Stop downloading apps. They harvest your information and are basically junk mail marketing to to you.
ОтветитьThis is going to be Twitter with no free speech, for the more sensitive people who can't bare the view of others having opinions - This being most left wings
Ответитьshould have named it twitter for snowflakes who hate free speech.
ОтветитьNow Elon Mask will launch another platform for like facebook and instagram
ОтветитьThread never beat Twitter because he became fully based on Twitter so people don't use
2nd security concern
There's not many ways to do a micro-blogging site, other than like Twitter did.
The question is how long it will take Twitter to die like everything else musk has tried. When businesses and government bodies start creating threads accounts, it will be a matter of time. Bizarrely, the final blow will be when the Royal Family officially switches to it because being on Twitter is already dangerous enough for the brand.
bbc cheering for their billionaire
ОтветитьHe’s finally getting his revenge😂
ОтветитьBBC News why are you advertising threads for them? Social media there's been a lot of data collected is conclusive it is harmful to society. The people running social media check them out there even using science to keep you hooked. It drains you and now look BBC is advertising for them. should never mention it… Whatever's bad in this world will never get fixed…
Ответитьthese rich creeps are using all of us is just sheep… It's disgusting come on everyone get a life stay in reality not in an LCD screen… Make these guys find another way to rape millions of dollars from wherever
ОтветитьNo thank you mr. Suckaturd.
ОтветитьNot available in Europe: ☠️
ОтветитьAnother SH to keep us addicted to our mobile! 😝
ОтветитьThreads. The alternative to Twitter 🤔. It's absolute rubbish
ОтветитьAs an Asian, I came here to see how to pronounce the word Threads
ОтветитьAnyone know the name of the BBC star taken off the air for paying a teen for photos?
ОтветитьSo, it's Twitter, but with Facebook levels of censorship. Yeah, I don't think Musk has anything to worry about.
Ответитьanother data mining app. all these apps is just big brother raking in your info and a way to get in your mind. facebook knows your favourite movie, favourite book, where you been where you live where you work lol has all your photos. twitter controls your thought, restricting words you can and cant say so you without knowing it fall in line to think like everybody else. the internet is called the world wide WEB for a reason. your freedoms only go so far till you upset someone or offend someone then your freedom of speech is no more.
ОтветитьI wonder if Meta’s death throes will cough up anything interesting, or if they’ll just fizzle like Friends Reunited, Myspace and Yahoo.
Ответитьso facebook steal again
ОтветитьMeta already have all the personal data and now they will have political informations and will sell them to corporations.
ОтветитьTwitter best social media platform out here now with musk. Had everybody forgotten about the twitter files that musk released when he took over. He exposed the mainstream socialmedia and ties with government pushing their agenda.
ОтветитьPeople have craze for new things and they want to show off that they are intelligent and are updated so a lot of people going to download it 😉
ОтветитьThe copy king
ОтветитьWhat kinda terrible last minute journalism is this. Showing some guy using the app with all kinda glare.
ОтветитьGo Thread Go
Gary from Winnipeg
No fighting
Americans: we are the best country because of freedom.
Also Americans: we stop Twitter because we hate that it is no longer censoring our speech and we start to use Thread that will keep censoring our speech.
Lesser the power Mark Zuckerberg has the better it would be for the world.
ОтветитьWe should never let big tech to moral police us.
ОтветитьBecause that’s exactly what the world needs right now is another dumb social media platform.
ОтветитьInflation hits people a lot harder than a crashing stock or housing market as it directly affects people cost of living that people immediately feel the impact of it's not surprising negative. Market sentiment is so high now..we really need help to survive in this Economy. The fin Markets have underperformed. The U.S economy as fear of inflation hammers the prices of stocks and bonds, my portfolio of £250k is down to £197k any recommendations to scale up my returns during this crash will highly appreciated....
ОтветитьWhats app erkärt den krieg er hat die plattform gestholen und instagram
ОтветитьWell England are no longer in the EU, we can now have these apps I guess 😒😏
ОтветитьBBC Advertising this shit non-stop because zuckerberg does what the government tells him.
ОтветитьAnother communist app, Zuck the cuck is already censoring people on the app
ОтветитьI will not use meta. Suckerberg blows.
ОтветитьSo this is an app and not a website?
Anyone has any experience with it?
Is it better than twitter?
I cant find this "threads" app or website or whatever it is anywhere.
It doesnt seem to be on play store or anywhere.
Whats going on?
Ohhhhthw same journalist Elon Musk mopped the floor with, interesting.
ОтветитьIf Elon is suing Zuck for copying Twitter, then why is he not suing Trump?! Truth Social is an exact clone of Twitter
ОтветитьMedia working overtime again for anything left wing.
ОтветитьAmazing BBC bias 😂
Ответить"It's exactly like Twitter, but with way more censorship". Zuckerberg is fresh out of ideas, so it's time to steal someone else's.
ОтветитьWhy should he be worried ' everything he touches turns to gold ' & as for idiots on social media ' most havn't got a clue ' do not know notging ' dunning kruggers 🥺 E' musk signing off 🤖
Ответить666 logo.
Demonic !!
I had tweeted the idea of piercing man on Twitter, but I did not get anything, so far my only tweet has put Twitter in danger.❤
Ответитьanother metaverse?
ОтветитьWhy do you keep calling it Twitter, I thought that the product was renamed X?