Ranking Every Disney and Pixar Movie Ever (1937-2023)

Ranking Every Disney and Pixar Movie Ever (1937-2023)

ThinkBox Chris

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@theslashersshow - 22.02.2024 14:20

Random question but what was the music when the segments ranking came up??

@Slimmon132 - 19.03.2024 07:08

Literally stumbled across this video and Ur channel like 20mins ago and I gotta say.....WHY DOESNT THIS CHANNEL HAVE MORE SUBS?! I love how u described everything and Ur own opinion. The jokes u made made me laugh. I'm also autistic (plus other stuff that's not important) and I use look for these kinds of videos because of I have a attention span of a toothbrush. As a 2001 baby I grew up on a lot of these too, my favourites being Treasure Planet and some of the straight to DVD sequels. So thank you for making my day mate ❤🎉

@dragondiamondz4338 - 24.03.2024 03:04

Eww the great mouse detective is trash. It is one of the worst animated movie i have ever seen in my life up there with Wish. Defenite 0.1 / 10. The only good movies disney has every made is the lion king and the jungle book. 11 / 10

@Trey1565 - 24.03.2024 18:55

Where’s disneys dinosaur????

@MusicKat217 - 25.03.2024 00:16

Not only is this a seven HOUR video, not only is it a ranking video, but it's a deep dive in a topic I actually like?? That's my jam!! 😌

Really enjoying your refreshing takes on all of these movies so far! I always go into these Disney ranking videos with one question, as pretty much everyone does: “How do they feel about my favorite movie?”

The Little Mermaid is that movie, and it's always a gamble what people will say about it. I'm glad you're one of the people who can see this movie for what it is, instead of making up things that didn't exist, like Ariel giving up her voice for a man or some stupid shit like that. Ariel is adorable, quirky (not in the 'trying too hard' way,) and I love her curiosity. She always spoke to me as a queer and disabled/autistic person, insert the “HE'S JUST LIKE ME FR!!!” meme here, lol 😂

On the topic of 'Under the Sea,' I agree it's definitely a bad message, but Sebastian's arc is often overlooked in favor of Triton's. It feels more natural, since Sebastian REALLY does mean well and wants to do the right thing, and does care for Ariel quite a bit. While he's forced to hang around her at first and keep her out of trouble, he gets to truly understand Ariel's perspective, which Triton is too strict and sheltered to do. Sebastian is way more emotional and sympathetic than he'd like to be, and I find it really heartwarming that he ends the movie doing anything to help Ariel be happy, and even crying at her wedding. If you asked him now, he'd probably say that he doesn't agree with the message of 'Under the Sea' anymore, it's probably his proudest work lol 😭

Anyways, I'll stop yapping now. Thank you for giving The Little Movie the love it deserves! I love your commentary and your takes on these movies, even if we have some very different opinions on some of them! Great video! You're really underrated, but this definitely convinced me to subscribe! I admire all the effort you put into this video and it needs more love!!

@spacesoccercowboy6091 - 27.03.2024 16:58

Watched the video fully (and currently rewatching it cause I love long rankings), and I have some thoughts that appeared in my mind throughout.
(Also if I have more thoughts I'll just reply on this comment so I don't make a million of them.)

-The final ranking consisting of embraces that appear more commonly as we go up the list is a cute touch
-I had no idea that Toy Story 3 borrowed elements of the Holocaust for the daycare and that bugs me now knowing this :/
-Seeing both Toy Story 2 and Frozen 2 get 10/10's is crazy since they arguably have the most production problems for Pixar and Disney respectively.
-I see a lot of people hate Gabby Gabby in Toy Story 4 for being manipulative and trying to forcefully remove Woody's voicebox via her ventriloquist dummy sidekicks. I haven't seen TS4 in full so I can't give a proper opinion on this though.
-I like how the background music for most segments are from Kingdom Hearts or a cover of a song from that movie, cool touch.

@victormartinezcancino9290 - 30.03.2024 05:53

Toy Story 3 is my favorite movie of all time. Even so, I really liked your video, it is very complete and it entertained me. Keep it up.

@DorianToons - 30.03.2024 15:01

Omg I LOVE LONG RANKINGS. This whole channel is so underated I love your vids😭. I also like how you gave it your all in editing, jokes, and backround music really insterational stuff to me tbh.

@AngelRivera-de1lq - 31.03.2024 07:41

This kept me alive thru a 9 hr shift. U dont know how much it helps get thru a grave shift. Dont agree at all with 95% of what u said (especially comparing ace clucks years of emotional abuse, neglect, and str8 up siding against his own son and actively stunting him and hiding him away because he sees him as an embarrassment when hes a literal child who just lost his mom; to marlin who was well intentioned but allowed his own trauma to hurt, stunt, and drive away nemo), but a well made video. Consider me subbed

@andrewr.2507 - 31.03.2024 16:49

I loved treasure planet! Especially Captain Amelia!

@fcv4616 - 03.04.2024 09:21

I appreciate how you recognise that King Triton was abusive to Ariel. Ariel gets a bad rap for supposedly being selfish and "giving her voice for a man", to the point that they justify Triton's abuse and Ursula's villainy (I've seen takes on how Ursula was "honest" about the deal). Just because Ariel was a princess and not abused at the level of, say, Cinderella, doesn't mean that Triton was right to be overbearing. Ultimately, she's called selfish for disobeying her father, when the big thing she did was save Eric from drowning. Was she supposed to let him drown just so as to be "a good girl"? What kind of moral message is that?
Thank you for your video!

@fcv4616 - 03.04.2024 22:23

Notes on Bambi: "man" is effectively an antagonist in this film, because their potrayal is seen from the point of view of the prey. They represent a force that they do not comprehend, but it's ultimately destructive. Also, whether the hunters in the film were "good and just providing for their family" is irrelevant, because we see that they are neglectful enough to have very negative effects on the ecosystem. Shooting Bambi's mum is a bad sign because, to my understanding, it's illegal to kill females because that can be detrimental to the population of deers, especially if they have offspring, which the hunters in the film unavoidable must have seen. Then, the use of wild dogs and their neglectful use of fire highlights the irresponsibility of hunting when it's not properly managed or supervised. It is implied that they are poaching rather than hunting for survival. The hunters might have been role models in their community or whatever, but that doesn't matter in the context of this story: they still caused great damage to the local ecosystem due to their irresponsibility, and thus they should rightly be seen as the villains of the movie.

@joeysumner1856 - 05.04.2024 01:41

Now just wait unti how people would feel if you decide to rank movies from DreamWorks, Blue Sky Studios, Sony Pictures Animation, and Illumination because more people are more Defense towards those studios than Disney and Pixar nowadays. I gotta tell you that a lot of people would be furious about it, given how you would actually rank the movies from each of those studios even more so then with this ranking.

@SarahM-ku4bu - 05.04.2024 05:32

Tadashi does slip up though... He couldn't get baymax to work and in the series it's confirmed he had to get a medical student to help program baymax. Tadashi's only "perfect" because Disney didn't have time to show him slip up continuously. but hey you can have you're own opinion. And Mufasa fucked up by trusting Scar.

@fcv4616 - 06.04.2024 08:59

A lot of the random things in "The Black Cauldron (TBC)" and "The sword in the stone (TSITS)" come from their source material, but if you read the books you'll see they are deeper or more important to the stories than what the Disney films managed to do.
"TSITS", is the first part of the tetralogy "The once and future king", written by T.H.White as his own interpretation of the myth of King Arthur. The first part involves a young Arthur (or Wart) being taught by Merlin ethical lessons that will eventually teach him how to become a good king; and just like in the Disney movie, the protagonist is transformed into different animals and learns how humans aren't so different from them, so that he may apply good ethics and form a strong society. However, Disney focused on the comedy too much and scrapped away a lot of what made the original source material so layered, especially if you consider that the story continues in three more books (personally, I think the best of the tetratology are the last two books).

The film "TBC" is an adaptation of Lloyd Alexander's series "The Chronicles of Prydain", particularly the first two books. I actually love this book series: I would describe them as "The Lord of the Rings" for children, but not in a condescending way, but meaning that is rich in world-building and storytelling but with a more accesible narrative. The problem is that the movie brings many of the elements randomly without explaining where they come from. Princess Eilonwy, for example (who is even more fun in the books and my absolute favourite character), is a daughter of a long line of enchantresses (that's why her bauble is magic)... but people often assume she's a princess simply because Disney is famous for making princess characters. Henwyn, the oracle pig, is an element borrowed from Welsh mythology, as are the three witches; and the pixie-like kingdom has more relevance in the books than in the film.

In short, Disney missed an opportunity to successfully adapt two High-Fantasy novels, which is a shame because although I like both films, as someone who read the original materials I can see the missed potential. "TSITS" was scrapped almost bare of themes and meaning to make a low-budget comedy, while "TBC" tried to be too ambitious and took more than it could chew.

@fcv4616 - 07.04.2024 19:24

Oh no, not Finding Nemo, I love that movie! Oh well, each to their own.
I want to say though that I think Marlin is handled well. Yes, he’s somewhat of an arse, but I think it’s important to show flawed parents are capable of learning to become better too. You mentioned that your parents supported you as a neurodivergent kid. But other parents don’t have the same perspective or even patience and I think this is the point of the film, to show the less equipped parental figures that they can do better. Otherwise we just get stuck with narratives that either show a binary between role-model parents or shitty ones. I’m not a parent myself, so I can’t speak for experience though, but as someone who was somewhat overly protected as a kid, I like how the film wrote the dual character arch’s between the overprotective father and his rebelling kid.
Plus, I just think the movie has a lot of charm and good things going on for it. It used to be my favourite Pixar film, but I think I have a few on top now.

@thecelestialtoygazer7816 - 07.04.2024 22:51

You're darn right Luca is a 10/10

@BratzRockAngels - 08.04.2024 22:26

Your analysis and criticism is so interesting. I'm sure this video took forever to make but I'm glad it's 7 hours. 💗

@BratzRockAngels - 09.04.2024 04:24

Okay this is gonna sound crazy, but i actually highly relate to Pocahontas as a character. As a black indigenous girl, it felt relatable seeing her spiritualism, connection to nature, and acknowledgement in the importance of culture and not being ignorant towards other people. I wasn't entirely aware on the real history of Matoaka when I watched it when I was little, outside of her actually being a child when she met and saved John Smith, so I mostly saw it as a fictional movie and not one based on history. I actually think a lot more people would like the film and a lot of the issues would be fixed if they, 1. Change the names and kept the film entirely fictional and didn't include any real native people or their names because of the colonization and genocide aspect, and 2. Didn't frame it as a Romeo and Juliet thing and instead kept Pocahontas and John Smith as friends for majority of the film with John Smith acknowledging how wrong it is for him and his people to colonize and dehumanize others and to mistreat the planet, or at least made him explorer like Milo from Atlantis and not a straight up soldier/captain, so that when he comes to the realization that the harm his people have brought, it happens because he was only seeking adventure and wasnt giving consideration to others around him, or just seeing non white and indigenous people as something to explore instead of actually respecting the peopleand culture. I also feel like they should've went more hardcore on the villain like Frollo, and I know it might've been too intense for children, but it would work if the point is to show how evil and racist the people who keep colonizing and dehumanizing indigenous people are. Also they should've done the Tarzan thing where they teach each other their languages instead of using magic, it gives them more time to bond and they have to communicate without entirely using words. I still really like colors of the wind and the message behind it as well.

@user-cx5sx5ed7z - 09.04.2024 22:43

That rank is soo stupid and your channel eather

@throbasonic1982 - 11.04.2024 22:48

Im a cat person f you

@Bsdmlbfan_21 - 12.04.2024 04:30

Yeah pls do the tinkerbell movies because I love all the movies and also I love all your videos so much ❤ and enjoyable ❤

@annalawrence8264 - 13.04.2024 01:18

This is my top 25. I know it is probably unpopular. Yes I have seen every Disney movie and Pixar. This list is also only Disney not Pixar.
25. Melody time
24. Aladdin
23. The princess and the frog
22. The little Mermaid
21. Tarzan
20. The fox and the hound
19. Mulan
18. The lion king
17. One hundred and one Dalmatians
16. Snow White and the seven dwarfs
15. Sleeping beauty
14. Alice in wonderland
13. Oliver and company
12. The rescuers
11. Tangled
10. Dumbo
9. The adventures of Ichabod and mr. Toad
8. Bambi
7. Pinocchio
6. The emperor’s new groove
5. The many adventures of Winnie the Pooh
4. The Aristocats
3. Lady and the tramp
2. Robin Hood
1. The jungle book

@connorbrown4924 - 13.04.2024 03:20

This is definitely the most MIXED list I have ever seen. No shit this will get controversy. Not saying I don't like it, but definitely mixed.

@TJMcDonough - 14.04.2024 04:56

Did you see the stage musical of Hunchback yet? I will definitely not spoil anything but I can say it is much, much, darker than the movie.
There's two different versions. I'll list the changes they make in each without any spoilers.

German version

The comedy is scaled down a lot and they change the names of the Gargoyles, even though they do keep A Guy Like You, they make it fully clear that they are in Quasimodo's head.
They cut out the goat and the horse.
The opening is mostly the same, the only differences are that Quasimodo's mother actually has a line of dialogue asides from just crying for sanctuary and Clopin is narrating to the audience and not to a group of kids and he's an old and crippled beggar this time and not the same age as he was in the film, in fact he does it throughout a lot of the show.
They add the fact that Frollo used to be a priest, like he was in the original novel, as explained in the first half of Out There, which is expanded on and adds the Gargoyles and adds on why Frollo became a judge.
The song Made of Stone (probably my favorite song in the show), is sung in different contexts in both versions. This version focuses on Quasimodo losing all hope in romance because Esmeralda loves Phoebus and not him and him ignoring the gargoyles comments by trying to encourage him, making it a lot more heartbreaking for me than in the American version.
While I won't spoil the ending, I will say that it is the same as the book, which isn't a very happy ending.

American version

They have a Greek Chorus narrating instead of Clopin and it's the only thing I don't like about this version and why I'd prefer the original German version, which sadly isn't really done anymore and is now overtaken by this version instead, which while I still love this version, I would prefer the German version, considering the fact that not only did it have a bigger budget, making it feel more cinematic than it does here, but also the Greek Chorus narration is just kinda stupid.
The opening is hugely different. They expand Frollo's backstory by him being Quasimodo's biological uncle, because his brother fell in love with a gypsy girl, his brother was banished from Notre Dame after Frollo told the main priest, he ascended into priesthood (yes, he is a priest in this just like in the novel) and eventually finds his brother on his deathbed. The gypsy girl already died and Frollo adopts his brother's child after his brother dies, that being Quasimodo, his biological nephew.
Quasimodo has a more deformed sound of voice and they add the fact that he was partially deaf, just like in the novel.
They cut A Guy Like You, probably for the best in my opinion and they scale down the Gargoyles very heavily here.
They expand Phoebus' character as well and give him more depth than the film.
Frollo doesn't outright say he hates gypsies, even though he doesn't treat them well either. You do sympathize with why he hates gypsies because it led to his brother's downfall and eventual death.
Esmeralda doesn't escape Notre Dame because she's not a prisoner. She follows Quasimodo inside because of her kindness only to come across Frollo, then after a few songs and meeting Quasimodo again, Frollo eventually tries to seduce her and her trust in him is eventually broken, therefore breaking our trust of him.
This version of Made of Stone has the gargoyles convince him to help Esmeralda and him ignoring them, just like in the movie. I think it's more effective in the German version than it is here.
They keep the ending the same as the German version, being similar to the book, which is very depressing.

They're both excellent in their own right and I'd watch them and listen to the soundtracks to them, a lot more than the movie which while I still love, does suffer from tonal issues from the Gargoyles and some slapstick that is pretty lame. Check them both out if you've got the time.

@Simbala-bq5vy - 22.04.2024 04:19

It's so rare seeing someone hating the lion king and loving Wish. I agreed with Wish but you made my heart hurt 🤕. Good vidoe though

@rattis - 04.05.2024 12:20

Holy shit I don't think I've ever disagreed with another Disney fan as much as this guy.
Also, while I think of myself as a progressive, it's kind of annoying just how much time he spends focusing on whether or not something is problematic as opposed to just whether or nots it's entertaining. Like Dopey being ableist. Yeah, but is he funny? Is he likable? Just pointing out that something is offensive says nothing about whether it's a successfull element as part of the movie. Dopey may or may not be a succesfull comic relief regardless of whether or not he is ableist. Just pointing out whether something or problematic or not says nothing about whether it does it's job as an element of a piece of a story.

@richclarkson8917 - 06.05.2024 14:31

Thanks for giving my favourite Disney films, The great mouse detective, oliver and company, Hercules, Tarzan high scores. They are my 4 go to disney films.

@MaxedOutMedia666 - 15.05.2024 18:38

As someone whos fave movies of all time are inside out and elemental…..I love this.

@nunomartins467 - 19.05.2024 04:15

I'm glad someone likes Tangled as much as I do. Your analysis made it justice! Also I really appreciated you mentioning the animated series. It's objectively A- but my biased ass believes it's A+ just because it's more Tangled content hahaha.
And I admire your dedication to create an enormous video like this, I had an enjoyable time watching it. Hope you can keep making videos like this and maybe for other studios as well? like DreamWorks and more.

@officialmarcywu9989 - 20.05.2024 04:23

do you think wish should get a sequel?

@jnomu - 31.05.2024 06:01

After seeing Finding Nemo at 73 and Treasure Planet at 7:
"I owe you an apology. I wasn't really familiar with your game."

@imraystation - 01.06.2024 20:50

Damn… I’ve never come across a ranking that I’ve vehemently disagreed with as much as this one. I disagree with pretty much 95% of everything that was being said: Ralph Breaks the Internet, Toy Story 4, and The Incredibles 2 being decent sequels, tolerating the asshole protagonist of Brother Bear while finding Woody’s arc polarizing, saying Buck Cluck is a better written father than Marlin, everything said about Home on the Range, giving Wish a 9/10, disliking the dark undertones of The Hunchback of Notre Dame while liking the gargoyles even though they don’t fit the tone of the movie at all, finding the characters of Brave likeable and putting it over Toy Story 3 ... wow.

You kinda remind me a lot of Lily Orchard and the way she conducts her media analysis and humor. Not saying that’s a bad thing; in fact, I find it interesting. Listening to contrarians gives you different perspectives and occasionally, we can agree upon the consensus, like Pocahontas being a shitty, boring film. Your ranking was unique, to say the least.

@omarchakrowf - 02.06.2024 02:24

I really appreciate that you have an actually normal take on wish instead of NEW DISNEY BAD BC I SAID SO. It has flaws, but so does every movie. You brought up great points and I appreciate your level headed review of it!

@Perpisperp - 11.06.2024 05:48

This guy is so lucky he hasn’t gotten canceled :)

@CSS-Gerbrad7 - 11.06.2024 18:10

I respect your opinions but I didn’t expect Ratatouille and WALL-E to be that low

@tophatplays4449 - 14.06.2024 04:39

I’m sorry, but there’s more to Dumbo than meets the eye

@Jollyjose251 - 14.06.2024 13:24

Is this rage bait?

@dabreadgalaxy1302 - 14.06.2024 18:04

Oh yeah,we definitely need a show on the great mouse detective😊that would be awesome 🤩

@dimitarmihov9788 - 16.06.2024 18:42

Hi. I'm really happy that you're one of the few people who wen out of their way to not only enjoy the movie, but also bring valid points about why it's good. Now is it perfect? No, it isn't. Is it the second coming of the Lion King? no, but it doesn't have to be. Is it still a good time? Yes, and I personally give it a 7/10. I know you're currently making a video on the movie, but I have a question that's not necessary for you to ask if you don't want to, but what's your opinion on the whole ''adorkable'' thing that appeared out of nowhere?

@AHylianWarrior - 18.06.2024 01:06

In Treasure Planet did you know it was Doppler who gave birth to his and Amelia's children? Disney told them to cut the lines because they thought it was too risqué for a kid's movie because he's a male
