tried to help my daughter but my daughter was scared of her, and when this person tried to pull the needle it got longer! Thank you in advance and May God bless you!

@pinklady4772 - 12.09.2020 03:14

I had a dream someone was cooking in my bedroom and started a grease fire. I watched it burn and then my dad took the pan off and he was walking down the hallway spilling the grease,but he grease had cooled down. I told him he was making a mess. I have no idea where he was going with it.

@TJ-jx7hv - 12.09.2020 03:19

Hi this is your grandson

@kanikastarrreynolds - 12.09.2020 07:01

Wow! That was so cool. I look forward to your videos. Thanks for the shoutout and God bless. 🥰

@chuppets77able - 12.09.2020 10:13

Hi Mónica, nice video as always! I hope you are doing well during this pandemic. I had a dream once that someone I know invited my school principal (my boss) and myself in their kitchen. They were cooking meat in a small pot for us and their sons. They left the handle sticking out and so I told them to be careful and to push it to avoid an accident and so they thanked me for telling them. I was then speaking but not loud enough so they jokingly told me to speak up if I wanted to be heard, as I was a bit upset by the remark, they looked at me and started laughing, which in turn made me laugh. The dream ended! This was the 2nd part of a dream I had, the 1st part was prophetic and was recently fulfilled in their life. Thank you Mónica and God bless you.

@mojunghambalo2775 - 12.09.2020 18:21

I have had a series of dreams of washing dishes and someone from church would help me out. What does washing dishes mean?

@bossb1195 - 17.09.2020 12:47

Good day,. I had a dream preparing sweet potatoes. As I went to check on them, I found the pot empty. Family and friends I know ate all the sweet potatoes. I'm still puzzled! 🤔🤔🤔

@naomidenisepinedaspirit-bo7955 - 18.09.2020 00:54

Hi sister in Christ ! I ask of you to please help me

this is not food related but I am pondering and prayed for meaning of this dream :

I walk down some stairs to a small stage, my sister in Christ is standing almost in corner and tells me intensely “you need to pray about this “
right after a man I loved from my past, knelt down on one knee and proposed to me with a ring the shape of a crown and purple pearl in the middle.
I said yes but didn’t take and immediately I fled because I was afraid the father of my children would see.

as I left I ran into the arms of the father of my children we left in his car and I felt relieved but very guilty and saddened for leaving the other man.

This man and I have never had sexual relations by the way
mind you I am not married with children’s father and I give it up to the lord that His will be done but every time I think to marry him I always think of this dream.

@sah3482 - 21.09.2020 21:55

Hi sis, I'm so grateful for this much needed ministry! I pray God continues to bless you & your family! Blessings & Shalom! I have a dream that I'm praying for the accurate interpretation, so please help me as I pray! I dreamt that I joined a male friend on a high stilt (2 wooden pieces of board that clowns use to make therm tall in the air ,then they walk on them, like crutches). When I got up on it with him, it looked like a small platform, but it was wobbly/shaky. i knew it was going to fall in, causing both of us to fall down, and it did! We both landed on the ground on both of our feet, while I had one hand placed across his chest, in such shock. I was grateful we didn't get hurt, yet we were close together! I'd appreciate your feedback on this, Mighty Woman of God, Jehovah! Thanks!!

@swenett1308 - 21.09.2020 23:47

So far you are one of the very few people who givd give both sides a dream unlike others who only see the negative such like ; witchcraft attack. Thank you

@denverphoenix2147 - 27.09.2020 03:36

How do you know the meaning of these dreams? Is it from the bible?

@mydreamforcooking1870 - 14.02.2021 14:12

Nice new subscriber stay connected

@sharonpruett4301 - 16.04.2021 19:53

What does cooking turnip greens mean in a dream. I dreamed my mentally challenge
sister in law was in my kitchen stirring my pot of turnip green. The juice of the green splash on my wall. So I and my husband took the spoon from her. What does this mean please. I also had a dream of a avolocado. Thank you so much for your help !!!

@adebimpeedun8142 - 17.07.2021 22:11

What does it mean cook ing on gas cooker the flame color blue bad dream twice

@pattersm1460 - 24.07.2021 16:19

I dreamed that I was cooking for presidents Joe Biden, Barak and Michelle Obama, a wife of a President and another president (cant remember which one). I was baking an apple pie, grits and fish. What does it mean?

@vinjoproducts.4655 - 07.08.2021 16:45

Cooking food and it evaporates

@styledbykatejohnson7312 - 28.08.2021 16:26

Hi I was cooking lamb chops in the dreams and it was one piece of steak

@honeybuzz5591 - 25.10.2021 22:06

I had a dream I was cooking for strangers I didn’t know who they were but I had this dream 2 times and I was cooking pork both times. The last time the pan of stuffed pork I was serving some were done and done were not so I swooshed them around the glass pan and served the ones that were done then put the rest back in oven to continue to cook

@sonshine1920 - 24.01.2022 19:07

Thank you for sharing this video I have dream I’m cooking meat

@chrisbrown7762 - 26.06.2022 01:16

Woman of GOD, thank you very much for sharing your GOD given gift, it has blessed me greatly. GOD Bless you and cover you 🙏.

@naswiiraowomugisha1547 - 10.10.2022 11:43

May God bless you

@robindear5043 - 09.11.2022 09:22

Had a dream last week that a cousin, who is a shady type but tries to pretend she is not, was having a crawfish bowl. She invited my oldest sister and I over to her yard to help ourselves. My oldest sister eagerly headed to the yard, but I was suspicious. The crawfish etc was being cooked in something that isn't even cookware, which I thought was weird. I walked up to the area where the food was cooking, and was thinking to myself, "No way. I'm not eating this."

@Godsdaughter1025 - 24.04.2023 00:46

What about cooking meat and a friend is just watching u as u cook?

@RO-xh7pz - 03.06.2023 08:10

Good day. What does it mean if u are cooking and selling in the dream

@janeada6647 - 23.06.2023 11:28

I dreamt i was cooking indomie

@sarahnankya360 - 04.07.2023 07:43

Your dream interpretations help me.May God bless you dear.

@dianaluize - 06.10.2023 04:26

I was cooking but underneath there were black mice. What does it mean?

@Visionaryonewealth - 13.11.2023 18:40

I was being served fish i a upscale restaurant

@nicoledobson5127 - 07.01.2024 17:34

Also had a dream in which I said my grace over food I was eating while taking medication at the same time. Any insight?

@bubblegumpopproductions5459 - 08.02.2024 21:26

I dreamt i was in a big pot, i represented the food. I saw a large version of myself stirring the pot. Then I was told by a faceless voice: "Let yourself finish simmering, then walk before you run." The dream felt entirely positive, and I fel t like the more I sat in the pot, the better I turned out.

I have been feeling very stagnant in my life lately. Like i'm not where I should be, like my life is moving in slow motion. I think this was the Lords way of telling me that this is meant to be. And that I have to take my time to get to the next season of my life.

@GloryToTheHighest - 19.02.2024 00:37

Great! Thank you 🙏

@GloryToTheHighest - 19.02.2024 00:38

May I ask you about my moms dream of me? I really have hard time interpreting it.

@NixonKaren - 26.02.2024 02:53

Thank you. What about washing rice in a dream, when the rice was washed the water separated ants that was there that would not been noticed if it hadn't been washed?

@Chosen_1k - 03.03.2024 23:25

I had a dream my brother was frying chicken legs but for some reason it didnt feel like my brother in the dream then after that it switched to a new scene where the police was chasing me and i ran and hid from them in my old house and i dug in my pocket and the chicken leg was in my pocket and then some dude i seen running from the police but i was still hiding. It was all crazy as heck

@ladyaiesha - 16.03.2024 15:27

IHello. I dreamt my husband was cooking food for alot of people and getting ready to play music.

@GodswordwithHanna - 18.04.2024 14:51

I was baking huge chocolate cake but I didn’t finish. I had buy to more ingredients because we were trying it before .

@KAMM14 - 10.05.2024 18:32

Last night I had another dream of cooking. This time it was involved a lot of my family members and my ex-husband mother and father who I don’t communicate with because of the horrible things they did to me. But in the dream they were pleasant and nice to me. I also served the food but when I was serving, I accidentally put the food in the wrong dish and had to fix it. I wanted it to be right and was nervous about them seeing the mistake. One weird thing in the dream was after I fixed it, I took a whole lot of tomatoes or peppers ( a red veggie) stringed together and put it on my shoulders. Two strings of them. I told my ex-mother in law I know what to do with them and that’s when I started simmering them on the stove and adding herbs. If you read this, your insight on this will be greatly appreciated. One less repetitive dream I don’t have to ponder on☺️. Some dreams I been having since childhood. Over and over again.

@lydiaebosele2115 - 11.06.2024 10:39

Thanks again n God bless you ❤

@janetawino2852 - 25.06.2024 03:39

I dreamed of warming food in a microwave with a plastic plate then the microwave plate broke into two and the food poured into the microwave. What could be the meaning

@FezileLaNkambule - 29.06.2024 15:28

🇿🇦 i had two dreams in a row, first one i was cooking for a certain family different kinds of salads, rice, etc, and the other i was cooking , someone i know wanted to dish up for a certain person and i was hesitant because in my mind i was not done, then i said put rice, these piece of chicken and a salad that is done
